Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by spendabuck

  1. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    I have checked, & Plant Mega Pack works greatly with TFC! It registers TFC blocks as well, so plants will grow on TFC grass, aquatic plants grow in TFC water, & epiphytes grow on TFC trees. The only problem I believe the mods have is that you can't eat the berries from PMP due to TFC's new hunger system, & there may be some recipes that don't work that I haven't seen.
  2. Dinosaurs

    Hmm… if someone made this kind of modpack, would you play it? *ideas begin to flow*
  3. TFC rewrite suggestions

    Personally, I would like it if the TFC rewrite allowed the player to access other dimensions; I think that this needs to happen because it would improve mod compatibility between TFC & dimension mods such as Aether II, Twilight Forest, & Nevermine. Perhaps TFC could even add a new dimension (probably not, but one can dream… ).
  4. 1.7.10 mods with TFCb79

    I honestly haven't tested this out, but I believe that DecoCraft would work nicely with TFC. Most of the recipes are made from special items that drop off of hostile mobs, so I believe that it would work well. I would also be interested to see if plants from Plant Mega Pack would grow on TFC blocks; i.e. having flowers, bamboo, etc. spawn on TFC grass, epiphytes spawn on TFC trees, or aquatic plants spawning in TFC water. Here are links to both of the mods: Decocraft - Plant Mega Pack -
  5. I have searched for a good 1.7.10 TFC modpack for a while. However, I haven't been able to find a perfect one - most, like TechnoFirma or TerraFirmaTech, have too much tech, while others, like TerraFirmaPunk, are good but have other themes (in the case of TFP, steampunk). I am wanting a mod pack based on TerraFirmaCraft, but with some other content mods. Thus, I have decided to begin making my own TFC modpack, and I am currently looking for some good mods. Here are some mods that I think would work well so far: TerraFirmaCraft -This one is as obvious as a bad plot twist . MineTweaker 3 -This is mainly so I can create (well, probably ask someone else to create) custom recipes for other mods to fit TFC. Carpenter's Blocks -I honestly believe that Carpenter's Blocks are amazing, and combined with the chisel from TFC, the possibilities are endless. NEI w/ Waila & Wawla -These mods are so I can discover what everything is with ease. Smart Moving -As most TFC players know, TFC & Smart Moving are a match made in heaven. The only problem with this is that I have had problems installing Smart Moving in the past so I'm not sure if I'll be able to install it. Infernal Mobs -Despite some people believe that Infernal Mobs is OP, I personally believe that it is a fun challenge compared to regular mobs. BiblioCraft -I honestly really like furniture mods in Minecraft, and since Mr. Crayfish's Furniture doesn't really fit TFC's theme IMO, Bibliocraft was a good replacement; besides, who doesn't want fancy armor stands & bookshelves ? JourneyMap -Since Zan's Minimap is a bit overpowered in TFC, I believe that Journey Map is a good replacement. Ruins -I believe that if I can make some good custom ruins that fit TFC, the Ruins mod would allow for exploration to be more exciting. Mo' Creatures -While I'm not certain about adding this mod into my modpack, it's one of the few good mob mods that fit TFC; all I would have to do is change the healths of the mobs. Twilight Forest -Despite you cannot go to other dimensions in TFC, I believe that with the Ruins mod I could make some interesting dungeons with mobs from TF. Backpacks -I'm pretty sure that a while back there was a compatibility mod between Backpacks & TFC, but I'm not sure if it has updated since 1.2 or something. However, I may be able to use MT3 to make a new TFC friendly recipe for backpacks. Weather & Tornadoes 2 -This mod mainly adds realistic clouds & wind, though it also adds in tornadoes, which could be interesting in the game. Better Foliage -This mod is mainly aesthetic as well, but it looks good in TFC worlds (plus you can hide in the leaves better). EnviroMine -Despite many elements from EnviroMine are already in TFC (thirst, block physics, etc.), there are also a few elements that aren't in TFC like temperature, sanity & oxygen levels. So those are the mods I have in mind right now, but I'm still open to suggestions.
  6. Mods that Compliment TerraFirmaCraft

    Thanks for your input so far everybody! Kittychanley - I will make sure that I change the mob health; I believe that TFC mobs have around 10x as much health compared to their vanilla counterparts. I didn't know that about EnviroMine - thanks for the information though. AllenWL - Thank you for your suggestion. Again, for some reason, I can't get Smart Moving to work; I believe that the Ships mod will be great. Just to be clear, you are talking about Archimedes' Ships, right?
  7. New expansion idea

    No; just no.
  8. Realistic Hostile Mobs

    Oh, I didn't see that, kitty . Thanks for letting me know, and I actually like that idea as well; adding the realistic mobs to the surface & moving the unrealistic mobs to the caves.
  9. Realistic Hostile Mobs

    As we all know, TFC is about adding realism to Minecraft, and IMO, zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders, & endermen are unrealistic. My suggestion is to add new hostile mobs to the mod that are more realistic. However, the normal mobs such as zombies, creepers, etc. could be enabled in the config, & the realistic mobs could be disabled in the config in case anyone thinks that this is going too far. Here are my ideas for mobs. For starters, let's talk about mammals. For this, there would be three major 'groups'; the big cats, the bears, & the wolves. Of course, we already have a bear in TFC, however my idea is that there would be various species of these creatures. For example, big cats would include tigers, lions, leopards, cougars, snow leopards, jaguars, etc., whereas bears would include polar bears, black bears, grizzly bears (aka normal TFC bears), etc., and wolves would include grey wolves, jackals, dingoes etc. (I don't know many wolf species :3 ). Of course though, you wouldn't find all these mobs everywhere; certain mobs would spawn in certain biomes. For example, lions, tigers, jaguars, dingoes, jackals, & leopards would spawn closer to the equator in more tropical climates, whereas cougars, grizzly bears, & wolves would spawn in more temperate climates, & polar bears & snow leopards would spawn in polar biomes. Of course, there aren't only mammalian predators. For example, in warmer climates, there may be various large reptiles such as crocodiles, alligators, & large monitor lizards. In the ocean, various sharks & large cetaceans (which I know are mammals, but I thought would be more appropriate to classify with marine life for various reasons) would exist. As for drops, however, I'm not too sure; I'm still fairly new to TFC, but whatever most large mammals such as cows, sheep, & horses drop should be fine. These mobs however would not only be a threat to you; they'd also be a threat to your livestock, for they'd hunt pigs, chickens, sheep, cattle, & horses, both wild & domesticated. However, you could probably do something with domestic wolves to defend your livestock (I haven't completely fleshed out this idea yet). So this is my idea. Please give your feedback, & if you have any improvements for the suggestion, post below.
  10. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    Well, I think I'll stay on 78 then; most of the mods are for 1.6.4
  11. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    I am currently creating a private pack based around progression, using TFC as well as some other mods. However, not only are many Mo Creatures mobs & TFC endermen spawning, but many vanilla mobs are as well. And I don't mean TFC vanilla mobs; I mean the vanilla ones with only around 20 health that I could wreck with a stone knife . Anyway, here's the list of mods if you need it: 1.6.4_BCTFCcrossover-0.9.B78 1.6.4_LeatherWaterSacTFC_3.2.B78_HF7+ backpack-1.26.29-1.6.x BackTools2.0.1 buildcraft-A-4.2.2 Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.6 - MC 1.6.4 CodeChickenCore ConfigMod for MC v1.6.4 CoroUtil for MC v1.6.4 CustomMobSpawner 3.0.0 CustomNPCs_1.6.2-1.6.4 damage-indicators- DrZharks MoCreatures Mod v6.1.0 DynamicLights_1.6.4 ElectricalAge_BETA_1.2.0b EnviroMine-v1.1.66 ExtendedRenderer for MC v1.6.4 extrafirma-universal-1.0.4-1.6.4 Galacticraft-1.6.4- Galacticraft-Planets-1.6.4- Hats iChunUtils idfixminus-1.6.4-1.0.0 InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77 mapwriter-1.6.4-2.0.17 MAtmos-Mod-1.6.4 MCA-3.6.0 MC-1.6.4 MicdoodleCore-1.6.4- MineTweaker3-1.6.4-3.0.6 NotEnoughItems OptiFine_1.6.4_HD_U_D1 RopePlus_1.6.4 RusticamMelius v1.2.0 Smart-Moving-Mod-1.6.4 TFC-0.78.17 Tomahawk-Mod-1.6.4 Waila_1.5.2a Weather v2.3.2 Mod for MC v1.6.4
  12. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    Will it be for 1.6.4?
  13. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    Two years… *sighs* On an unrelated note, do you know where I can find some other modpacks using TFC? I need inspiration :3 . I just added Small Boats & Archimedes Ships.
  14. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    How long does that normally take?
  15. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    Could someone make a port mod for TFC & Galacticraft? I really want it in the pack.
  16. Glitches with Mobs Spawning

    It's working well, besides the mob glitch & the fact that the Moon is just void . Any ideas for the cause of the problem? And isn't there a config for mob health? Also, any mod suggestions? I'm a bit low on mods due to the fact that TFC is so large.