Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Trulhammaren

    • IGN: Trulhammaren
    • Age: 26 or 27 I'm actually quite terrible at remembering how old I am........
    • Nationality: USA
    • TFC experience: I played the early versions of TFC and recently got back into it, not necessarily an expert, but I can manage in most things.
    • will you be recording during the event? I would love to be able to, but that might it might not be possible. Depends if paychecks line up for us being able to warrant the pc upgrade we are looking at.

  1. @Allen. I use the terms pot and jug synonymously as there is practically no difference to the term.


    @Dj. The jugs I recall seeing were probably closer to 3 to 4 gallon containers, though it is completely possible I am recalling the 'at home' ones. I am a fairly large dude and occasionally have a hard time putting weight and work into the perspective of smaller people. Half a gallon for some reason seems a bit on the large size to me at the moment, but I am admittedly having spacial cognitive issues at the moment. Remember the bladder of a waterskin was typically in fact made from an animals bladder occasionally stomachs were used as well, something I would be more inclined at the moment to believe the half-gallon contents equivalent.


    EDIT: "I would like to also input that it wouldn't make much sense to cool a jug of water in the window, but rather keep in it the coolest, shadiest spot in the home. The sunlight itself would actually heat the water."


    That actually depends on climate, in dry windy areas near a window or a breeze way would totally be the best method of cooling the water down, yes direct sun is an issue, but for the most part the idea of a curtain or blind was a pop out solution so as to allow the breeze in, but keep direct sun out. Not so effective in more humid environs.


  2. Actually, Mud hut's were more common in a worldwide sense. Being primarily made from straw and sticks that were then covered in a thick mud and then left to dry. Adobe in and of itself is fairly unique to the America's.


  3. There is a mod, I'm not certain which one it is, but it does fix the not affecting terrain thing already, it's something along the minetweaker line and I think it fixes the cloud height thing as well. If I had to make a guess it's probably the coros util thing.


  4. Your logic, while not completely incorrect, is a little skewed. A water skin is lighter, but also considerably smaller, than what I imagine the clay pots to be modeled after. So it's not a matter of holding more water as it is carrying more skins. Historically the clay pots that women would go fill was a once a day occurrence and typically covered every possible use of water that a family would need it for, barring perhaps bathing. Whereas most water skins I've seen /might/ carry drinking water for two, maybe. More than likely a single skin was drinking water for a persons needs for a couple of days, so yes they would probably need to carry several in order to make it from one water source to another.


  5. There is a mod out there that does localized weather quite well already, I'll need to go hunt it down really quickly. A minor note being it is kinda a resource hog.


    EDIT:  There we are, I was quite happy with how it changed the way weather worked, despite my first three unlucky spawns as I got hit with tornado's during the first night all three times, but nontheless I did enjoy it. Too bad my machine just simply can't keep up with the resources needed.


  6. Yes...sorta. I recycle old wine bottles for pretty much everything for camping I just fill a bunch of the 2 gallon bottles? or are they 1 gallon, I don't remember the large sangria jugs or apple juice jugs. You would be amazed at how handy a cylinder of scrap upholstery fabric and a strap can be. Though the occasional questioning by cops does occur, not really anything to worry about if you aren't doing any no-nos.


  7. IIRC The Lagometer is typically a major culprit, I think the other big one is in the Other tab....whatever that tab is called. Can't remember exactly what it is at the moment. Basically you want all the Other tab to be on fastest if I'm remembering correctly, then you just kinda fiddle with the other things one at a time.


  8. About the waterskin, I just think it fits the role for what it is proposed kinda better than the glass bottles just because of the flavor. I mean, not even in real life and modern time glass bottles are the chosen containers for travellers to carry their beverage. They're heavy, cumbersome and harmfull when they break. And when transported, they're prone to break. For game purposes, I'm fine with the bottles, I just feel a waterskin would better blend TFC atmosphere. xD


  9. As a large build builder, I don't. While yes jack-o-lanterns are a little cheesy, they are still a permanent lighting source and frankly all the lighting options in vanilla look like trash, You just have to get creative with how you do lighting, and if anything pushing people that don't use hidden light methods to use them only increases their overall talent as a builder, because it makes you look at things a different way which is an important skill in any and every creative activity.


    Correct me if I'm wrong but Redstone lanterns are still possible to be made right? I never use them in general so I haven't really looked into it.


  10. I must be severely unlucky or I have a config all buggered, because my gold panning experiences have been all but lacking. I'm lucky if I get a single copper from the full fifty trys per chunk, not to mention my typically terrible luck with finding fresh water sources to begin with.


  11. Not entirely certain how people would welcome this idea nor how one would implement it exactly, but 'a' solution to the issue would be to add a proper kiln to the mix. It could be another use for fire clay, which as I understand the devs (or at the very least dunk) are always looking for more uses for some stuff. There is a historical precedent of bricked kilns existing pretty early in the grand scheme of things, I'm a bit fuzzy on the dates so I'll leave those be for the time being. If we used fire clay obviously this would be a post stone age technology, but it could be used as a way to facilitate multiple items cooking, as you wouldn't necessarily need to render the individual pots/vessels/molds.


    In short we could 'have our cake and eat it as well', so they say. Just a thought.


  12. Maybe it is just me and the way I build, but I personally have always hated the way pretty much every light source block has looked since forever and as such I have become particularly proficient in hiding my light sources from view. Now I haven't had a whole lot of opportunity to test out how the detail blocks work as far as transparency goes, but I'm hoping that with those being a thing that it should be even easier to hide all those grotty looking blocks that give us light. (and yes I am aware that texture packs exist, I am just unable to actually run any with my current computer, hell I can barely keep TFC running for more than a few minutes at a time)


  13. IGN: Trulhammaren

    Age: 27 (I think)

    Why this server?: Seems like a decent enough place as far as I can tell, not to mention the idea of a restart appeals to me.

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: Former band nerd, current Medieval Reenactor, probably most importantly, bored to tears. I take pride in my abilities as a builder. I really hate trying to do these 'Describe yourself' things...


  14. And how is that? It's realistic. 

    Take it from someone who has done the research and in fact made usable wood for carpentry from a log without use of modern day techniques (modern day being anything post 14th century) it is in no way realistic. You are missing about 5 other steps not to mention making a board out of a log via splitting is exceptionally difficult work particularly due to lack of control and how tree grain works. And even then I required metal age tools to get the job done. The current method TFC has for that is by and large probably the best manner in which to bridge the realism/believability gap.


  15. Holy misunderstanding of how spawn protection works. Has anybody here even read the wiki page on it?


    To be fair, that particular page is difficult to stumble upon unless you know exactly what you are looking for. Or at least I had difficulty finding it via anything except searching for it directly.
