Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Random832

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  1. Bellows GUI

    The key problem is that the temperature indicator isn't available when working the bellows. Making it visible in the world, or on the HUD when you're close to a forge, or having a separate gui for the bellows, would also fix this. Try actually suggesting an improvement to the idea instead of being overly negative. Also. I specifically did NOT mention the ANVIL gui. A forge, fireplace, or bloomery has the single purpose of heating up things - all the actions available to you: hit the bellows, add fuel, or remove the workpiece - should be on a single screen. Did you forget what a forge in TFC is? You don't work the metal on it.
  2. Metal blocks

    Why not a hollow block made from six metal sheets? vanilla Iron blocks are implied by the texture to be hollow anyway. You could fill in the center with dirt or rock to make a heavier / more durable to creepsplosions block.
  3. Time to remove placed logs

    Not to mention, it clearly can tell the difference, because it doesn't do the "shower of logs" tree felling thing when you've got a large number of connected placed logs. It's fine that it takes that long to cut a tree, but this shouldn't apply to stuff you've built out of logs (or to random logs strewn about your land by a griefer)
  4. Time to remove placed logs

    Even with a metal axe, it takes a lot of time to remove a single player-placed log block, similar to the amount of time to cut a tree. I can understand why the time was increased in the first place (to balance tree felling), but it makes for an annoying process if you mess up placing a log pile, or want to take down a house that you built from logs, and also provides an easy way to grief SMP servers.
  5. Bellows GUI

    When there is a valid bellows next to it, the Fire/Forge/Bloomery GUI should have a button for operating it, rather than having to exit the GUI to right click the bellows. This would allow it to be used without alternating back and forth between the GUI with the temperature gauge and the main screen to click the bellows.
  6. They are normally used for feature requests as well as bugs - they're useful for this purpose because they're easier to search to see if someone has posted it before, it has categories, etc. I assumed this was the case for TFC, too, especially as you have a "feature" severity level just like everyone else does. I didn't even know about the forum because the bug tracker was the first place I looked, because that's where most people maintain feature requests. I only found out about the suggestion forum after someone was very rude to me about it on the bug tracker. So, my question is A) why is it set up this way, instead of the normal way with "feature" type issues being used for this sort of thing, and B, why is there still a "feature' level and no warning that feature requests should not be posted to the issue tracker? (no this is not off topic as I am making a suggestion to remove the "feature" tag and add a warning that feature requests are not to be posted to the issue tracker)