Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Coconutsales

  1. Is there a shader mod for 78?

    Nevermind, I found it. (Better leaves / Grass mod with settings (F10) turned to maximum).
  2. Is there a shader mod for 78?

    Wait, isn't that SEUS? How did you get those leaves? (If it's not SEUS.... I MUST HAVE!)
  3. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I just want to say, he never did that. Some a$$hat hacked his account and did that. You can believe me in saying that he did NOT do that.
  4. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Hello! I'm looking to join your server for a multitude of reasons. First off, the amount of mods that flavor the server are incredible. I honestly can't wait to ride a horse or train across the landscape. Second, player versus environment. This is a HUGE plus to my satisfaction. I've been on unregulated PvP TFC servers and been killed numerously by large factions in redsteel armour, and it would seem so very unfair. Plus, PvP would distract from community, which is my third reason. I'm VERY community based. In any game community, I tend to help out a lot and tend to the community's needs. I am able to adjust my living style to suit for a certain resource or project. I'm very multi-talented. Although I'm not too huge on the building in TFC, I'm sure it isn't too much to learn! Feel free to contact me if you'd like any more information or have any questions. My ingame name is as follows: RicksterCraft Thanks for reading! I can't wait!
  5. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Ah, nevermind my previous statements. I had no idea I needed to place them ALL into the /mods folder. Hah, I'm silly.
  6. I think my crafting recipes are a bit wonky... [SOLVED]

    Alas I did! Thanks! I was frustrated with this bug.
  7. Yeah... I installed Player API for 1.4.6, Forge V., and TFC build 75. I don't get it, what's wrong. x.x
  8. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    It isn't like it will be some published modpack. I only need it for utility purposes, so I'm not as flustered downloading this huge load of mods. :U
  9. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    What versions of the mods am I supposed to download? There is absolutely no instruction! I'm becoming enraged after each sub-sequential failure to install all the mods. Could someone just compile all the mods with the correct versions into a nice zip for me to download? I get anxiety from downloading this many mods. >-> I'll be here all night. Also, if you could be a doll and include the proper versions of the API and Forge as well, I'd be thankful.
  10. Bottom-most tree trunk on trees dissapering...?

    Ah, I see. It is a glitch with the saplings? I wouldn't have guessed. Sorry! And I've actually been on the forums a bit, just never posted. (Thanks though! )
  11. The forest around me is being devastated by the horrible disappearing logs. Last time I checked, trees didn't have seasons, right? Bug or not? Help!
  12. Good soil to plant in?

    I read on the wiki that crops degrade out of the ground if there isn't enough nutrients in the soil. (Which is happening to my once very large farm) What/where is the best soil to plant in? Is there any special technique to agriculture that I'm missing? (I planet everything together, like normal Minecraft would be done)
  13. Good soil to plant in?

    Ah, thanks! Now, two more questions: I can still keep my crops side-by-side? and Does soil type differ on the nutrients?