Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lipki

  1. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    It is a bias of Summerfields.Round shapes are avoided for everything handmade.Apples are always round, but bread, clay, etc. are cubic.But you can remake round, if you want.
  2. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields majnew gui and new tools
  3. Drinking water

    I drowned ... I still thirst.
  4. Remove snow accumulation limit

    Cool I look at your "issue" and I test on my side. edit ------For the little I've tested, it works much better.
  5. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    We're done here, the patch was accepted.We'll talk to my next bug. Let me time to code it.
  6. Remove snow accumulation limit

    We agree....
  7. [Solved] Stair Mode Bug

    Kittychanley, I don't think you're being fair. I discovered the bug immediatly.The patch is already on github for 4 days. Bugs are part of the natural process of development. Isn't it!
  8. Drinking water

    ok, I still trying to drink with the foot: D
  9. Remove snow accumulation limit

    Here is the code. We can increase the rate of appearance of snow. if(meta < 15 && R.nextInt(20) == 0 && world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z).getMaterial() != Material.leaves)---> R.nextInt(10) == 0And adjust the rate of disappearance of snow at it's height. if(meta > 1 && R.nextInt(5) == 0) world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, meta - 1, 2);---> R.nextInt( meta ) == 0(More snow. Less melt.)
  10. Drinking water

    Why not drink with our hands.If one banging in water, we drink in small quantities.Less rapidly than with a jag, and that requires us to stand still.
  11. Chisel: mode slab

    ok, I'm not sure for this part, also.
  12. Chisel: mode slab

    Bonjour,I propose a change in the "Chisel : Slab mode" tool. Allow removing the slices. So as to allow the use on BlockStair and on BlockDetailed.
  13. Remove snow accumulation limit

    I did not find any accumulation limit in the code.The light, heat and rain, causes melting.But nothing prevents it from accumulating.For all I know.
  14. Chisel: mode slab

    Less clicking, less failure, and less wear.Use chisel tool, more fluid and more natural.With regard to the rewrite of the code ... my pleasure (Users without avatar is scary I think.)
  15. Chisel: mode slab

    The idea is to make the tool more universal.Removing impossibilities.Today we can not use the slab tool on a staircase, or a detailed block.With this proposal we can.After your imagination do the rest.
  16. Chisel: mode slab

    I add a gif to illustrate.
  17. Bonjour, I propose a change in the "Chisel : Stair mode" tool. Allow removing large cubes. 16 most common forms are combined in BlockStair. We click on each cube that we want to see disappear, if the result is not in the list of 16 above, we pass on the BlockDetailled. And we can continue to use the tool. Example : 3 shot of chisel (stair mode) I would add that the code of this proposal exist, it's not just a dream.
  18. Tool to add in creative mode.

    Kittychanley I know, don't worry.Just to get an idea.
  19. Here are two examples :- Can use the chisel without a hammer.- Shift-click with item ore on a stone to make a block of you have another suggestion? This is a discussion for rough out the subject.Do not forget that certain block can not appear in the creative inventory. need to find alternatives. If the subject exist, I apologize.
  20. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    World edit should recognize this series. But much of the blocks information are in Tile Entity. I do not know how WorldEdit reacts to it. What is PRISM ?
  21. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    TFC 0.79.12 Changelog: Attack of the Pull Requests [*]Chiseling stairs now supports carving large sections out of a block instead of only allowing basic shaped stairs. Corner stairs are now a thing. Mouahahahahahahahaha .-'"""""'-. .' `. / . . : : | ________ | : / : `.____.' / `. .' `-._____.-'
  22. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    This is another problem.But the techno used does not allow. I think...It would change a lot of things, and create lots of different block.
  23. Minecraft API support

    I do not know what to tell you, I do the same thing and it works.Except I'm on gnulinux, but that's not the problem. The log say what ?
  24. [x32][0.78][0.79.17 83%] SummerFields

    This is not the texture, but the shape of the block.Maybe the texture can alleviate the problem ...But I am not responsible for these two mod, and it is a beta.But thank you for the return.