Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by lipki

  1. Hello,
    I did this some time ago for TFC 1.8
    I do not know if it can be useful.

    for each :

    - blockstates
    - models/block
    - models/item
    - textures
    - image for wiki and/or item
    - sources blender

    I have not followed the development of TFC2 but if helpful, I will edit the files to correct them.



    Acacia Door.pngAcacia Fence.pngAcacia Fence.png

    Acacia Fence.png

    Acacia Log Fence.png


  2. Bonjour,


    I would love to improve rocks and ores.

    Current ores was done quickly enough, "until something better."

    But it takes time. :-/

    As for the colors of ores, I chose to keep the colors chosen by TFC for don't lose the players.It's not finished, but I know it, and I intend to improve this part.If you want to offer me a textures, I take. :-)


  3. If you didn't notice Lipki, Bioxx rewrote your stair changes to better optimize them in 79.13. Using the detailed block was a really really bad idea because it is not very optimized.


    Yeees I just saw that.It's much better.I'm looking at the code.


    Edit :


    However, we can no longer transform the BlockStair into BlockDetailled.I wonder if I will re-propose this change?


  4. So with the new changes with the stair mode option, which would be the best option to reduce lag?


    Either cutting a slab down 4 times, or cutting off the 4 top quadrants of the stairs?


    To make a slab always use the slab tool.


    Slabs, stair simple and stair inside corner, still causes less lag. // edit : This is no longer true.

    Everything else is the multiblock, it causes lag.

    But the multiblock self-optimizes to reduce lag.


  5. I misspoke.Your proposal are good, I do not suggest you change them.But cut them into several stage, easy to code.Step one:Keep minecraft map by default, but change the crafting recipe.8 papers + 1 bousole -> 9 papersStep two :What you wantDo not scare the developer with feature too complicated.


  6. Uh.. okay.. oh dear, I honestly did not see that in the Suggestions Directory. Sorry for suggesting the same idea!


    Never mind ! Don't worry.


    What you propose requires a ray tracing.It is quite hard to code, but it is not impossible.A piece of advice : you must do this by simple step.1 - add a new crafting for minecraft map.2 - add a new Enlarging method.4 - add waypoint feature.etc...That way there is a chance that this map see the day.
