Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Shaard

  1. So apparently getting ore is the best kept secret since the location of the Ark of the Covenant. -Originally there was flint tools to mine some stone, but they removed those -Then there was stone pickaxes, but they removed those So in pursuit of figuring things out (the wiki is pretty bad right now at actually explaining things, which is okay i suppose as its still new-ish) I decide "hey let's go watch some let's plays. First one, walking around with a few sticks, server goes down with a "oh hang on gotta restart video brb folks!" comes back with same items except now he has an ore in his hands. Get mad, go to another let's play. Server gets restarted, cuts to after rejoin and suddenly has 3/4 ores in his hands. Me to myself: "Maybe it spawns in caves similar to rare coal and iron?" check a good 30-35 cave systems from small to large and its just bare dirt and stone. So then I look up random forums posts and see: -Make sluices and used gravel to increase ore chances -Pick up stones from around the world So I go out and dig up 700 stones from various areas around my base (in about a 2000x2000 square-ish area) and not a single ore, so then I try sluices. 8 sets of 12 sluices constantly refilled and running for 8 hours in 8 different surrounding biomes/locations to try to get an area with ore. so 60 gems later (sad that they're useless right now, a little annoying they're so easily obtained if seeing as they're so useless) and not a single ore. I guess they removed getting ore from sluices and rocks, I must have missed that and I apologize if I did. So can someone somewhere tell me how to get some ore beyond all the guides, let's plays, and "Getting Started!" walkthroughs beyond "now you have fire. Once you have ore smelt it in here" After hundreds of wood, charcoal, meat, plants, etc. etc. and still not having a single piece of ore this mod is very hastily going from "realistic and challenging" to "Unintelligable and terribly ill-informed" and it's really sad to see that happening.
  2. Getting your first ore problem

    Alright I still doubt that my luck has been bad enough to miss with all my sluice setups and rock gatherings but I'll keep trying. Another note: I've read and heard a lot about using a hammer on "naturally spawned stone types" to get the beginners anvil but so far regardless of the stone type right clicking the top of any stone types I've found (admittedly only 3-4) results in absolutely nothing happening. It this perhaps a bit glitchy or have I just not found the right rock type yet?