Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Kimbblesrath

  1. JAG, on a kinda-sorta not really related note, how do you, eternal, and noodles have "unique" titles? I saw some talk that it was Dunk being sneaky, but that could have been rumor.

    oh, and on the subject of titles, I'm a blacksmith now, neat-o.

    YEAH! IKR I have totally been wondering that too. I'm pretty sure it is spAnser or Dunk anyway.


  2. Even low end pcs are able to handle 16x16x16 and even better than how they do now, the problem to them would be rendering more than 128 radius... So even if you have a tall world it may seem small...

    For me the biggest problem is in lighting and interaction with different clients, that is hard to code... For me at least.

    I don´ t think that this is interest of the forge team, they got other things to handle

    My PC isn't that good, but it can handle 512 upwards chunks.


  3. Aaaaallll the waaaay across the skyyy! What does it mean?

    Aaaaahhh good times with old friends. My best friend and I didn't stop laughing for a good 2 hours ^_^




  4. are you saying that the TFC team is 5 people? It isn't, just Bioxx and I (as far as developers anyway, we have a couple artists.... somewhere)

    Ya I was including the artists. Are they not active anymore?


  5. *Cough* http://terrafirmacra...__fromsearch__1 *Cough* I haven't wrote two fucking texts walls for this to be ignored... *cough*

    Excuse me, i think i'm getting a cold :

    Well, they are already removing the biomes tab from there, i guess they can take out some other things as well... So yeah, i'm on for this.

    Sorry, I have not read that.


  6. The first MC was Notch, basically.

    But now anyone can make a voxel based game, if you search on steam greenlight and desura you'll find some. Anyway, back to CC... It is possible, not in the near future, I think. Let's see how far I can go or if CC gets back.

    Ah, I see. It looks like my opinion was badly judged then. Well, any ideas (anyone) for how this could be if it was implemented? Such as graphics, formations, etc?


  7. Haha hold your horses.

    It is not easy, au contraire, there is a reason CC is halted... with constant changes in vanilla it is even harder to keep up the work.

    Plus Dunk and Bioxx haven't done this amazing job all by themselves and is not done from scratch it.

    SO you are saying CC will possibly be implemented, just not now?

    And I know Dunk and Biox didn't do it all themselves or from scratch. I am just saying I think TFC in terms of gameplay is better than vanilla. Also, this is what 5 people? And MC is atleast 30 people. and the updates in TFC are much more useful than MOST of the updates in vanilla.


  8. Not with TFC as of now... And I would be permabanned, right Dunk?

    First I would have to make the vanilla work. Notch said he wouldn't implement because of some glitches on SMP

    Dunk said you can do anything with the code as long as you are the only one who uses it. It stays on your computer, but cant go out of it.

    And IMHO Bioxx and Dunk are better that Notch. (No offense Notch.)

    EDIT: Here is the quote by Dunk on that:

    ......Instead of dealing with this case by case, we are putting a blanket "no" over all requests to make add-ons or mods at this time. No ifs ands or buts. No exceptions. (to distribute them anyway). Once this mod is on your computer you can do what you like, but don't facilitate others to do so. This means no sending files or instructions or anything of the sort. Do not let someone learn how to get your add-on our mod on their computer. ..


  9. Or at least the co-ordinates in the corner of the screen.

    I don't know anything else in the game that breaks believability like F3.

    100% agreed.

    There could be a cartography aspect instead.

    Instead of actual coordinates, you could make large maps of your areas (hand drawn, to be more skill-requiring, and "fun") to find where you are. Maps could require paper, paint, a table, and possibly a brush. Paint could be made with dyes and oil.

    I guess the closest thing we have to my idea is the knapping GUI. But instead of taking away, we could add pixels to the map, etc.


  10. If we could implement this, we would. For starters, it would remove all hope of TFC being a mods folder mod and would require so many base edits... you don't even know... But Bioxx and I are on board with this idea, it just probably won't happen.

    Awww. But I remember you saying somewhere that TFC doesn't need to be compatible with other mods, because it will eventuallly add all the cool (non-Tekkit-esque) stuff itself. Or maybe that was someone else. Also, before 1.3.2 (i think) TFC was a jar folder mod, and it was doing fine then.

    I might be mistaken, but I thought compatibility wasn't really that high up on your list?


    I was tinkering with that... But the hard part is the smp. And yes would change base classes.

    What do you mean you were tinkering with it. Were you messing with TFC code to try and make it happen? I really suck with code, so I have no idea, but why would it be hard to do SMP?


    To back up my reasoning on "Does compatibility really matter?", here is Azdoine in the "Thirst!" thread:

    But why in fuck do you need to mod your mod? Both BTW and TFC have more content and playability than almost all other mods out there, and are designed to be played alone. Pretty much anything you can add will probably have a shitload of overlapping functionality, and probably be game breaking.

    On a sidenote, who voted 1024 blocks?


  11. Has anyone seen the mod Cubic Chunks? It was a mod back in the day of 1.7.3 Beta, and it stopped being maintained around 1.0. Basically what the mod did was increase the height limit - to 65504 blocks. This would normally cause a lot of lag, but what is did was this. Instead of having each chunk 16 x 16 x 65504, it made each chunk 16 x 16 x 16. Hence cubic chunks.

    Now I was thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if this was implemented in TFC? There could be gigantic mountains, and breath-takingly deep ravines. Underground, and above ground generation would be far more dynamic. You could have Mt. Everest, or the Mariana Trench.

    I realize that the full 65504 blocks would not really work as it would need a render over haul to even come close to seeing the mid-way of a large mountain, let alone the summit. I am not suggesting 65504, but more like 8192, or 16384. But answer the poll on that front.

    Eternal, don't get all rage at me (or arch, noodles, or anyone) and say "JUST USE THE EFFIN' SEARCH BAR!!!!", or something along those lines. I did in fact use the search bar, and four posts came up. 3 of them, there haven't been posts since like September or August, so I left those alone. But the underground lakes one, was only discussed in brief detail. so I decided to start my own topic.

    If one of you rages at me and says it has already been discussed, then pardon me and feel free to get a mod to lock it. (or even worse, brutally derail it! :P)

    I would like to see you guys' input and feedback on this topic. Let this be the official Cubic Chunks topic! :D


  12. meh, I've played DayZ like twice with my friend Nieztro, but that's about it.

    Ah yes. Do you know what happened to Nieztro? He stopped making videos.


  13. Thanks for calling me an ass.

    Oh sh+t you're flowerchild?

    EDIT: After reading arch's post, I'm confused. Is Azdoine flowerchild, or not?


  14. The brass would look really good in pattern with a carbon steel base.

    I don't know what the stitch would have been called. I just fiddled around with a few links until I found one that worked well. I made most of a vest but it got squished in a move.

    Carbon steel you ,ean like blacker steel, or the one I posted a picture of? It would probably look good with both because of the contrastt.

  15. It's okay bro, i sometimes make the same kind of mistakes :3

    JAG, why'd you change you profile pic? This one looks really cool, but Slenderman was cool too. Just curious as to why you did.

    Also on a side note, I cant seem to add a profile pic. Every time I try, It says failed to import image, and same for when I try to put a URL.


  16. Ahh it is aluminum eh, I suspected but wasn't sure. Much lighter than anything I was doing, but just don't go riding into battle with it! :) Sure more pics always cool

    Oh yeah LOL and I'll post more pics.

    @Gorni I was thinking that.


    Here are more pics. They are just rings, not actual stitched patches.

    Bronze Rings:

    Bronze Rings, Close Up:

    Brass Rings:

    Stainless Steel:

    DOUBLE EDIT: Puxa, What stitch did you use for your chainmail?

    Also, did you use steel, galvanized steel, what?
