Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Periodic Tableware

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Everything posted by Periodic Tableware

  1. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    As a roleplayer, I'm definitely interested. Not so much into the PVP aspect, but I can deal with it (I have before). I'll hop on the TS and check it out; is that where I can find the server IP?I'll be Avogadro (that's my Minecraft username, too).
  2. Smoke racks

    I figured it out! You have to have the smoke rack's string line up north-south. Example: on the Z coord, for a five length rack, the solid block to which the strings attach would be at the coords Z:100 and Z:106 respectively. So far we have tested and can note that: 1. You can't brine more than five pounds (80oz) at a time. 2. Meat brines in four hours. 3. Racks must line up north-south. 4. Rot doesn't matter when attaching them to racks. 5. You can attach a ten pound (160oz) slab to each section of the rack. 6. Meat dries almost instantly.
  3. Smoke racks

    I have been using a full 160oz of meat with no rot each time. Just can't get it to work. :SMy boyfriend's been testing it out, too, and we can make vinegar (except with corn whiskey, but I think that's because it's new and doesn't have the same code as the rest of the alcohol yet, so that needs to be added unless it's intended that corn whiskey not make vinegar *shrug*). We just can't brine. :S Pre-post Edit: He figured it out! It has to be a half stack of meat! 160oz is too much. 80oz works. *cheers*
  4. Smoke racks

    On the subject of smoke racks and brining, while I figured out how to make the racks, I just can't get the meat to brine. I seal the barrel. I've tried switching the in/out button, waited several days, nothing. The meat just comes out half rotten and never brines. Am I just slow or am I a little bugged?
  5. Small Vanilla TFC Server LF players

    I realise I'm a bit late in applying but I'd like to give it a shot anyway. Maybe when you have some slots freed up in a week or two, or whenever, maybe you could send me an invite if you'd like. Name:Avogadro Age:28 What I look for in a server: This stone-age broad just wants some more stone-age folk to pal around with, maybe making survival a little easier. I tend to play for eight to twelve hours a day, so I want a stable server. I also don't PVP, so I'm looking for a server where that isn't really a focus, too. Mostly, I like to farm and fish.