Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Androyed

  1. Make the nights/caves more scary!

    Be prepared for a lot of jump-scares. And make sure to get home before sunset! Remember that you have to enable Gammabright every time you start the game. In the config you can change the default value from 1500% to whatever you need for caves to be completely dark (probably -50%).
  2. Make the nights/caves more scary!

    True. But is it really a competition? Don't you play on SMP only because of crops growing and because it is more fun to play with others? There is one pretty big disadvantage in SMP. I play SSP, and usually when it's night I sleep. I can't go out. I can't see a damn anyway. Dynamic Lights help, but still... In SMP though, you can't sleep. So the only thing you can do is mining.
  3. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Yep, exactly what I was thinking. I think these are the three things that are the most important: - Hunger doesn't kill you - The hunger bar doesn't replenish when you die - When you die, you spawn at the exact spot you died (like you were unconscious) There should also be effects for when you get hungry or when you have less health, like slower movement and such. And I like the idea of spawning in a random place after you've died for the third time. I think with this there should come a change to the compass though: it should point to your bed. So let's say you died for the third time, spawned in a totally random place, and you want to go home. First you have to obtain the items to make a compass, which can take quite a while, but if you have them you could walk back to your home.
  4. Losing Interest in Building?

    It's like I'm reading a text I wrote myself. No, you are not the only one. I've started with like a dozen games, but never even got to the next season. I'm now on a streak I guess, and I actually feel motivated to play with this seed. What I did is I separated the building part from the actual playing part. Now I sometimes build in Creative with TMI, just because I like to experiment with the different kinds of wood and stone, and the chisel functions. In SSP, I just play and see what happens. Most of the time the game is too demanding anyway to be focusing on building. But maybe that's because I'm in an early stage. Don't know what I am going to do when the game isn't as demanding as it is know. In TFC, I actually like keeping a small wooden shack. It feels more reali... sorry, believable. For the lolz, you should look at the thread I made a couple of days ago: Motivation for that = completely gone. I'm going to continue to build in Creative, because people seem to like my creations, and I like building them, but I will never finish that project as I had intended. In regard to question 2), I think this is a decision you have to make yourself. In my opinion, nothing is cheating in Minecraft. The world is your playground. Who am I to tell you to not do this or that? TFC might be meant to be played a certain way, but that doesn't mean you should play it that way. Anyway, building a house in Creative first means you don't have to do certain chores, like cutting down trees. You can see this as a good thing, because it's a lot easier, but TFC was really meant to be easy. Then again, that doesn't mean you can't make it easy for yourself if you want to. If I were you, I would think about how far you want to go with this. For example, are you going to build a bed? That means you don't have to look for sheep anymore. Building a house first is like skipping a big part of the stone age. If I were you, I would only build the exterior, and I wouldn't make it too big. Chances are you aren't going to feel satisfied anyway. Think about it this way: you say motivation is a problem. Imagine having already built a wonderful house/castle/whatever. Then where is the motivation to start playing, to start mining?
  5. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Exactly what I was thinking, only then a little more extensive (see previous page). In a way, starving bringing you down to half-a-heart is also an effect.
  6. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    I think we are looking at it in the wrong way. The problem is that people kill themselves, because it is the easier way out. So first, we got to ask ourself the following question: why do we kill ourselves? To get the hunger bar filled, you say? Well, what about we make it so that the hunger bar won't reset after you die. Together with this change should come another change; starving won't get you killed anymore. Instead, it should have other effects on your health. Effects that can't be cured, unless you eat food! You can die all you want, but you will still live with those effects unless you eat something. I think the effects should get more severe after time. Maybe the effects could already start even if your hunger bar isn't fully drained. If you think about it, Minecraft already has effects like this. The ability to sprint, for example, is linked to the hunger bar. Not really severe, but it already kicks in even if you hunger bar isn't fully drained. The next step could be not being able to jump as high as you could before. After that, it will take longer to break blocks. Ultimately, the effects of starving should be so severe that you just can't really play anymore. Or at least it should be really annoying to play with those effects. It should take a long while before the really severe effects kick in, though. It could be that because of the effects, you won't be able to get food anymore, because you just don't have enough energy. For example, your chest could be on a place you can't reach because of your reduced jumping ability (it is just an example, I know reducing the jumping ability doesn't make sense because you can only jump 1 high. If you can't even do that, you can only go down unless there are slabs/stairs somewhere. On the other hand, maybe this gives some use to slabs/stairs. It would be a requirement to make your base "weelchair accessible".). In the end, you should always be able to get food, however long it will take. In SMP it would be easier; someone could feed you. If you are on your own, you may have a harder time reviving. I'm not really a Minecraft/TFC veteran. I'm just using logical thinking here. I don't think I am the right person to come up with examples for the effects, but I made a list of possible effects anyway. Not every effect will kick in as quick as the other. You will only experience some effects after a really long time without food in your belly. - No sprinting - Takes longer to break blocks - Not being able to break certain blocks anymore (stone?) - Slower restore from using an item (example; you would only be able to swing your sword once every two seconds) - Can't throw javelins as far (also bows won't shoot as far) - Blurred vision (it will get more severe after time, to a point it will be really annoying) - You can take and deal less damage - You won't be able to swim anymore (good luck getting across that river) Note that these are just ideas. Some of them are probably a really bad idea, and won't fit into TFC at all. Also, I assume that people that kill themselves because of starving is the only reason people kill themselves. This might not be the case. Someone might kill himself to get back to the spawn. A solution for that would be to not have a spawn. You would just respawn on the place you died. Or maybe in a random place (not totally random, but in a radius of x blocks of the original spawn OR the place you died). People are using Rei's Minimap anyway, so getting back to your base isn't going to be too hard. However, I do feel that a death penalty isn't a good idea. Instead, we should change the game mechanics so, that death won't be the easiest way out.
  7. Damascus steel

    I like the idea of something that is so valuable you will probably never obtain it. You could say "what's the point of having it in the game if you won't be able to obtain it?" Well, you have a point. But this is already the case. There are ores you will probably never see. As Bioxx himself once said:
  8. F(l)atland generation?

    I really enjoy building and designing in TFC. I like the different blocks TFC has to offer. However, building in normal worlds can be difficult. Sometimes I like using "mother nature" while building (a mountain house for example), but most of the time I just want to experiment on flatland. However, flatland generation does not work. It doesn't crash, it just tries to generate a world and then it stops responding. Is there a way to get the flatland generation working?
  9. F(l)atland generation?

    Fixed it for you. Better now? On topic; with creative mode, can't you just fly before you fall to your death? Anyway, I can't generate the world anyway, when it's "converting" it just stops responding and I have to force-close it.
  10. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    Thanks! I'm going to start with the forge/smithing building. The previous building was actually supposed to be the smithing building, but I think it looks better as a house, and I couldn't really fit a forge and anvils and such in there. So I'm going to start over, and build while keeping the purpose in mind. I hope it will be a little more useful and logical than my previous building. As much as I loved the design, some parts didn't really make sense.
  11. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    Thanks! Cool to see that someone is using my design. I'm ashamed to admit that I kind of forgot about my project. I've always been like this; better at starting projects than at actually finishing them. I have experimented with design a little though. I wouldn't call it a "useful" building, but here it is anyway: Small-medium house (no interior) With this one, I had no ideas or plans before I started building. In fact, I didn't even know what shape it was going to be, or what purpose it would have. I just started placing blocks. I ended up with a building with a lot of weird corners and walls. Not very useful at all. But I had fun designing the building. I left out the interior because I wasn't really sure what purpose the building would have. I still don't know. I guess I would use it as a house. Outside First let's take a look at the shape of the building. Like I said, the shape isn't very logical. I just started placing blocks until I was satisfied with the result. For every "corner" I used pine wood. Since the minecraft world exists out of blocks, oblique (is this the correct word?) walls aren't really possible. I put corners between quotation marks because I count oblique walls at corners. You can see what I mean in the pictures. This time I used bricks instead of cobblestone. It makes it look a little bit more modern. I used dolomite because the dark tint goes pretty well with the pine trunks and birch planks, and it creates a nice contrast with the pine planks I used inside. I also used improvised pine supports at the corners, with birch planks at the top and bottom. I made the roof hang over a little, to give the supports a "purpose". I recommend always making the roof a little bigger than the actual house, to make the building seem a little less blocky. But that's just my opinion. I used as much wood as I could to make up for the fact that the rest of the building almost only exists out of dolomite bricks. I think I hid that pretty well. The mix between pine trunks and dolomite bricks is a weird one, but I like it. Everywhere I could fit a window I placed some glass panes. Can't really say much more about that. A building needs light. For the front door I made something that looks like a small porch, making use of some more pine supports. Again, this is to make the building seem a little less blocky. On the side there is a little overhang. Under it there is actually another door. I'm not quite happy with that door. Why would a second door be there, so close to the front door? It happened because of the weird shape. I ended up with a lot of pine trunks in that area, and I thought it looked ugly. I had to build something there, to hide all those pine trunks. A door fitted, and I thought of it as a backdoor, to the garden or to the mine or something. The "fence" and planks on the ground you see outside, well, that part isn't really finished. I suppose it's part of the garden or some other area, so I didn't really pay too much attention to it. Now onto the roof. I used the same material as for the walls. I experimented with other materials, but it just didn't feel right. To make it feel less dull, I cut off the top and made the rest from glass. From the inside it looks cool, and it gives the room a lot more light. I used the overhang I build for the backdoor as some sort of balcony. With the chisel I created a little fence out of dolomite bricks. For the floor I used rhyolite smooth stone, the same I used for the floor on the rest of the building (combined with pine planks, but I will get too that later). The front The left side, with the back door The back The roof The balcony For more pictures, see the full album ( Inside For the inside I (over)used support beams again, just like in my granary. Again, they aren't needed, because I used birch planks for the second floor anyway. But I just like the look. For the flooring, I used rhyolite smooth stone. It has this marbly, modern look and its light color creates a nice contrast with the dark dolomite. Because a floor that only exists out of rhyolite looks too repetitive and dull, I used pine planks around where I placed the supports. I'm quite happy with the result. But the real show is the second floor in my opinon. The design itself isn't more than some birch planks and fences. But it makes the building seem so much bigger, so much more "open". I love that. It could be better, but I can't say I'm not happy. I came with the idea because I wasn't able to place the support beams symmetrical. Then I thought, why not leave a part out? Why not make a sort of inside balcony? The second floor originally existed out of two parts, but I joined them together with a walkway (with a fence "wall"). I had to build the walkway on the outside of the building, which changed the whole original design of the roof and walls. So I made the rest of the roof hang a little more over the walls, changed how the supports on the outisde looked, and now you can't really see it anymore (look at the roof picture). I could've build the walkway on the inside, but it didn't look right. It screwed with the open, "roomy" feeling I just created. The second floor also leads to the balcony. To get to the second floor, you have to go up a ladder. It looks a little cheap (like some sort of barn), but I couldn't fit in a staircase. It's too big. Front and back door from the inside Ladder that leads to the second floor The second floor The second floor from the other side A picture to show you the open, "roomy" feeling For more pictures, see the full album (
  12. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    I finished the granary design. I ditched the original cube idea. It wasn't really practical. Now I made into some sort of barn, with not only food storage, but also log pile storage (integrated in the roof). I used a lot of support beams, only for aesthetic reasons (everything is build with wood except for the floor/base). I just think they look nice. They make the room look a little less square. Maybe I overdone it a little (like the horizontal support beams between the chests), but I think it looks nice. Upstairs looks a little empty, but there isn't really much room for chests, and I thought I could use it as a hidden log pile storage. The back The front Inside downstairs Inside upstairs Here are some more pictures: So, how do you like it? What should I change? I can use different types of wood/cobble (remember that I only have a couple of options). Please let me now!
  13. A small project: useful buildings with a neat design

    Thank god willow is so useful. That way I don't have to waste it in my buildings. At the moment I'm working on the granary. It's going to be a small symmetrical building, probably in the form of a cube, with a sloping roof. It's not going to be more than 10 blocks wide, and inside it will be 4-5 blocks high (more if you count the roof). It will have openings at every side (like I said; symmetrical). It's a bit weird for ganaries to have openings, because everyone can just steel your food, but that will always be an issue in Minecraft unless you use iron doors (and even then), so I'm just going to ignore that. And besides, I don't even play SMP anyway. It's probably going to be a combination of cobble (Rhyolite), log piles (willow lol), birch planks, birch supports and pine tree trunks (you can place them now so that's great). I was thinking about a slightly elevated floor (1 block) made of cobble. Support beams as a sort of see-through wall (only around the 4 openings). Might be I will change the 4 openings to 1 opening because of the chest placement problem you get when you have openings on every side. Inside there won't be much else besides chests. Pictures coming. If anyone has build a granary him or herself, please post pictures! Ideas are always welcome.
  14. How SSP players should play?

    The time issue with SSP players can be resolved with a mod like this: Unfortunately, it's not available for 1.3.2 (yet?), but I think letting time go on when you are sleeping is a great idea for SSP players.