Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Posts posted by Dries007

  1. We now have an official TerraFirmaCraft 1.7.10 server!

    It's quite active already, so I'm assuming most of you already know about it, but I should really post on the forums shouldn't I?

    The server is entirely managed via our Discord, so membership there is non optional.

    Just a quick overview:

    • The server is whitelisted.
    • There is a modpack on Curse/Twitch (You can also install it via MultiMC, in fact, I recommend you do.)
    • The entire world (well, the 10K radius worldborder bit) is pregened.
    • We have 20TPS almost always (due to some modifications/bugfixes I made)
    • We have dynmap & a static map of biomes and stone types.
    • We have block logging, but have yet to need it. Please keep it that way.
    • We have most addons + Railcraft + Immersive Engineering.

    More information on Discord (#official-server) or the server landing page.


  2. Hi everyone,

    So, as some of you have noticed, I haven't been very active even after my exams where done. (Like I kinda promised.)

    But I think you're all owed an update:

    Some other projects I run (MCLink and CurseMeta, which MultiMC uses to make installing Curse modpacks possible) required immediate attention due to breakages.

    I've been on holiday after my exam results where better than I expected, then I got a 3 week work contract for a student job.
    On top of that the heat wave of the past ~2 weeks make it hard to spend any time at my PC at all.

    Bunsan and AlcatrazEscapee haven't been as lazy/tired/busy as I have been, so some progress has been made.

    I intend to get back into it, but I have 2nd chance exams later in August, so I'll be once again working on that most of the day for the rest of August.
    This time I have 3 weeks for 3 exams so I can at least spend _some_ time on something else :)

    My next semester starts the last week of September, at which point that'll be my primary occupation again.
    Hopefully I'll have a nice roster with some time left for TFC and other projects.

    I hope you're all having a great summer (or I guess winter if you're from down under)


  3. 1 minute ago, izzy1488 said:

    You don't need anyones permission to do anything with any mod. Mojang/microsoft own all rights to anything created for their game. Legally modders have no rights.. even if they act like they do. Do whatever you want with TFC... bring it back from the hole they dug and buried it in. And post a link somewhere for us all to download it.

    That's not how copyright works. And it's also not how the EULA outlines it.



    Although we license you permission to install on your device and play our Game, we are still the owners of it. We are also the owners of our brands and any content contained in the Game. Therefore, when you pay for our Game, you are buying a license to play / use our Game in accordance with this EULA - you are not buying the Game itself. The only permissions you have in connection with the Game and your installation of it are the permissions set out in this EULA.

    Any Mods you create for the Game from scratch belong to you (including pre-run Mods and in-memory Mods) and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don't sell them for money / try to make money from them and so long as you don't distribute Modded Versions of the Game. Remember that a Mod means something that is your original work and that does not contain a substantial part of our code or content. You only own what you created; you do not own our code or content.

    In other words, as long as you don't sell access to them, you can put any restriction you want on your mods, because they are yours.


  4. Yes, I'll try to keep up with Forge where possible, but it looks like 1.13 will be another humongous mod killer, due to updates on Forge's side. We won't know the scale of the "damage" until it comes out though, so that's worries for later.

    TFC has always been open source (as least as far as I know) but the license is just different now. Before I had permission from Bioxx (who's code I copied) I could not release anything without violating GPL (the old license).


  5. In other news: I'm now an administrator, Bunsan will be an additional moderator!

    Bioxx has officially approved of our use of the EUPL license, so the project will be made open source ASAP.


  6. Hi everyone!


    As some of you already know, I've been working on a secret project as of late: Good old TerraFirmaCraft (v1) for 1.12.2!
    This port is to be considered the official continuation of the TFC beta project, and has been make with Bioxx's blessing. It will try to get as close to the old TFC as possible, minus some quirks (aka bugs ;)).
    So while suggestions are always welcome, don't expect them to get added (or even properly looked at) for now, especially if they are major redesigns.
    A few of the old systems will not make the cut (at least for now) due to complexity and technicalities (this includes the chistel mechanic, other mods exist that do this better, and the food system, which will get an overhaul to make it more compatible with other mods)

    There is now an official TerraFirmaCraft Discord server ( for hanging out and finding out about the latest news.

    The code for this project will be on Github under it's own organization: If you wish to help, read the section below!
    Builds will be made available for everyone once a level of playable is reached.


    Until end june there won't be much work done (by me) as it's currently deadline and exam season, sorry.

    TODO: Add roadmap.


    Please first read the README on Github. We'd appreciate any willing developers (with experience in Minecraft mods) to join our Discord and give us a poke.
    Do to the huge size of the mod and the massive number of interconnecting systems, we do need you to have at least some experience with modding or at least be really good at Java and a quick study, sorry.
    If you don't feel this applies to you, but you'd like to help, we do need people checking our spelling, making textures, and eventually beta-testing of course (and probably some other stuff)!


    There are a few teaser pictures on the old thread (The old thread started here.) Feel free the discuss the progress in the other topics on this board.
    More teasers/progress reports will be added to this thread as we make progress.


  7. There have been no updates/teasers as of late because it's now officially Deadline/Exam season (will last till end June).

    Most of the work that did get done since last update has been on various internal systems, some overal setup work (making a GitHub org etc), and some items and misc blocks. Pottery and tools work, metals are all added, with the range of metal items.

    In the meantime I have had talks with Bioxx, about licenses & permission (the reason the repo is still private) and about the name.
    The forum will likely get a separate section for this port (and future versions) because it's easier to work from.


    • No ETA yet, work is a lot slower now with school etc.
    • This does not override world types, you have to set it, much like Biomes O Plenty, but it does change the default to be TFC on single player.
      But I am not going to code in special things to account for the lack of data that TFC needs. So many features may not work. This may change at a later stage.
    • For now it'll be just a straight port (with minimal changes, as previously mentioned). I'm sure over time such things can/will be added.

  8. Some minor changes will be made during the port, mostly fixing bugs (or what I think is/was unintended behaviour).

    After that, depending on a host of factors, not the least of which is how much time I have, I'll be adding some features. I think most of my addons will no longer be required as they will probably be integrated.

    It will be open source, as it ought to be, so the community can contribute.


    A status update in the meantime: Most of the grunt work (item- & block-wise anyway) is done, but there is still a bit of a road to go still. (Almost) all behaviour is still missing. (GUIs, recipes, machines, ...)

    I don't think I'll be porting the food system for the time being, I think I'm just going to work with stacks that will decay over time (decreasing the stacksize). This is because of both compatibility and because it's a lot to port, for something I've always considered one of the less functional design choices of TFC. But I'm open to changing this in the future, should people want it.


  9. I'm using python, I'm not crazy :P

    There are no recipes yet, but I'm the the vanilla system will do file with some python automagic, plus some customizations for the anvil/knapping/etc stuff.


  10. Thanks for the confidence,

    Once school starts again (monday) things will slow down (a lot). So I'm steaming along for now, getting as much of a good framework up as possible, so I can welcome contributions.

    Some statistics:

    • 1232 blockstate json files
    • 776 item models
    • 1260 textures files (not all used)
    • 2000+ language file entries (and probably some typo's)
    • 30 commits 4109 files changed, 11377 additions and 2382 deletions (thanks git), since first commit 13 days ago.

    Another sneak peak:



  11. Oh look, we are at that point where there is more of TFC than vanilla:


    Todays work:


    Along with some more invisible changes, like a stripworld command (I got tired of vanilla's commands.), worldgen tweaks, peat & clay generation (With flowers, although the flowers are now yellow wool blocks.), and by far the most important thing: Pumpkins & boulders.

    Oh, and ore gen works.


  12. 2 minutes ago, Bunsan said:


    Well, thanks.

    That's one of a couple of reasons I don't want to be too open about involvement at the moment. I don't think multiple code styles mix well, and without any code to set any precedent, there is no guidelines of what/how to contribute.


    Ore gen is the next (big) step.

    Wit this being a 1.13 forward looking endeavour, I'm currently at 924 blocks.


  13. 10 hours ago, raymondbh said:

    I'm focusing on worldgen first.T Thanks to my seed gen program I have enough experience with it to get everything going.

    Now I'm finishing up the various decorators. I'll post another picture soon.

    I'm planning on opening up for contribution once I hear back from Bioxx/Kitty.


  14. For now no. I won't release any builds or code. Not until I hear back from Bioxx or Kitty (or an unreasonable amount of time goes by, maybe a month or so).

    Thanks to the new stuff in forge, the mod will be a lot more compatible already, that includes the water. I don't know how exactly I'm going to handle that yet. (For now the water is stained glass, which makes debugging worldgen also easier.)

    By now I've also gotten the basic world decoration going. No trees yet though.


    EDIT: Although if anyone reads this who attempted to port TFC before, I do welcome any information you want to send my way.


  15. Hi all, long time no see. I'd just like to post this one image.


    As you can see, it's a long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of it already.

    There might be more in the future, who knows.
