Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Hubertus

  1. Hello there, and welcome to the forums! Just so you know, your suggestion of cow poop violates the following section of the do not suggest thread:



    Dunkleosteus has stated that he is not comfortable coding any way shape or form of a feces mechanic for TFC. Please respect his decision and do not suggest topics that may be considered "disgusting" in nature. This includes but is not limited to: feces, urine, genitalia, graphic diseases. 


    Also, mud bricks have been suggested in previous threads, which you can find using the search bar at the top right corner of the page.


    As for your idea: Why don't you just build your house out of wood? A stone axe requires no metal, and wood is readily available. Wood also keeps out pesky spiders, unlike thatch.Also, you can use thatch to prop up your cobblestone walls. You can remove the thatch afterwards and have a lovely cobble cube.


  2. Howdy! The issue you're having is that sugarcane needs very high temperatures to grow. You're planting in in too low temperatures. The seeds dissapear because they are never even generated; your plant dies so fast that the game doesn't even realize there was a plant there, and so no seeds are left behind. People have asked about this before, and Kitty explained the issue. If that official link fetcher were around, I'm sure he could find the thread :D


  3. Well, I was going to reproduce this bug and then upload a video of it, but then I blew up my gaming rig (Actually, MSI blew it up when I sent to to them to have it repaired [That time was my fault]). So instead I recorded the bug happening on a potato! It's very laggy and uses inferior recording software, but again, this thing is a potato.


    Watch it in action here:


  4. The only problem I really see with this is that it likely won't be used. By teaching a player your skills, you decrease your own importance as a specialist. As a real life example, I have come across a few stories in which a client attempts to pay a designer to teach them how to create something, rather than pay the person to create it, which usually results in the designer laughing and firing the client.


    If a player who is an expert at smithing trains another player, it decreases the original player's value, as there is now competition between the two for who is involved in the trade of goods.


    The skill system is designed in such a way that encourages players to specialize. If teaching is implemented, it would make it fairly simple for every player to become good at everything, which ruins the point. If a player wishes to max out a certain skill for its benefits, they should have to put in the effort to do so, rather than mooch off of other players who have already put in the effort.

    I both agree and disagree.


    I seem to be the only computer guy/electronic repairman in town. This is advantageous, because it means that when somebody blows a capacitor in their tv I'm the only person who knows which store to go to in Calgary to get a replacement part. If anybody has a computer problem, they call me. Naturally, this can be quite lucrative (Who knew that people would pay you to google their problems?). However, there's a catch.


    When my sister has a computer problem, she calls me. When my parents have a computer problem, they call me. I don't charge them for my help, even though if I did it would discourage them from making me do ridiculous nonsense like install software that anybody can do. I would jump at the opportunity to teach them how to do it all themselves. I'm not concerned they'll push me out of the market, because I'm not imparting on them all of my knowledge.


    Now, to the point I'm trying to make. You're right that if you sell the knowledge you're at risk of kicking yourself out of your own market. However, you don't have to sell all your knowledge (Not to mention more advanced knowledge takes longer to teach) to everybody who asks. You give them just enough that they owe you some form of compensation, without creating competition. On PvP servers I'm always the world's most affluent arms dealer. I sell everything to everybody (and usually steal it back at some point too). I never sell anything that would let people create their own source of commodities I sell (Cocoa, netherwart, silk touch, ect.). Also, a high cooking or agriculture skill isn't exactly a marketable skill. I've never seen somebody selling meals and seeds on the multiplayer servers I play on.


    Now, as for the idea itself, I don't really see a need for it. I haven't noticed the skills having a particularly large effect on gameplay (I'm swimming in food, so butchery and agriculture don't matter all too much. Tools are cheap, so forging isn't a huge concern)


  5. I'd dedicate a lot of time to creating pages for features that don't have pages already. For example, the loom is mentioned in multiple pages, but doesn't actually have a page. Its function, crafting recipe, ect. are lost to anybody not using the changelog and NEI.


  6. So since I'm the guy who always rains on parades by using math, let's do some now.


    1 ingot -> 10 lengths of wire

    1 length of wire -> 64 rings

    10 lengths of wire -> 640 rings


    So, the chest piece costs ~88.9% of a bar, the legs take ~50.6% of a bar, and the coif takes 15.5% of a bar.

    Gosh that's cheap. A full set of armour from 1.5 bars of metal? (Also, why no boots?)

    If I'm reading the wiki correctly, a set of regular armour (-boots) costs:

    2 x metal sheet (2 bars)

    4 x double metal sheet (16 bars)

    So 18 bars vs. 1.5 bars. That's a bit TOO cheap if you ask me.

    ANother issue I see is storage. You split 64 rings into 4 stacks, so 16 rings per stack. Meaning that if I want to build a full set of armour, I need 62 inventory slots just to hold all the rings. (990/16= 61.875)


  7. Always keep a second pickaxe. I died a mere 100 blocks from my bed while caving. I'd been chased down by skeletons, and build a small little saferoom with cobble. Well, a lucky shot took me in the face. When I returned, I had no way of getting into my saferoom. My stuff vanished a second before I punched through the cobble.


  8. I would like to join this server if that is ok


    IGN: i dont have one do i need one?

    Age: 18 almost 19

    Why this server?: because finding a good friendly terrafirmacraft server is hard and this one looks amazing

    2 sentence description of yourself/interests: eh, im 18 i like anime and reading. I play games when im not at school and when im not playing im reading a good book.

    Yes, you do need an In Game Name. Rhodance can't whitelist you if you don't have a username. ;)


  9. I'd like to share a story.


    So a long time ago when I worked with Dreamer's Software (Don't bother looking it up, the company merged) we had forums, just like these forums here. One day a Google bot came along, did its link following and data collection, and left. Every months or so another one would come along, stay for a few minutes, and leave.


    On these forums, the Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook bots never seem to get a break. They're always here, silent companions as we search for something new and interesting to pop up on the forums. I like to think of them as an ancient order of knowledge hungry seers, using their crystal balls to search the universe for new content.


    This isn't real, but I like to pretend it is.


    The seers have dedicated themselves to archiving every bit of knowledge in the universe, and have an infinite appetite for new stories. But because they already know everything that exists at this moment, they are perpetually bored. Every new post is like New Year's fireworks, which they devour with the wonder of a reading a book for the first time.


    This isn't real, but I like to pretend it is.


    And so they continue perusing the forums, hoping for some reprieve from the insatiable desire for more. And when I post this thread, for a few fleeting moments, they will be satisfied.


    They will copy its contents and file them away in their grand library of knowledge, in which every page of the internet is kept. And there, on the shelves of eternity, it will remain long after I am gone, a perfect record of what I wrote her today. It carries a piece of my soul, and will exist long after I leave these forums.


    This isn't real, but it might as well be.


    So what is the moral of this delusion? Firstly, no idea, however small, is inconsiquential. People like seeing new content, so don't be afraid to get creative. Make a cool new suggestion or contribute to an existing one, show off your awesome houses (Seriously, the showoff forum is a graveyard), report that bug you've been abusing for the last 10 releases, ect.

    Secondly, there's an army of bots waiting in the wings to record what you're doing, which is why if you search "politician who misspelled potato" Google knows exactly who you're talking about.


  10. Build 80 ideally will focus primarily on porting to 1.8 and nothing else to get it out as soon as possible.


    @Hubertus 1.8 Made a whole bunch of changes regarding optimization and multithreading so that Minecraft runs waaaay better than it does in 1.7



  11. Not sure there's really any hurry/point to updating. What exactly would be gained? Other than banners and rabbits, we either already have the content or wouldn't never have access to it in survival anyway. Sure, there's a couple game modes, some commands, and a different skin model, but those are hardly worth the effort.


  12. Drop in in a ceramic vessel, add fire, and poof. Or, plop into a crucible, Pretty much the same was any other non-iron metal.


    As an aside, platinum does not have a use in game.


    EDIT: Redacting the statement about the ceramic vessel. Ignore that part


  13. Reminds me of wolves running down deer and moose and stuff.

    But wolves have the advantage of being wolves.

    I think we should just stick with throwing tons of stone javelins and hoping to kill it before it runs away, and tracking it down if you really feel like it.

    If we have tracking, I want to use it to find animals, not to chase one for hours hoping it tires before I get slowed by thirst, or weakened by hunger, or slaughtered by monsters.


    About tracks, what if we had two types? One could be a 'old' track(or something) like the one bioxx mentioned, that leads to the (not-yet-existent) animals, and another made by the animal moving?


    Because while it's true that when an animal spawns, the tracks it makes might not be very useful since the animals might be right next to the tracks, meaning tracking it is useless.

    However, I have had moments where I was leading animals, and got killed, and after going back to the same place, wandered for hours looking for that animal that wandered off. Sure, they don't move that much, but they can move more than you'd expect, and in places like a forest, it can be seriously time-consuming and difficult to find them again.


    Also, on deadly animals,

    Moose. They are accounted for the most animal attacks in america, and worldwide, are only second to hippos, according to wikipedia, and if attacked, capable of killing even bears and wolves.

    Yes, but never have I been hunted down by a moose simply for being nearby. Moose don't prey on humans.


  14. Don't forget that it's 17 types of wood, and 21 types of stone that have 4 variations (Raw, Smooth, Brick, Cobble), so you're actually looking at 101 slab blocks if we only do half slabs, and 101 stair blocks if we only do regular stairs..  for a total of 202 new blocks.

    Oh lord, I'd completely forgotten.... I only ever chisel chiselled blocks, so completely forgot the others. 202 new blocks....Ouch. And that is also assuming no vertical slabs.


  15. Stair and slab items would be convenient. Unfortunately, there are some snags.

    Since you can stair and slab any number of times, there is a huge number of possibilities using use the stair and slab tool. Obviously we can't have them all.

    Instead, we could argue for just stairs (Like vanilla, that update their texture depending on the location of other stairs) and the slabs.

    Now we have 1 (stair) + 7 (each slab) new blocks for 21 types of stone and 17 types of wood. Still not very nice.


    So we take a more vanilla approach, with 1 stair and 1 slab. 76 new blocks isn't that bad, though somebody's going to have to write code for them. Looks terrible in a creative menu, but we'll survive.

    Now the real question is whether stair blocks and stair shaped chiselled blocks can recognise each other. Probably not, so you'll have a little extra work cut out for you if you want to use both in a single build.

    It would be nice if the stair and slab blocks are also added to the chisellable list, so that we can still work with them if we want to.


  16. You know, I've always considered TFC not as a mod, but as a game that uses minecraft as an engine. I definitely think it would lose something if it stopped using minecraft's basic principles, like the square blocks. The lack of free building is what I've always felt was missing from survival games like Lost in Blue, nd is in my opinion what really sets TFC appart. That said, often I hear it said that something happens/can't be done because of how minecraft handles something. Would be cool to see what the devs could do without those restrictions. But coding an engine from scratch is hard, and takes a lot of time.
