Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Hubertus

  1. Don't crop and don't squish (by which I assume you mean distort), just add whitespace to both sides to make it square.

    The problem with that it that images must be 50kb or less, and it is currently (At like 87% compression) 49.7. Any added whitespace would throw me over the top.


  2. Soooooo, did you ever end up writing that story? I see you're still hanging around the forums, and was curious. I wrote a story based on Benign Online back when I was managing a developer team for that game. It was a lot of fun, and I included a lot of the players as characters in the story. Would be cool to read a TFC world story!


  3. Howdy yall! So after 200 posts, I finally got myself an avatar. It's a little design I doodled on a book review I wrote once (which the editor totally didn't appreciate). Unfortunately for me, it isn't a square. My question is thus: should I change the cropping so that the top is included, but the bottom is cut off (which would cut off right at the base of the leftmost swirl), or should I just squish it so that it is square? Also, any general ideas on how to make it nicer would be very appreciated!


    Posted Image


  4. Sounds a lot like MineZ, that game on the shotbow network. I think it could be a lot of fun if you made a plugin that implimented those concept, adding that you can reclaim land by killing a certain number of zombies in that area, and lose it if players die in the same area. Then you could put it on a semi-private server and have a lot of fun with friends. I think MineZ ports especially well to TFC since we have a lot of the mechanics they had to add already built in, like having to drink water (Which is kinda weird in MineZ, since you can drink out of the ocean).


  5. Wow, I wish my homework would get extended by 3 weeks! Well, actually, a week would probably be my limit. After that you just want to get it over with and strike it off the list of things to worry about.


  6. As long as you have to track down the animal that is so far that you cannot see it, I think it would be believable. What I don't think is believable is to try to race a deer.

    I have read about group of primitive hunters circling a animal and making it run until it is so tired that they can easily approach to kill it. But is a coordinated group effort, where the hunters would take turns.

    To tell me that one man is going into the forest and once he sees a spooked deer he will run and catch up with it without losing sight, is a stretch of imagination. 

    Of course you can follow the tracks and if you are silent and sneak you will be able to approach it.  

    Oh yes, I didn't mean that they outran the deer! Sorry, shoulda made that more clear. Our not-quite-so-human ancestors would spook the animal and then track it down. Eventually, once the animal tired out, the distance covered would shrink until the animal stopped making serious attempts to get away. Of course, I doubt persistance hunting ports very well to video games. Having to spend a day tracking and spooking your first kills would probably cause a mass exodus of people leaving the mod.


  7. Hi there! Finding clay has a couple of tricks to it. First , look at the grass. Is it green, or is it patchy and brown? This is an indication of the amount of rainfal the area is getting. You need 500 or higher annual rainfall for clay to be gererated. You can also check F3, and look for the rainfall field.


    Clay has grass growing on it, so it can be difficult to see. Look for these golden flowers, which only grow on clay.


    The wiki page for clay:


    Posted Image


  8. I personally don't think that Kitty has acted at all out of line. She's dedicated all her time to managing the wiki, reading and managing the forums, and handling our bug report. You say that it has been out-dated for months. As per the developer's wishes, the wiki is largely closed for public editing. You can stop blaming Kitty for this, because it's not her decision alone. Kitty isn't the sole wiki editor; there are 10 pages of people applying to be able to edit the wiki. Any one of them could have added the relevant information and sent it to Kitty for approval. There is even a process to go through to become more trusted on the wiki, being able to make larger changes without needed approval. If you want to blame anybody for the wiki not being updated, blame this community for not stepping up. Sure, some people why apply get rejected, and rightly so. Osxvictoria, you have fewer than 5 posts. Why should you be added to the trusted list of people, when the community barely knows you?


    You complain about her conduct on the forums. Be glad that you're getting a response from the developers. They are under no obligation to give you feedback, or listen to your ideas. And yet, they do. Most of their feedback is actually quite civil, considering how terrible some suggestions that get posted are. Even when she doesn't like an idea, Kitty dutifully reads every new post and let's the discussion keep going. Sometimes she even makes a change that she personally doesn't like. Her job would be a lot easier is she just shut down every suggestion that has no chance of being added. In exchange for working with us in the suggestions thread, she has a lot of say in what gets added, and what doesn't. You suggested a change to something that was quite recently changed, and took a lot of time to do. As such, she informed you that it would not be changed, and closed the thread (Good thing too, your new UI's "counter top" was weird ). There was nothing more to say on the matter. Discussion would be moot. The developers had spoken. There's nothing wrong with stopping a discussion about a feature that is not getting changed. You're just chuffed that your idea was rejected. If you had a problem with it, you could have civilly messaged her and asked why it was shut down so fast, but instead you come here and start a smear campaign.


    As a final note, Kitty has been reading this thread (you can see when somebody is looking at it). Rest assured, she's seeing all your comments, and allowing you to air your grievances. How's that for not abusing one's powers?


  9. You cannot outrun a deer, or a wolf, or a bear, or a horse. and the list goes on. Just ask any hunter, if for any reason the deer gets spooked what are the chances are running after it. 

    Look up persistance hunting, it's how people hunter for thousands of years. You spook an animal, you track it, you spook it again, you track it, you spook it again, you track it, eventually you win.


  10. Hello everybody! So as you all know, recently a change was made so that you get mining fatigue when you're starving. Unfortunately, some people have complained that the constant swirls in the face can get annoying. So, I present to you my minor modifications to the particle texture. They are available in two types: the first one makes the vanilla particles less visible, so that they won't bug you quite as much. The second makes them smaller, so that they won't block so much of your screen.


    Downloads below:


    Smaller Particles


    Transparent Particles



    Enjoy everybody!


    Smaller Particles

    Posted Image



    Posted Image


  11. One of the things I was proposing is to have tracks as a left over after the animal is spooked. So you are there exploring the world when you come upon some deer or other game. As in real life they would run away from you, because you have been walking or running witch is always noise. Thats when the tracks would be created, the animals would actually run away from you in a random direction, for a few hundred blocks. All animals are faster them humans, so the only way to hunt is to track down while sneaking.and for that you can use the tracks left by the running animals. For gameplay purposes walking animals do not create tracks, and the tracks would naturally despawm after 1 day.

    I personally wouldn't mind some persistance hunting techniques. Animals may be faster than we are, but humans have much greater stamina. Animals are only fast in short bursts.


  12. I'm feeling a lot of entitlement around here. I'd personally prefer it if the devs responded to suggestions more often with "No, this won't be added" or "we'll consider this idea". That way there's no uncertainty, and you know that on a particular idea, you're wasting your time. Discussions on ideas that aren't going to be added just create more work for the devs, since they have to read everything anyway.


    One thing I'd like to point out is that you're criticizing a person here. Everything you say about somebody hurts them, so soften your criticisms a little. And Trenix, the issue with your last statement is that Kitty isn't the student, she's the CEO.


  13. I suppose if you abstract visability to mean a cone of blocks (or chunks) eminating from the player in the direction the player looking, it wouldn't truely be every block you can see, but would give a decent illusion of it. Most importantly, it would be way cheaper to do. You might then be able to add a simple viewing angle vs maximum block height in that chunk.


    Posted Image

    Paint level = 9001.

    But in summary, you could simply take a cone from the player's position and say "these chunks the player can see". Then you find the maximum block height in those chunks (Could cheat and take the height at a certain block) and calculate if it is within the view volume using the visibility angle (which I'm pretty sure is constant no matter what angle you're actually looking at). If you have a chunk that has a block above that maximum height, you exclude the chunks behind it. This would open you up to issues with floating islands, but could simulate the idea you had planned originally.


    The plus side of this is that while it might takea little bit more time to compute than vanilla maps, if you draw it in real time (as soon as the calculation is done for a chunk, draw it on the map) it'll simply look like the player is drawing the map from what's closest to what is furthest. Of course, I'm sure in actual implimentation there are shortcuts/pitfalls to work out, but I think the general idea might work.


  14. Trenix,


    You've been a very active and vocal member of the community. You've brought new vigor to old discussions, and made many suggestions. Some have met great resistance, yet you've continued to bring new ideas to the community despite all that. Thank you for your contibution to the community, however brief. Who knows, maybe a year from now somebody will reopen one of your old threads. Good luck in whatever you're doing next, and may the sun always shine upon you!



    The very fact that you need the gold pan to get copper nuggets effectively makes copper more difficult to obtain than clay.

    By that logic, every last-boss in every game is the single hardest thing in the game, because it's last. Invalid argument.


    TFC is all about stepping stones: you need clay before you can get copper. You need copper before you can mine, ect. Finding clay is the first stepping stone. Wouldn't be much of a challenge if you spawned on top of it, would it?

    My argument being that it shouldn't be hard to find one of the most abundant and wide spreed materials on earth, especially not when you can literally build nothing but stone tools before you get it.


    That being said, being the first node in the tech tree, it's a pretty easy challenge. Sure, it's possible to start in a region with no clay, but it should take you too long to find an area that does have the required rainfall (Which is very common). You just got an extremely unlucky seed. Too bad, get over it. In vanilla you can spawn on an island in the middle of an ocean with no wood in sight. If you don't like the randomly generated seed you got, then get another one.

    Being able to make new worlds easily isn't an argument for not doing things right. If Malachite was the only way to get copper, would you just tell people to create a new world until they spawned on the right kind of stone? I don't really want to spam new worlds until I get one that is easy enough, if you do then maybe you should find an easier mod.


    It would take 10 seconds at best to start up a new world. The time saved by adding in this idea (which still doesn't work, since nobody has proposed a viable method of refining clay)

    Then you should have no problem explaining in detail why my two separate methods of refining clay aren't viable.


    that would be used by so few people is negligible to the time it would take for us to think of a good way of implementing it and the devs to code it into the game. It's not worth it.

    I never said it should be a priority update, I merely want to discus it, seeing as it's not very  believable that something you would generally just need to dig down a meter or two to get is instead something you potentially have to spend hours searching for, especially since it's the first stepping stone in the game.

    "That being said, being the first node in the tech tree, it's a pretty easy challenge. Sure, it's possible to start in a region with no clay, but it should take you too long to find an area that does have the required rainfall (Which is very common). You just got an extremely unlucky seed. Too bad, get over it. In vanilla you can spawn on an island in the middle of an ocean with no wood in sight. If you don't like the randomly generated seed you got, then get another one.

    Being able to make new worlds easily isn't an argument for not doing things right. If Malachite was the only way to get copper, would you just tell people to create a new world until they spawned on the right kind of stone? I don't really want to spam new worlds until I get one that is easy enough, if you do then maybe you should find an easier mod."


    It is how the game works. A world is randomly generated for you. Depending on how it's made, it can be easy or difficult. That's the nature of randomness. If you don't like the difficulty setting, then try a new one. Since you seem to be the person with the problem, perhaps YOU should find an easier mod.


    "It would take 10 seconds at best to start up a new world. The time saved by adding in this idea (which still doesn't work, since nobody has proposed a viable method of refining clay)

    Then you should have no problem explaining in detail why my two separate methods of refining clay aren't viable."


    Thanks Kitty!


    As for the spawning mechanic, I'd vote against adding a new block that people are going to running into constantly that has such a conplicated process to ever become useful. I'd suggest it be a random drop when digging gravel or dirt, like how flint is sometimes randomly gained from gravel.
