Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Hubertus

  1. While there aren't any advanced grain preserving methods, I've never had the problem of not having enough grains. I just pop them in a vessel, drop them in my larder, and forget about them. Also, while grains decay faster (If you factor in preservation methods), they gain a huge amount of weight back when you turn them into bread.


  2. Somewhere Kitty made a huge post about everything preservation. If I remember where, I'll link it.

    1: If I recall correctly, yes (80% sure)

    1a No idea!

    1b Don't think so. (70% sure)

    2. Pretty sure (80%) salt is only for meat. I think I've seen people pickling fruit before (50%)

    2b. You ask too many difficult questions :(


  3. Hello hello! I know that reviving your own bug report with a triple post is probably a pretty big sin, but I was wondering if this bug was fixed/not worth fixing/is intended behaviour. I wasn't able to find anything in the change log or bug list.


  4. I'm thankful that the developers put up with us all, and crank out update after update. I haven't been around long enough to be thankful for new additions in 79, so I'll list my favourite parts of the last few updates.

    I'm thankful for the metal unit counter on ceramic vessels. I'll miss having to pull out my pocket calculator, but it'll be a lot easier to keep track of everything from now on.

    I'm thankful for the familiarity indicator. I've not had the chance to use it yet (Enless stream of homework) but it seems very useful.


  5. You're already dead after 3 days of no water. Even after a day of water you're greatly weakened.


    One thing I don't understand is how anybody finds the current drinking rate an issue. Seriously, getting a water jug is one of the very first things you do, just after getting basic tools. How is anybody drinking enough water by hand to feel the need to change the mechanic?


  6. I personally find such information very useful. Once you can rank your ingredients in terms of a taste, you can make better decisions on which ones to use.

    If you rank, from not sweet to sweet:










    And you know that DCE is not sweet enough, you know to try DCG next. Heck, you can figure out the perfect combination before it even tells you exactly how far you're off.


  7. But it is part of Islamic activism...More specifically, activism by radical Islamic groups, whose actions in no way represent all of Islam but damage the reputation of the faith (1 bad apple). It is a fact that radical groups use the internet to reach out to people all over the world, just as non radical Islam can use the internet to reach people all over the world. In a critical university setting, such a statement shouldn't offend anybody.


  8. I've got one answer for you:




    But more seriously, there's a host of things that could be happening:

    You're forgetful, and don't remember where you left the tools when they're hiding in some barrel somewhere.

    You've been shift clicking, which tends to cause things to vanish.

    You've been accidentally knocking them out of tool racks or dropping them by pressing q (which is really close to the movement keys).

    You've died and not noticed missing tools.

    You're opening your game to LAN to turn on cheat codes, and somebody has surupticiously been coming on and nicking your stuff.

    There actually is a bug eating your tools.


  9. I personally think that if you took out the part that Palisight referenced, the first question you're going to get is: "What about the use of social media by radical Islam". Heck, even the New York Times writes articles about that exact topic at least twice a month. I think you should leave it in, and if anybody is particularly offended (for no apparent reason other than that you bring up radical Islam) simply explain that you are looking the good and bad uses of the internet. I think you could even add to it that while the internet provides access to information from all over the world, it isn't all necessarily well thought out, or even true. The further you go in seeking knowledge, the harder it becomes to find.



    Also, the argument about the anonymity of the internet allowing for noncoventional Muslims to weigh in with their knowledge and experience goes both ways. While new ideas by segrated Islamic groups would generally strengthen Islamic teachings, some groups (like radical Islamists) are being segragated for a good reason. Furthermore, because of the anonymity of the internet, anybody can claim to be a reputable |Islamic scholar.


  10. Hello hello! Unfortunately my knowledge of Islam is very limited (My best friend studies it, so I know more than avarage, but still), but I'll still read it and have a look. One question about the format: Are the slides the slides you are presenting, and the text what you plan to say while that slide is on the screen?


  11. Body temperature mechanics will discourage people from living in extermely cold areas such as the coldest areas of Canada/Russia/Norway etc. Its unlikely anyone but the most masochistic players will try living in the TFC equivalents of those climates


    And Hubertus, you can't claim poll results for a poll that was never created

    It's called inference. Also, looking at the poll results thus far, I'm claiming point on this one. All answers think the mechanic shouldn't be changed as of this post (5,4,0) discounting the one answer that supports players having roots.


  12. The word pan basically says that the object is made out of metal.


    Last I checked, "pan" meant "many", not "metal". Besides, most gold pans these days are made of plastic. Also, more and more cooking pans are now made of ceramics (and crushed diamonds).


  13. Well, if you take the time to gingerly brush your lips on the silken smooth surface of the water, having to manage your balance and making sure no other part of your body enters the water, then you're going to waste a bunch of time and would be better off cupping your hands. More likely you will submerge part of your face in the water, at the very least your nose and tip of your chin. Frostbite is preferable to hypothermia, right? At least you can stuff your hands in your pockets or armpitts to warm them back up. Unlike your nose, which is affixed to your face.


    Either way, the current system works perfectly fine and isn't getting changed. I think if you made a poll for this suggestion, you'd get the most "The mechanic is perfectly fine the way it is" votes.


  14. In Canada, it is often quite cold (Where I live water temperature is below freezing 9 months per year. It's meltwater from the mountains). If you plunge your head into the water, you're most likely going to catch hypothermia.


  15. Yes I have. I grew pumpkins on the side of that very same hill, and they turned out quite well. If there's enough water to grow a tree, it's dollars to donuts that you can grow crops as well.


    I don't know if the forum admins would agree with this, but:


    There's a difference between suggesting something that has already been suggested and necroing a year old thread. When you revive a thread such as this one, you're doing the idea a disservice. The people who started the thread are likely long gone, so they won't be pitching in. New people aren't going to be in the mood to read the entire thing. I think your best bet would be to start a fresh thread, where you take the good ideas from the old thread and breathe new life into them. That way you have a more organized opening post that clearly lists all the ideas so that less reading inclined people can get an idea of where the discussion currently stands. There's a reason that new threads appear at the top of the list, and old threads fade away. The community had nothing more to say. If you feel like a topic bears more discussion, then do us all a favour and make a new thread so that we don't have to read a year+ old conversation. Not to mention that after a year, the game has gone through radical changes. The balancing concerns we had back then might not even be relavant now.


  16. Not to rain on anybody's parade here, but....

    I live on a hill. There are grasses, trees, the works on this hill.

    There is a river, down in the river valley. The distance to the nearest water source is considerable. Yet somehow, plants grow.


    Plants don't have to be beside a water source to grow. There's this little thing called ground water and rain, that generally take care of the plants. Sure, the vegetation is more dense around rivers and lakes, but plants manage to grow pretty much anywhere. Not having crops grow in a field where grass is already growing would be nonsense....


    P.S. This thread was almost a year old...


  17. I think survival games tend to have monsters for some very basic reasons.

    1. Man vs. Nature doesn't sell well. If the game is too slow paced, people lose interest

    2. Without monsters, late game survival has no challanges anymore. Monsters are a cheap way of always having some antagonistic element

    3. A lot of survival games/movie/tv shows/ect. tend to have some kind of mystical element. This makes it more than just a survival situation, and gives incentives to explore. Mind you, a survival game doesn't need this to be fun, but it's an easy way to add another layer to your game.


    Personally, I'm pretty neutral when it comes to monsters. However, I would criticize that zombies and skeletons are humanoids, which does kinda take away from the whole being alone thing. Where did this infinite supply of people who got turned into undead come from?


  18. Haha, breaking hearts left and right. Yah, I shoulda elaborated on my comment about metal bows. While we do have metal bows, they are a very recent variant (Discounting a handful of occurences in history, all of which were relatively shortlived). I don't think they'd fit the feel of the game very well. An easy way to enforce needed to progress in metallurgy is to make it so that each tier bow is made with a different wood, which can only be properly worked with higher tiered metal tools. I think it would be awesome if it took quite a few steps to build a bow: I recently started building a longbow, and it's quite the process.


  19. Arrr, I thought hemp might be related to the possibility of clothing that everybody keeps buzzing about. Kitty 1, Hubertus 0


    I think the creative behavior of TFC blocks adds to its charm. Getting a gem when I'm punching my way through a stone wall always makes me smile.


  20. Nope, really only one way to look at it (There's a smily face and everything). And if there was any finger pointing, how could you possibly think it was pointed at you? You didn't develop TFC, the new stair mode feature, nor did you add it into the game. You made a bug report. Nobody even mentioned your name anywhere.
