Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Udary

  1. Alternate Fix for Chiseling Ceilings

    Maga, Creepers can be controlled if you use /gamerulemobGriefing false, using this means they make no damage to your structures or the surrounding world. Look up "gamerule" at I always use it on servers to stop player using creepers to grief.
  2. That looks so cool! How are the resources around there?
  3. [Poll] Ceramic Bowls

    But not larger by enough to warrant the cost. If you could make a 160oz salad, then sure, brilliant. I'd make them all the time, even with the cost of the bowl.
  4. FYI. A friend is still on 78.8 and has confirmed he has only been able to feed his animals once a day.
  5. [Poll] Ceramic Bowls

    Another thing...a salad can only contain 4 food groups, a sandwich can contain all 5. On that basis alone, salads are worse than sandwiches, so why make them so expensive? Unless they are just a stop gap, I've seen them described as "simple things to throw together"
  6. Splitting Blooms

    I've seen this too...sometimes the bloom doesn't split. I've had it so it's cooled too much and I've had to reheat it, then as soon as I put it back into the forge it split, without even a tap. Agree, it's inconsistent and I have no specific way to reproduce it.
  7. In previous versions (.7) I was only able to feed them once a day. Upgrade to .9, same cow (the bigger one of the 2), the next day I was able to feed it 160oz of grain. .9 might have reset the hunger levels? I don't know, it didn't seem right, so I raised it.
  8. [Poll] Ceramic Bowls

    Since sandwiches were fixed I never make salads anymore, although partly because they are so expensive.
  9. Ok, thanks for the clarification. As for "good for you", I had a style of mining which I've used in my quarry where by I gradually excavate the bottom level 1 block wider all the time, in a dome like manner. Ladders are there to get out, which were at the side of my initial "safe room" but over time have become something odd in the middle of the cave. As a quarry it's pretty efficient and I can get a lot of stone out of it, and it looks quite nice too. I can't imagine it was "what was intended" but it's creative and matches the way a lot of tunnels are created. e.g. supporting the walls with a coating of something, normally spayed concrete, without the need for beam like supports which would get in the way of the road/train track etc. That's getting off track, feel free to close the thread.
  10. "Adjusted chiseling rules so that you can not chisel any block with with 2 raw stone blocks above it." Is this 2 block "directly" above it? or 2 blocks ANYWHERE above it? If this means ANYWHERE above it you have basically removed the ability to harvest chiseled blocks, apart from on the surface, or a massive open cut mine. Also does this stop the placement of chiseled blocks if there are raw stone blocks above it? If not it's a non-change, as you can (or maybe not) create a chiseled block and then just place it on the ceiling. I use chiseled blocks for everything and I have a mine that is exclusively there for the nice stone I get from it, it is DEEP and if I can't get chiseled stone out of it now, I don't think I'll be upgrading. I really don't want to open up a huge 10x10 hole in the ground just so I can harvest "pretty" stone. I'm really thankful for the indicators for familiarity, as I'm having issues with one of my cows! And that thatch blocks light (I think) as I was forever picking tree sapling out of my house! I never did understand why!? This will explain it.
  11. Alternate Fix for Chiseling Ceilings

    Once you start mining deep underground you'll change your mind.
  12. Mining in b79

    I should have taken one! Although I didn't think about it, I was more concerned about not dying.
  13. Alternate Fix for Chiseling Ceilings

    You can't chisel natural rocks from below anyway? Only the sides and top.
  14. Mining in b79

    I found a piece of coal in my travels, thought I'd mine it and mark it. Tap tap tap, pop....and half the mountain collapsed. Underneath where I was stood happily tapping a lump of coal was a huge open cave. The whole thing collapsed. Thankfully 3 blocks under me was another lump of coal and I didn't fall to my death. I felt quite lonely stood on the top of a column of rock with a huge canyon under me.
  15. Graphite

    I've never ever seen sylvite, but you can still continue to play without ever finding it. Graphite is a requirement to move out of the bronze/iron age to end game. Same with rocksalt, if you find it, GREAT! but you can survive without it. That's why people complain about the scarcity of it.
  16. Graphite

    Update: I fell into a crevasse in the bottom was a tunnel which led toMetamorphic (Schist I think) stone, only a short way into the tunnel I found "Traces of Graphite". I followed it deeper and 3 or 4 blocks into the wall at the middle of the Very Large readings I found graphite, lots and lots of graphite. I can't remember when I generated the world, I think it was .3 and currently running .8. You have to go looking, it's not going to be obviously in your face any more. Next challenge is Gabbro
  17. Graphite

    Have you tried the seed mentioned? There's no Graphite there... I tried it because I wanted to know what a) block ID it was where it really spawned and looked like? I then tried about 20 or so new worlds and am as yet to find Graphite. I have noticed that surfaceMetamorphic stone is also quite rare, so you're going to have to go digging I guess. I've currently covered a 5000 area around my base in my SMP and haven't found it. I'm now drilling pilot holes every 500 or so and finally found a use for all those branches, ladders.
  18. I've just got the ability to see what foods I like, so I've collected everything I have and worked out why my salads and sandwiches are so badly suited for me. I made a ton of sandwiches to skill up!Proteins- raw chicken, very savoury- raw pork, very savoury- cooked pork (rare), overly savoury- soy bean, very savouryVeg- garlic, perfectly savoury- cabbage, perfectly savoury- carrot, perfectly savoury- onion, perfectly savoury- tomato, ridiculously savoury- potato, perfectly savoury- garlic, perfectly savoury- yellow bell pepper, perfectly savouryGrain- rye grain/flour, perfectly savoury- cooked rye bread (light), somewhat savoury- wheat grain/flour, perfectly savoury- oat grain/flour, perfectly savoury- rice grain/flour, perfectly savoury- maize ear, perfectly savouryFruit trees are still flowering... STILL!Basically unless I only use the lightly cooked rye bread with 1 ingredient to make a tiny sandwich, or east raw foods, everything I have is too savoury for me. ALL protein is too savoury, I'm yet to find a cow to test and I've not started fishing.The soil around me is limestone for 1000's m in every direction, except a small pocket of Dacite. I vaguely remember reading that gravel under soil would affect food taste, but I've not had a chance to test it. Would this save me or am I destined to slow starve myself all the time as my meals are rubbish. I'm hoping that adding fruit will tone the savoury element down, but again, still waiting for summer and the fruit bounty! I can't imagine pickling will help as that surely will only add to the savouryness.I've got so far and would hate to have to start again because my taste is too fussy? I'm also surprised it's so extreme.Looking for advice!
  19. A few suggestions of my own

    7) When salt is rare and you are surrounded by sea, this makes so much sense. Salt is so important for keeping foods.
  20. Not a TFC bug, help with compatibility

    It is smoke, and it's not to do with particle effects as mine are on (helpful to see when a charcoal pit has finished) and I get the same smoke. I have a chimney 1 block to the side of my forge and the smoke starts in that, and not straight above the forge, maybe that will help? As far as I can tell it only happens when working with Blooms.
  21. [Solved] No Nutrient mode?

    It's expert, not master, but yo need to be skilled now as stated above.
  22. Torch Poll

    I'm going to add to my previous comment. As I've been playing for a bit longer now. I actually like going back to a mine I've not been to for a while and lighting it up! Torch, click, torch , click.... It feel like I'm coming back and literally turning the lights on. But I do miss a permanent light at home, so I have ugly pumpkins dotted around my house and garden.
  23. Another food discussion, but about Savoury

    I'm not looking for perfect! I assume I have a savoury tolerance of 0.2, something low. An onion is say 0.2, perfectly savoury. If I add my 0.2 onion to a 0.2 carrot on 0.15 bread, is the result 0.55? or should it not average it all out and come in just under 0.2? I would expect an average, but it seems to be cumulative... the resulting sandwich will be overly savoury. I am hoping that fruit is negative and the sum of the savoury values comes down if it's added. I eat as much food than my food bar can take yet all my nutrition values slowly but surely drop over time, by the time I've killed enough zombies to get to lvl 20's. Not hunting them, just defending myself when I'm pottering around. My nutrition levels will be nearly zero. My last death was a 2 punch from a zombie, when my hps dropped really low because of it. This is on 79.7 too, which I thought if you ate a protein your protein went up regardless of "taste".
  24. I've just found some new rock types as I've been exploring, although I guess I've always had this issue. My base is in an EXTREMELY large Chert area, and breaking it yields Limestone rocks, which I never really thought about as limestone is great for flux! I now need the ever elusive Graphite, so I've been exploring and I've finally found...Limestone, but breaking that yields Shale rock! How do I know it's Limestone (which I don't think it is, because it's dark) NEI tells me. Either the names are all screwey or NEI is reading the wrong thing or something is all messed up. Is this a bug? If so I'll raise it properly, at the moment I'm just wondering how I'll fine Graphite if the rocks I get don't match the stone I'm finding, and how will I be able to tell what I'm doing!
  25. Completely missed that in the ChangeLog. Wow, expert! That's a lot of farming