Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zahlfire

  1. Our gaming group recently started back up our TFC server and would like to invite you to come play with us. We are a small group of primarily adult and young-adult gamers, but don't mind playing with players from all ages. The majority of our members live in the US, however our schedules are a bit off and we game through most of the night, usually stopping around 4 or 5 am. We don't tolerate drama, and will put a stop to it on the spot. We use Teamspeak as our primary method of communication, and I encourage you to get in touch with us through it. Thanks for considering our server and we hope you join us. Teamspeak3: Server IP: Dynmap MODS --- Required Mods --- TerraFirmaCraft Latest Build Forge Hide Names Leather Water Sac --- Optional Mods --- FastCraft Optifine NEI + CodeChickenCore TFC NEI Addon Journeymap --- Rules --- 1. PvP and Griefing is NOT allowed.2. RP is not a requirement, but do not ruin other player's fun.3. No excessive swearing.4. Using cheats or minimap hacks is NOT allowed.5. Asking for items from Staff is NOT allowed. No one is OPed. Any and all administrative commands are entered through the console.---These Rules can change at any time. It is not my fault if you are banned for breaking a rule, whether you were aware of it or not. You are responsible for checking these every day.--- Whitelist IGN:Age:Country:
  2. [Solved][79.8] Debris Eats Dirt

    I've been able to reproduce the Dirt block being deleted while in a 'falling' state with Charcoal pits. Haven't tested on the latest builds though, but it does seem related.
  3. [TFC 0.79.23+] Journeymap TFC animal fix

    So this is why you needed those textures the other day on IRC? Nice work!
  4. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Djakuta, I seen you were posting around about getting Dynmap to work with TFC. I'm not sure if you seen my post in the other thread where you asked, but here is the link to the 2 files you need. Stick both of them in dynmap/renderdata/custom/ on the server. Update your world render or re-render it fully for it to work best.
  5. Dynmap TFC textures

    Give me one moment to upload them Edit: Uploaded! Stick both files in /dynmap/renderdata/custom It's not perfect but without proper support for the latest version of TFC, this is the best I've been able to get
  6. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    Sorry for the downtime guys. Had to manually delete some stuff that was causing crashes.
  7. Program for world-overview?

    I tried my hand at Dynmap, but it always renders the TFC blocks transparent, so most of the world is black (including the oceans) Do you know a fix for this Kitty? Edit: I was able to get it work with the DynmapModScraper tool. Here are the TFC files: Stick both files in Dynmap/renderdata/custom
  8. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    Just a friendly bump. Getting a few new players
  9. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    Thanks for the review. I'm sorry you feel this way but we did not like your attitude in our Teamspeak server. You were rather rude while asking your questions. Had you been nicer to us, we would have gladly answered your questions. Which, we did, at first. When you started replying with rude comments, we told you that is something we don't tolerate. When you didn't stop with the rude comments, we decided ignoring you would be the best approach. The two other people in the channel, one whom I had just met, both agreed that you were being rather rude towards us. We don't mind children playing with us, however I did state in the OP that we are a mostly adult and young-adult community and tolerate no drama. Something you brought with you. Thanks for reviewing ourserverbefore actually playing on it. It should also be noted that RockMuncher, whom you thought was in middle school, is a grown woman.
  10. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    We feel that TFC has great potential in the form of PvP. Our small group is also friendly, and respect other player's decisions about opting out of PvP so if you don't want that experience, I'm sure we could figure something out.
  11. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    Three new players to go with our current 6 players. Server is slowly growing
  12. [Offline] [0.79.15+]RageCraft [Lite-RP] [Whitelist]

    Awesome! RockMuncher isn't much for PvP either but we both felt that the rules we have in place should cater to both sides. The server IP is available in the Teamspeak as well.