Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Draco_X

  1. A rope can be attached to a hook on the wall.

    Or store in a chest.


    While i agree with storing coils of rope on a toolrack and in a chest, but since ropes stack that would probably mean that you could store only one rope on a wall so meh.


    Imho. It would be nice to be able to put Firestarters / Flint & Steel on a tool rack, you rarely have/use several of those at one spot anyway. Ropes i feel should stay as they are.


    I usually do the same as Kitty and either put the firestarter in/next to the thingy or just make one and use it all up so those dosn't clog my inv/storage space.


  2. Uh thats gonna be cool, we just need some way to name items to lable my single malt :D


    Iirc IRL brewing of beers and wines actually works best around 27°C if its to cold the reaction gets slower, wine yeast goes up to about 20% alcohol.

    For the stronger alcohols there could be a destillery (over a firepit/forge) using the raw e.g. whisky wash to destill the actuall liquer, raising the alcohol percentage to 40%, repeat the destillation to get to 60% and so on, which then should be stored in a cold dark place for aging.


    edit: Stonger booze could have a higher/better chance of effects or reaching different effects then just the weaker alcohol since its a more work/time intensive procedure with a much purer product.




    This mod is licensed under everything TFC is licensed under and is property of myself and the two main TFC developers, Bioxx and dunkleosteus.


    So for anyone to take over, assuming he lost interest you need Zerren's permission from what i can tell,

    He dosn't seems to be active on here or on the minecraftforums anymore, but i guess is probably him. (Its his Minecraft IGN)

    That acc seems to be active, if someone is interested you could shoot him a pm.


  4. Welcome vecagon, just whitelisted you :)



    can you give me a download link to all the mods its rejecting them all even tfc


    Guess your TFC is the latest build 79.10?

    The server runs on 79.9.357 atm 


    required Modlist:


    TFC 0.79.357


    Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.0



    I'd personally advice using additionally:


  5. Worst thing with shiftclicking is accidentally putting a finished ingot into almost full crucible (of weak colored steel for extra hurting) turning it all into a unfixable unknown, just happened to me yesterday with a crucible of black bronze.


  6. I might be missing something but you say digging one block above these beams is safe. In your picture that would be in to the ceiling, now I've done that and had a cave in from the block above one i was digging. Did I do something wrong or is that just how it works.


    Think thats just how it works.

    From what i understand one above the horizontal beam/the ceeling is safe the next block above that isn't thus it may collapse, but then just that one block/collum will fall and eventually be catched by the beams as long as you don't dig directly above your beams there should be no bigger caveins.


    For digging up safely, we gotta do something like this i guess, place the first beam, dig up next to it and place a second one just above the ceeling.

    Posted Image


  7. once their familiar enough, and when the name tag is on, the animal would be permanently domesticated


    That is how apperently how it works already, you need to reach the whitebordered familarity icon, then the familarity won't go away anymore.

    It is kinda tedious to babysit your livestock for some hours, but i guess you only got to do it once, since animals carry familarity over from their mother it'll get easier in the second and following generations.


  8. Just tried silver in 79.10, i'm able to melt it into molds and take the ingots out.

    So not quite sure what you are trying to do, if you can take a ingot out of a mold it solidified so to get it back in a mold you'll need to reheat/melt it, or am i missing something?


  9. I see where you are comming from, but as it works atm the crucible spends a fixed amount of stored heat for every piece.

    While it is annoying for large quantities i don't really see it as an issue since (regular) coal is available in huge quantities, i tend to just use multible forges/crucibles with bellows to speed them up.


  10. any idea how fast it runs out? playing on a server once a day in the evening I'm getting nowhere...


    Unless that has been changed/fixed you need to feed them once every day untill you fill up the familarization enough otherwise their familarity will go down to 0 if you miss a day.


    Up to .10 i stopped bothering with animals all together after wasting a bunch of stacks of grain to get like 3 buckets of milk, then i logged off for the night and had to start all over xD 


  11. The familarity indicator seems to be working in 79.10


    From what i can tell:

    • Cows/sheeps/pigs/chicken/pheasants and horses needs to be feed grain on 6 consecutive days for the indicator to turn white so you can actually use the animals and so that the familarity won't decay anymore.
      Using 5oz grain per day so 30oz grain are required per animal. 
    • Deer turn white after giving them salt on 4 consecutive days.
    • Bears don't seem to gain familarity by giving them fish atm. (?)

    Best method i found is to just set a alarm every 20min while you are smithing or doing some other tasks at your base.

    Do that for 2 hours and your animals should be familiar to the breedable;useable point.


    Seems like you need to feed a (all empty) baby on 11 consecutive days to max familarity out, however if the mother has maxed familarity, you need to feed a baby just once to max its familarity out. The fathers familarity dosn't matter.


  12. Just tested some things, too bad you can't name nor lead them with rope atm, some bat-ballons on a rope would be hillarious :D 


  13. Towing chickens (or any animal) home is actually decently easy/quick if you just go by boat.

    You can ride full speed, dosn't have to worry about mobs and since there is no terrain for them to get stuck on

    not a single rope broke for me using that method.

    Took me maybe an hour to move a bunch from 3k to 11k and since they multiply like crazy.. ^^

    Posted Image


    Btw i'm quite impressed by the roosters, they manage to fertilize eggs from another fenced off area about 5 blocks away. :P
