Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About oopsidoodles

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  1. [78 Bug fixed in 79] Invisible Ingot Piles (Correct Forge Version)

    Exactly, but it's not getting fixed for 78.17 so...That's unfortunate. Can't update without losing my world, but perhaps now there is reason to update to build 79.
  2. [78 Bug fixed in 79] Invisible Ingot Piles (Correct Forge Version)

    The version that I am using is 78.17, not 79.10, but I understand. This is an unfixable glitch. That's too bad
  3. Version #: 0.78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SMP Suggested Name: Invisible Ingot Piles Suggested Category:Annoying Description: Ingot piles and anvils are invisible but am still able to bump into them and stand on them. I was able to put my house on the anvil and break it, dropping the anvil (but not hammer and flux inside) and when placed back it is ok. Ingot piles however I cannot do this to. I used the forge that my version of TFC was built with for the server and it still did not work. Also, this is a SSP world that I moved in order to play with my brother. When opening the server the console is spammed with the message "Skipping TileEntity with id worlditem" and the rarer message "Skipping TileEntity with id seaweed" Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No The attached image is my mouse hovering over the invisible anvil.
  4. TFC 0.78.17 Minecraft Forge

    For some reason I thought that I had to use cauldron. Oh well, thank you for that, guess I'll keep trying.
  5. TFC 0.78.17 Minecraft Forge

    Hello, out of curiosity exactly what build of Forge was used for TFC build 0.78.17? I ask only because I installed Cauldron with forge build and in the server that I created with my brother ingot piles and anvils were invisible (but I could still stand on them). After that intro, I just want to know the exact Forge version that was used to create TFC build 0.78.17 Thanks
  6. [Solved] Config Not Working

    Hmmm it's weird that I have this config then. That's unfortunate though, would be cool if I could change the amounts.
  7. [Solved] Config Not Working

    I tried to smelt with the crucible and no chance, nuggets still give 10 units instead of the value I changed it to. And I edited my post. Thanks.
  8. [Solved] Config Not Working

    Version #: 78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP Suggested Name: Config not taking effect Suggested Category:Annoying Description:Hello there fine people I've been messing around with the config and I noticed that one part of it doesn't work, or rather does not take effect. In the TFCOptions.txt I changed the amount of units in the different ore types (nuggets, poor, native and rich) but there is no change in game. I have restarted my game and started a new world and there is still no difference. ex. the native ores are still worth 25, and not the amount that I set it to. Thanks to all who try to help me. Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?:The problem is with the config *If you answered no to the above question, delete your config files and try to reproduce the bug. This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?:Yes -NEI
  9. Question About Updating

    That's too bad, I was really hoping for that. Oh well, guess I'll keep playing on 78 then. Thanks for the answers.
  10. Question About Updating

    Hello there terrafirmacrafters! I wasn't exactly sure where to put this thread, but I figured this is the best place for it. So recently I've been playing a lot on build 78, and want to update to 79. I tried it, and it workedbut not exactly. Forge told me about 13 blocks missing and proceeding. I made a copy beforehand so I went through and I must say the world looked pretty funny, with bedrock and lapis everywhere, tree wood gone etc. Of course this was to be expected, but funny nonetheless. Onto my question: Is there any way at the moment that I can convert from build 78 to 79 that wouldn't delete half my world? I can wait, in fact as build 79 came out recently it might make more sense to wait a tad bit more for all the bugs to be stomped, but at some point I would like to update, and I would like to be able to carry over my world. Thanks to anyone who replies.