Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Myth1279

  1. 1.) Name? Jesse 2.) IGN? Mythirevas 3.) Age? 17, 18 in April :3 4.) How often will you play? Depends. Mostly on weekends, possibly during the week after school depending on how much HW I have. I will try to be around every so often though! Hopefully will be on enough to get past the stone age... xD 5.) Skype? kyli1249
  2. Just want to say since I've been playing this pack, only after I started making Cogs of the Machine items did my inventory (except where my avatar and the crafting grid is shown, and when looking into containers) start disappearing when I open it. Just a simple graphical issue, and putting away any Cogs of the Machine items seems to fix it so far. Not sure if it's something that can be fixed or not.. :PJust figure I'd make you aware this is happening.And maybe help anyone else who has had this happen with this pack and isn't sure what's happening.. though this may not be the only cause/fix of it. Simply my experience, so far it's the only bug I've ran into.
  3. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: Ember_Kyls Your Age: 16 Your Time Zone: Central (CST) Location Country and State: Kansas, USA Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm a bit of a hyper, overtalkative, crazy person. I tend to rant or "spam" chat with random things I'm doing if it's quiet in chat. If I get too annoying, just tell me to shut up. xD I get angry too easily sometimes but try to control it. Meh. I can seem to be friendly one moment then rude the next. I'm just a weird person. xD In my junior year of high school so might not be able to come on all that often during the school year. I love medieval RPG games, but decided to try Minecraft back in 2012 and have stayed. Also if someone mistakes me for a girl I WILL get angry. Quick. Always happens. e.e If you ever hear me in voice chat I sound like little girl... e.e And I randomly make weird noises for no reason.. If I'm comfortable enough with the people. Sometimes I gain random accents without trying. I don't know why. If I do gain a random accent, just try to ignore it. I'm not trying to mock anyone, it just happens. xD How you can help us: I love building pretty buildings... xD Though I may not be the best. I like farming, though haven't quite learned exactly how it all works on TFC yet. I hate playing single player so I haven't played it all that much yet. xD Played it quite a bit though.
  4. I've been playing TFC for a while and just randomly noticed we can't craft two stone hoe heads at the same time... this is obviously a very small suggestion but in early game it could save a bit of stone (not that theres a lack of it) if we could craft two hoe heads much like we can craft two knife blades. Not a big deal, but kind of a bit weird to me since you can carve out the shape of two heads easily in the knapping screen. Meh, mainly I'm just curious why this isn't already in game since the two knife blades are. I know it's just a really small thing.. haha.
  5. Hmm, I have the required plugins and was able to connect to the server... but now that I've added the NEI plugin it seems the server won't let me connect with NEI. Anyone else having this problem? I can provide more info later, don't have much time now as I'm writing this. I don't wanna give up NEI so I've been playing single player. xD
  6. Yea, like I said above I understand it's not really a big deal, just more wondering why it's not already in game. xD And despite having metal hoes I love farming and go through at least 10 stone hoes making more land, to save my metal hoe for when I need it. I noticed it with the bowls too, the bowls would be really nice to have that. Not waste so much clay... I'm in a seed where clay is hard to find currently. xD Meh.
  7. IGN: Ember_Kyls Age: 16 Why us?: Hate playing in SSP. I dislike PVP as well but this server seems like it'd be the best out of the others I looked at.