Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Duncan

  1. The "Why Can't I...?" Thread

    Why cant I....use other grains to lead animals into my storage pen? The idea is 'here is something you want to eat so follow me and you might get to eat it' yet we can breed them with other grains. This is another instance of Minecraft is dumb. Only one item can be coded to lure animals with. Here is a solution. Create an item called 'animal lure' or 'grain bag' that looks a bit like a bag of grain or something. Make it craftable from all grain types. Make it lure animals. ??? Profit
  2. Scythe work

    It was mentioned above but, I think it is important enough to warrant covering in more depth: This would require a complete overhaul of the food system at every level. The food system needs an overhaul already of course, it is not that the suggestion necessitates it directly. Basically the suggestion covers cereal crops (and maybe a few others like beans or nuts).If cereal crops were made realistically hard to farm, then they would simply no longer be used by the majority of players as it would no longer be worth it. In reality food was basically the primary trade good for most of the period covered by this game, and cereals were the primary food, mainly because they last for a long time if stored correctly. There are three additional issues with the current food system as I see it. (It occurs to me there is probably a separate thread for this): Food is too easy to collect. Especially fruit trees, it seems like a couple of fruit trees will feed a player the whole year round with virtually no work. Fishing is also a problem but at least it takes some time. Every method of food collection should be nerfed. Food never rots. This is a massive issue in terms of survival realism. A good hunter can bring down a large animal and gain enough meat to feed himself for months, but without the means to dry/salt/cure/smoke or otherwise preserve the meat, in reality they end up being fed for a couple of days at most (at least in summer). This is a massive hole in the survival aspect of minecraft in general. Without food preservation being an issue you don't really have a wilderness survival game at all. It would be nice to also have a nutrition system, where you get debuffs if you only eat carbohydrates or only eat one type of vegetable. I would be happy to flesh all three suggestions out with implementation details, I can program java, but I am sure the great guys making this mod are more than capable of figuring it out for themselves, and probably better than me, so I won't unless asked.
  3. Searching this forum I did find a general bug in the collection of current bugs and glitches describing this kind of behaviour for items in general in guis. I am not sure if this is that glitch or not but as the workaround listed there does not work for Double ingots, I think this deserves it's own thread because when it happens it can cost a lot of bars. The ingots of the same type appear to be treated by the game as different items and wont stack. In addition they cannot be used in the same crafting recipe. I have not tested whether this is because some can't be used for crafting at all or just that the different types cant be combined. The usual fix for this kind of behaviour involves placing the items in a chest, logging, dropping on the ground and similar. None of these work in this case, chests cant even be tried because double ingots dont fit. Edit:The crafting was not an issue, the thing i was trying to make (tin anvil) is simply not in the game. The real issue here is that the double ingots were stacking in my inventory which apparently they are not supposed to do. I am confused.
  4. Delete me

    God I am an idiot, requires bronze age anvil I filled 4 anvils with hot bars so i could work them all without them cooling off. Suddenly the anvil interface in all the anvils stopped working. If i put in a hot unshaped bar the red arrow doesn't move and hit hit hit is not listed. If i put a shaped bar in with a plan the hit order doesnt show and the red arrow doesn't move. I can put a recipe in, put in an older bar that isn't glitched and the hit s and red arrow behave as normal. Then if i swap out the good bar for the glitched bar it stays that way. I can then work the bar as normal but when the recipe is complete the bar fails to turn into the item. The screenshot attached shows a glitched bar just after all the hits are done. Update: I dumped all the glitched bars in a chest and went and got some i made yesterday because i need the tools. These ones didnt work either. The glitched bars are all bismuth bronze, copper appears to work as normal. Update 2: After leaving the bars in a chest and multiple logouts still no change. It seems also that other players cant forge with those bars but I am not sure of their skills so I can't be sure. I will find someone experienced on the server. It is the Lbp server if anyone wants to test.
  5. [b75]Double ingots glitch (Minor)

    Yeah that wasn't the issue. The issue was you can't use tin to make an anvil :-p. If double bars aren't supposed to stack then the issue is that they did. This is however no longer the game breaker i thought as the failure to craft was intended.
  6. TC is traincraft I have an issue too, I had 3 homes set, and then i deleted one, now when I try and set a new one it says 'you can only have 1 home'
  7. Thanks, that was the version I found when i first searched it, I was just concerned that it wasn't the same as the version the client was asking for. In addition I don't have facebook and the first post of this thread lists other mods but didn't list custom npcs. This has now been corrected however. What does this mod actually do in TFC though? --Edit: Ok after joining the server it was clear pretty quick what that mod is for. I like the idea.
  8. my game says I am missing the mod custom npcs 0.8 That can't be right, that is a really old version of customnpcs and tfc has npcs disabled. I was going to search an archived version and install it but... I can't shake the feeling that something is not right.
  9. [Offline] Whitelist/non-PvP/co-op B75 + Smart Moving

    Please add me to whitelist I am looking for a populated server for occasional play. Helpful and polite. Name: Dunkhan
  10. In-Game Name: Dunkhan Age: 29.833 Country: Germany Info about yourself: I play lots of games. How did you find us? - Browsing the forum for a new server as Raisercraft is empty Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have. (by posting the application, you have accept the rules and and you will follow them on the server) Do you understand that if a friend/sibling borrows your account and breaks a rule, you will be held responsible?: Yes. Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft Server? If so, for what reason: No. We check your bans, so don’t lie about them, but if you have a reasonable explanation or if it was just one ban or a minor one we will probably accept you. Other Stuff:
  11. [ Dunkhan ] [ 29.833 ] [ needs more people ] [ just help town builders out with odd jobs, eg. coal making, prospecting. I like to have a place I can drop in when I am bored ]
  12. I have tried about 8 times now to set up a correctly modded server jar, following the various guides, and failed every time. The guides are not all the same so it is not clear to me exactly what all the steps are. I got to wondering (i also had some issues modifying my client to the most recent version) why cant the first person who does this after a new release simply upload their .jar files so no one else has to? So anyone got a server file for me? I don't need bukkit or anything just a simple multiplayer server for lan play with a couple of friends.
  13. modified jars and server setup

    Ok the rule seems stupid, but at least now I have an answer to my question. The post with the server setup there is only a few hours old so you will have to forgive me not finding it when I started this thread. I will try it and see if it works Edit: Thank you thank you thank you. That guide worked perfectly the first time. You have no idea how many hours I have wasted on guides that are either outdated or just plain wrong. Now I can play with my lan buddies :-).
  14. modified jars and server setup

    That thread doesn't help at all. It is the same as all the other ones i found. There are a bunch of people all describing different ways of doing it, and any one I try fails. I got an error as soon as I put forge in following the menoch way. The OP had problems too, and menoch typoed a piece of crucial information. I reiterate my question: Can someone give me a .jar file. I have worked through about 6 different 'heres how you do it' instructions and gotten nowhere. If you have a guide that will guaranteed work first try and can tell me which post is the correct one in the thread, I will consider it but otherwise the links are not helping. I don't see why sharing jars is not the normal way to do this.
  15. 52e Experimentation: Ores

    After many many many fruitless hours of searching for iron in the raisercraft server, I started wondering what I was doing wrong. I found this thread, and requested an update for the current version. None was forthcoming, so I took it upon myself to conduct some science of my own. I was not happy with the methodology in the previous thread however as raw numbers of the proportional occurrence of ores is not really the information I wanted. I wanted to know about the way the ores were distributed, how big the veins were, how deep they were and what the influence of different stone types was. So here is what i did: I took the minecraft.yaml file from the previous thread, and added in all the basic stone types. Then I created a custom texture pack for mcedit. The textures were very rough and ready, I basically just added blocks with 0,1,2,X,V and + written on them in different colours. The numbers were for the tiers of ore, + was for iron as that was my main goal and I didnt want to get confused by gold and nickel, X was for the two stone types that dont contain iron, and V for the two that do. The texture packs enabled me to fly around in mcedit underground and see the exact position and configuration of the different ore types and the stone layers they were in. I somewhat regret not making 4 stone textures as there might be a big difference between igneous extrusive and sedimentary rocks, maybe next time. My sample size was also quite small. I sampled 4 random worlds, analysing an area (sightRadius*2)2 or around 30 million blocks per world. The rarity of iron in these samples fits perfectly with my own luck in the game at finding iron, but not with reports from others on the same server. I never saw any really large iron deposits at all. I may do some further testing at a later date to see if there is some conditions that give rise to these giant iron deposits i keep hearing about, or I might not. A lot more research is certainly needed to make me confident of ever finding iron in my lifetime. These were the results: Short version: When engaging in exploratory mining for tier 0 ores, coal, and iron you should go to the rock layer border at y=55 to 60. Gold and platinum seem to occur higher up, around y=90. Iron is rare so it may still take you forever to find any. It is good to mine in an area with a sedimentary layer above you, ie the layer 55-90. In depth: Bear in mind when I say 'world' I mean one small part of a world near the spawn. I have spreadsheets of the exact mineral breakdowns of my four worlds if anyone is interested. Highlights follow: One world had no hematite one had no limonite. The total iron ore ranged from 120 to 800 blocks. some worlds also had very low native copper. Sphalerite was the most common ore in 2 worlds, with galena and bismithunite being the most common in the other two. One sphalerite world and the bismithunite one had over 60,000 blocks. The world with galena as the commonest ore was really poor, with only about 10,000 blocks of ore in total, this should not give the impression that galena means a poor world, all the worlds had roughly the same amount of galena, it was just that this world had so little of the normally common ores. The configuration of ores was somewhat surprising. Layers: Igneous layers seemed to have the ores spread out, so that you might think you hit the very large deposit only to find that it was only 3 blocks, and then digging further you would find another 3 and the 2 and then 5. These are a major hassle to mine and also a greater risk of cave-ins. Sedimentary rock had the ores in nice round blobs. In the top layer you get small to medium veins of ore of all tiers but not including iron, often close to the surface. The bulk of the ore on every map was just above the border between the second and third stone layer, at around y60. Having sedimentary for layer 2 is therefore ideal as this means you get giant (1000+ blocks easily) veins quite consistently and they are nice and uniform and round. Having an igneous layer 2 also gave very large deposits, but they were mixed and spread out as mentioned above. I was also surpised to find that ores also occur between layer 3 and the lava layer y=9, with pretty much the same rules as above. The trouble here is that the ores are mostly against the lava and mining them out will cause them to drop in and burn making them pretty difficult to get at. Many maps had a significant proportion of their iron at this layer. Epic blobs: Sphalerite and bituminous coal occur in massive ridiculous blobs that would keep an entire nation going indefinitely. As mentioned above these are biggest and easiest to mine at the bottom of a sedimentary layer 2. You may also assume that if you find one such massive blob, there will be others nearby, not that you will need them. Mixed ores: Limonite almost aways occurs mixed in with another ore type. This makes it easy to go past as the propick will be spamming 'large sphalerite' and you might not get a reading on the limonite at all. If you do get both readings, assume that they are in the same place. Magnetite can also occur mixed. That is all for now, I hope this helps as I know finding ores can be a bit daunting at times.
  16. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Put me down for brutal and draconian. I am not going to suggest specifics as I fell like bioxx already has some ideas and they are sure to be great. Just do it. If you are worried tie it to a game mode so people can turn it off.
  17. 52e Experimentation: Ores

    I analysed a 1000x1000 world. Flying around generating all the chunks took a long time so I won't be doing it again, but if anyone wants to upload a pre-explored world I don't mind running an analysis. My rules about rock types and spread out vs concentrated veins, as well as what mixes with what, should be taken as examples not rules. Even in cases where I have not seen any counter examples as my sample size is still far too small to be reliable. I saw veins of limonite that weren't mixed. These veins were interesting as well in that they were quite large and occurred at the bottom of the map against the lava. They account for a significant percentage of the limonite found. It was at the bottom of a shale layer3. At the bottom of limestone and rocksalt layer2s there were some decent veins of magnetite and one of hematite. garnierite (nickel) occurs at the same l2-l3 border as the majority of other ores but it doesn't seem to matter whether gabbro is the 2nd or 3rd layer. Gold was much rarer than any other mineral. There was surprisingly little native copper. The forum won't let me upload a spreadsheet so I will try to simply display the info in the post. Sorry about the formatting The last 3 numbers are the percentage of the total blocks that this material makes up, the percentage of total mineable blocks the material makes up (mineable simply excludes air, water lava and bedrock) and lastly the percentage of the total ore that the mineral makes up. ID Name Blocks % Total % Minable % Ores(210:5) Limestone 30311420 18.8667 25.3073 13,127.2823(0:0) Air 24252556 15.0955 20.2487 10,503.3070(212:0) Quartzite 23103212 14.3801 19.2891 10,005.5486(210:2) Shale 12675912 7.8898 10.5832 5,489.6892(209:2) Gabbro 10809815 6.7283 9.0252 4,681.5192(210:8) Chert 9874213 6.1460 8.2441 4,276.3283(210:4) Rock Salt 9139671 5.6888 7.6308 3,958.2125(9:0) Water 8784597 5.4678 7.3343 3,804.4369(11:0) Lava 5692941 3.5434 4.7531 2,465.5012(211:3) Dacite 4451335 2.7706 3.7165 1,927.7860(212:1) Slate 4207572 2.6189 3.5129 1,822.2170(212:2) Phyllite 3837235 2.3884 3.2037 1,661.8313(212:3) Schist 3532835 2.1989 2.9496 1,530.0016(209:0) Granite 2100352 1.3073 1.7536 909.6213(7:0) Bedrock 1972224 1.2276 1.6466 854.1316(212:4) Gneiss 1478521 0.9203 1.2344 640.3185(175:3) Future Block! 1476451 0.9190 1.2327 639.4220(216:0) Future Block! 1251168 0.7788 1.0446 541.8564(211:0) Rhyolite 345576 0.2151 0.2885 149.6622(210:9) Chalk 311619 0.1940 0.2602 134.9561(213:12) Sphalerite 192437 0.1198 0.1607 83.3407(10:0) Lava (active) 185437 0.1154 0.1548 80.3091(213:15) Lignite 136917 0.0852 0.1143 59.2961(213:14) Bituminous Coal 129828 0.0808 0.1084 56.2260(210:7) Dolomite 95414 0.0594 0.0797 41.3219(210:0) Siltstone 70339 0.0438 0.0587 30.4624(13:0) Gravel 36177 0.0225 0.0302 15.6676(213:7) Bismuthinite 35323 0.0220 0.0295 15.2977(214:13) Saltpeter 31311 0.0195 0.0261 13.5602(214:1) Gypsum 25162 0.0157 0.0210 10.8972(215:0) Borax 17056 0.0106 0.0142 7.3866(212:5) Marble 11971 0.0075 0.0100 5.1844(213:10) Magnetite 10607 0.0066 0.0089 4.5937(213:11) Limonite 9938 0.0062 0.0083 4.3040(213:5) Cassiterite 8700 0.0054 0.0073 3.7678(214:8) Jet 8270 0.0051 0.0069 3.5816(214:15) Sylvite 8170 0.0051 0.0068 3.5383(211:2) Andesite 7410 0.0046 0.0062 3.2091(211:1) Basalt 7118 0.0044 0.0059 3.0827(213:6) Galena 5952 0.0037 0.0050 2.5777(210:3) Claystone 4536 0.0028 0.0038 1.9645(213:9) Malachite 3966 0.0025 0.0033 1.7176(209:1) Diorite 2092 0.0013 0.0017 0.9060(213:13) Tetrahedrite 2076 0.0013 0.0017 0.8991(214:11) Cinnabar 1703 0.0011 0.0014 0.7375(214:4) Graphite 1292 0.0008 0.0011 0.5595(215:1) Olivine 766 0.0005 0.0006 0.3317(213:0) Native Copper 603 0.0004 0.0005 0.2611(214:5) Kimberlite 510 0.0003 0.0004 0.2209(213:3) Hematite 408 0.0003 0.0003 0.1767(214:6) Petrified Wood 408 0.0003 0.0003 0.1767(213:8) Garnierite 137 0.0001 0.0001 0.0593(213:1) Native Gold 46 0.0000 0.0000 0.0199 Total 160,661,305 Total Minable 119,773,550 Total Ores 230,904
  18. 52e Experimentation: Ores

    I was already concerned about going to hell for what I have already done. Building a deeper personal understanding of TFC geology is fine but then giving away that information in the form of 'mine at 60' to everyone seems to ruin the point of having such complex geology. What I have posted so far is not too bad but I may learn more, and I don't know if I should post it. Yes magnetite is included. Never saw any nickel on any of the worlds, not sure if there was any gabbro at all. For nickel you really need to be looking for gabbro layers and then analysing those. This midas program sounds like the one mentioned in the old thread, I asked for details but I didn't get them, and now I have them. Thanks. Now that I have my own system though I am not sure I still want it. Unless I am mistaken it removes all the stone just leaving the ores floating. This means I can't tell what kinds of stone the ores are occuring in. My purpose is not to find a seed with heaps of ore at spawn, if I wanted that I could just make one. What I am trying to achieve is a better understanding of the geology so that I know where to dig, even without access to the seed. Please correct me if I am wrong about the nature of midas. Last note: It seems that saltpeter and bismuthinite also occur in these giant blobs, and also that limonite is often mixed with bismuthinite and magnetite is often mixed with saltpeter. Edit: Oh forgot to answer that question. Sight radius is about 200 blocks
  19. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    Thread necromancy for current version. Firstly, does anyone have data for the current version? If not will the posted yaml file work or will it need to be updated? Second, Brodiggan what 'external program' did you use and where can I get it?
  20. I seem to have mastered the tricks for finding tier 0-1 ores, and now have stacks of all of them. So I made a bunch of bronze picks and propicks and set out to find iron (and/or gold, nickle etc.). I tunneled for about two hours through basalt, at layers y50 and y90, and then moved to another area. I found layers of conglomerate, shale, dacite and claystone and dug many kilometers of tunnels in each. So far I have found no metals at all in any of these stone types. Am I doing something wrong, is this normal or am I just unlucky? Also is there any information to be had about the relative commonness or frequency of ores? Is it better to look for hematite or limonite? Is basalt more likely to have ore than dacite? Are they all the same? I have made a bunch more picks but I don't want to just plug away at the same technique that hasn't been working for me.
  21. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Can you link me to another post explaining why? I will of course stop making such suggestions but I am interested in the rationale behind this policy.
  22. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Inventory was an afterthought, I was mainly thinking just about armour. I like the idea of armour having disadvantages so that one can play as something like a scout/archer without and have some mobility advantage. Something like wearing any more than one piece of metal armour prevents swimming. It is a simple enough change. Restricting jump height should also not be that hard. I could be wrong of course I haven't looked into the jump code. I remember in clonk there were medieval combat mods where armour prevented jumping, meaning that warriors, though heavily resistant to damage and uber in close combat, had major mobility issues and had to be supported by others without armour. Perhaps this suggestion would fit better in the kingdoms thread. Also if the modders have already ruled it out then nothing to see here.
  23. Time to remove placed logs

    Wow talk about derail. Anyway my suggestion would be to have a separate block for placed logs, it is not like you can build a tree out of wood irl.
  24. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Why not use salt instead of flux? Also some suggestions of my own: Weight should affect jump height, especially underwater, and maybe fall damage. Falling in the sea with full plate armour and a sack of rocks on your back should be a death sentence. Make an additional stage for armour creation, crafting it with leather on a bench. Metal armour without some sort of padding is murder. Could also use wool.
  25. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    This may be totally wrong for this mod but this is a brainstorming thread so I think I am allowed. I recently posted in the minecraft forum a mod suggestion for a mod that implements warfare in a useful way. here is the thread if you want to read the details I have in mind. Forgive me for not reading all 40 pages of this kingdoms thread first, but I at least get the impression there is a lot of similar stuff being discussed here. My idea was to make a warfare mod that is compatible with the largest possible number of other mods, and could be used to supplement any of them. TFC is of course the prefect example of a mod where this kind of gameplay would be great. I realise that if the Bioxx makes his own version of this as part of this mod it will be inventive and enjoyable just like his other work, and I would be very happy about it, but I am almost certain it would not be compatible with any other mods. This seems like an opportunity to me, firstly to enrich the modding community in general, and secondly to reduce the workload on Bioxx so he can continue with all the other amazing things he has planned. Basically I am suggesting seperating parts of the kingdoms mod from tfc but keeping them compatible. I can program myself and am happy to help with this. I am just asking for feedback here so if I am totally off base please let me know gently :-). I am also aware there are probably parts of kingdoms that will simply never be compatible with other mods and the division of the two might not be smooth or easy. While I am on the subject, there is also the factions mod, which although is rather ineffective in my experience it is widely used and has at least some functionality in common with some of the goals here. Rather than reinvent the wheel it may be interesting to approach the creators and see if they would be amenable to sharing some of their code. Edit: On an unrelated note, I also had an idea for block semi protection and reinforcing that compliments what has been said earlier: Reinforcing blocks could be made relatively easy, but also be directional, ie 1-5 sides of the block now take much longer to break but the remaining side(s) is normal. This means that people can have a reinforced wall around a settlement that takes ages to break through, without it taking ages for the owners of the town to dismantle it if they want to move or modify it. Simply make the reinforced faces face outward. A decent wall reinforcement mechanic also enables block protection like the suggested hearthstones to cover only building and not breaking. This would mean you can simply pile up dirt next to a wall to get over it, and breaking through would take a long time.