Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by harvald

  1. It is ok when gravel is unsupported by beams, but it should not collapse beams when falling. It is too easy to remove one block of stone above the beam not knowing what is higher. If it is gravel then potentially a whole mine could collapse, because one collapsed beam causes falling stone wchich could destroy another beam.
  2. Some observations of how people play

    I know, i don't like easy either. I'd like progression not regression. So if it should be hard then lets start from 100 hp. I dissagree. In my opinion better way is going to diversity of food. Different difficulty to find species and grow them.
  3. Some observations of how people play

    When i started game i had 1000/1000 points of health. After some days of searching, and gathering food i had only 150/150. I understand mechanics of nutrition levels. I have to eat every kind of food (grain, vegetable, diary, etc.) but it is A LOT easier to put every item i have in the safe place and kill myself than keep trying gain some nutrition and be killed in unexpected moment and loss valuable items. This mod and especially this version is for suicidal type. This is very frustrating to keep trying really hard to stay alive and despite of this keep loosing this fight. It would be better even to start always with 100 hp than this. Generally bugs are commonly used by players because they have more sense than the way meant by author. For example in real world hut build from big wooden logs is normal thing with low tech. I don't use them, because of time needed to remove them. Instead i use small log piles. This is not normal or logic but this way is more useful. I don't know if this is intended but i find it strange that full stack (160oz) of food don't fit in a ceramic vessel, but not full does. If this is intended then would be nice to have some sort of message to know when something is to large to fit. In matter of light source if think that burning out torch is a good thing, but some other (expensive) permanent light source is needed (not pumpkin). Maybe oil lamp (made with metal, glass, etc.) for higher tech level. When we start burning out torch is not a problem, because we have small farm - easy to keep. In later game it is not pleasant running around to keep lit everything. In exploration and mines, on the other hand, torches are always good, because they are cheap. Only one, little chunk of meat from cow? Really, this is cheap! Not real, not logical. I liked it more in previous version. A lot of meat, but very, very long time of animal breeding and fast decaying of meat. Maybe domestic animals should be wild in the beginning and run always from player? On game start we have no food, but after a year there are plenty of it. What if some plants would needed more than a year to give a crop? Maybe giving better nutrition levels. This would give longer fun with developing plantation. Wooden doors are useless because of a zombies. I don't use them at all. Instead i use sand or dirt. I just love cave ins They enforce good planing of the mine and give thrill of emotions. I agree with others that they could do more damage.