Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by mharkan

  1. Some additional fuels for lanterns might be a good idea. TFC has a couple of other flammable fluids, such as some of the alcohols. Perhaps they wouldn't burn as bright or for as long, seeing as how an alcohol flame is pretty dim Also, corn oil is made in much the same way as olive oil. Perhaps that could be an option as well.
  2. [Rule #4] Additional Fuels for Lanterns

    Well, I can now make olive oil, which means I can make lamps that burn out. Not necessary seeing as how I've been able to make infinite lamps since shortly after they came out. This was the intent of my original post. I was able to make the superior lamp far sooner than the inferior (and more interesting) version simply because of bad luck about finding an olive tree. Which is fine. I'm okay with bad luck being a thing. With so many potential flammable fluids in TFC I thought it might be a good idea to discuss some. Perhaps tallow could be linked to butchering skill. At low levels it yields such a small amount as to be a rather inefficient means to get light. I for one don't just kill animals until I have a stable breeding stock back at home. Which is a mid to late game situation for me. Also, whaling. Yes please!
  3. [79.17] Getting too punishing?

    I was mining some coal just a moment ago and had some dirt and gravel fall because I mined the block supporting it. Not a cave in, just regular ol' physics fall and it carved a 5 deep hole as it destroyed a line of coal under it. I'm not giving criticism or support to any game mechanic, I'm just saying it looked peculiar.
  4. [Solved] Iron Blooms Not Splitting

    TFC Version #:0.79.17 Forge Version #: SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):SSP Description:I've got some iron blooms heated and worked to the refining point, but they're not refining. I've run into this problem several times. I can usually tinker with them a bit and eventually get them to work, but these ones are being rather stubborn. Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):Yes If yes, which mods?Journeymap, Fastcraft If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):Not installed link of the Crash Report:It hasn't caused a crash, it just refuses to work the way I understand it should be working. I've (hopefully) included a screenshot. The blooms are heated to working temperatures and they've been anvilled so the markers line up and the last three hits are the right type. Edit: I'm sorry the picture I linked looks retarded.
  5. [Solved] Iron Blooms Not Splitting

    Makes me glad my blast furnace is almost completely done =P
  6. [Solved] Iron Blooms Not Splitting

    Thank you for your help. I looked back a couple pages of support posts and didn't find this problem so I made a new post. I broke the anvil and manually reselected the plan which allowed the refining process to work for me. It's odd in that I just barely processed a dozen blooms without having to reselect, then it did this, and now I've done another half dozen blooms without having to reselect.
  7. TFC Version #:0.79.16 Forge Version #: SSP Description:Right clicking an empty blue steel lamp placed on the ground crashes the game. I've tested silver, sterling silver, and gold lamps under the same circumstances and they don't crash the game. Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): If yes, which mods?Yes, fastcraft 1.19 and journeymap 5.0.1 If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):Not installed link of the Crash Report: