Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by yubyub96

  1. Hey bob, the album of imgur says its not public, could you fix that? and i saw a server anouncement saying there was going to be a weekly screenshot contest, i havent seent more info about it. could you specifie the requisits?


  2. Hi yubyub96,

    thanks for v0.6 but i found some texture-bugs ^^ take a look in the spoiler..


    Posted Image

    Well thanks for telling me of such problems, i will fix them as soon as posible.

    And about the zombie texture, i have the same problem sometimes, dont know what causes it, i will look on how to solve it, but if anyone has the answer to the problem plz tell me.


  3. Just release the new version 0.6

    change log

    Version 0.6

    Made several new tool textures

    -tin saw

    -almost all tin tools

    -copper tools

    -stone tools

    Remade some stones

    -basalt is darker

    -new(better) igneous cobble

    Right now im gonna focus on making the tools,but i want to know if you would prefer if i make the lower tiers first, or the higher tiers first.


  4. Hey bob, here are my pics for the pic contest

    Posted Image

    This one i took it when we first started the server with yoyo and you remember? its a little island near white rock, i thought it was cool so i did this.

    Posted Image

    The winter Watch. this is my base so far, its on the north and this is one of the first snows i saw in there,it really hitted me because it killed my reeds,saplings and torches, really hard stuff. I love the north

    Posted Image

    Here we have ladies and gentlemen The Lotanis Express, this was the first time i went through it, it was awesome, i had to work all day with istar to make an iron anvil and then a cart, worth it.


  5. I dont think its a copy, what the mod has are stone that exist in real life, and minerals that exist in real life. So in other words they are just getting the same insipiration, its like saying im copying your drawing just because im using a lot of blue as well.


  6. You are so awesome for giving us this texture pack. :)

    I use Jamziboy's JS Edit for all things Minecraft, and am very, very grateful that that can apply to Terrafirmacraft as well (at least, a very similar pack with those thatch textures I love so much :D. I just wish that getting lime green wool didn't require an epic quest to the equator, but this is TFC, so I'll deal with it. :P)

    Anyways, great work, keep it up. I'll keep downloading it every update. Even though my SSP world Is actually stil b72. :)

    [Loosely related question: is the only way to get wool from sheep without killing them making wrought iron shears? Or is there an alternate method I'm not aware of? Also, breeding, I forget how it works in TFC, could someone remind me? Thanks in advance if you decide to answer these questions. If you didn't that's ok too, I don't want this thread to get derailed.]

    Thanks for the comment, im glad you like my work.

    About the sheep, i dont know of any other method, and i think there isnt any other.And about breeding, i dont know how it works. You can make a topic in the support section about it.


  7. The only place snow will spawn is in the tundra. Every place below 0 degrees © will snow instead of rain, with snow acumilation (I think) unfortunately some coding issue has caused snow to be broken until Forge adds the needed hooks.

    So unfortunately, what you're asking for is not possible ATM. Sorry YubYub! (I love saying your name out loud :D )

    Don't worry though, I'm sure it will be fixed!

    Thanks for the reply, no one seems to be in the seed subforum.

    I found some snow in the server i play(roanoke) but i ran away from me, i dont know what happened, it vanished.


  8. is gained as a byproduct of cutting grain, and having grain doesn't make you the richest person on the server currently, so I don;t see what you are talking about * scratches head* :)

    Lets say you need an space of 5 by 5 of grains(wheat,rye,etc) to survive.Now that makes for an aprox of 65 pieces of raw grain, now when made into thatch or hay you each grain will yield 1 piece of hay giving you in total 65 pieces, you will need 4 to make a block of hay 65/4 =16.25 (16) you have 16!! you will need at least 40 for a decent roof,depends on the house, but it usually goes between 32 and 64.and you will need at least 15 pieces of hay to keep a horse(or any animal)alive for a month. This will make you need a ton of grain.

    It wont make you the richest, i made a term mistake there, but its so hard to make that it will became a very valuable thing. im just saying is something that will need a lot more thinking on making it balanced.


  9. All-in-all, stone and stone bricks are somewhat unrealistic historically, considering there are more popular and less tedious ways of making sturdy building materials with items already available in the mod.

    Stone bricks are not historically unrealistic, in medieval times they used them for castles and cathedrals many time, why? because the were hard to destroy with more stones. But they didnt make a full wall of stone bricks, they made just the outside of stone bricks, to resist the attacks, and the inside of some sort of mortar with loose stones.The Chinese used compressed dirt with dry vegetation and some mortar.

    Attached source


  10. hay or straw will become a bi-product of taking the grain off of wheat and such. It will replace wheat grain for luring and breeding animals.

    Make it balanced,so its not like having a thatched roof makes you the richest person on the server.Make it an abundant material.

  11. I would prefer if little rocks had the effect of the bricks too.But an idea i had is that if you build taller than 1 block the stones on top will go down(similar to dirt) avoiding the making of big walls of loose stones, unless you had some mortar, made with lime,water and sand, which you will have to put on your hotbar in order to be applied to the stone you are placing, and perhaps you will need something to apply it with too, like an spatula.You could make a wall out of loose stone but you will have to reinforce it with planks on its sides.You will also need the mortar for the bricks.
