Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Vana

  1. Lol, yup, i figured that out myself, nevermind
  2. I dont know whats going wrong, but it isnt working for me. New clean install with "forge-1.7.10-" and TFC "[1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft-" and fastcraft. as soon as i try to start the game with "TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10-" in the folder it cannot start the game and i get a message saying it cannot find any mod or version of NotEnoughItems. any toughts???
  3. Tried it on a quick new ssp world. It looks totally amazing in places, you should talk to Dunk and Bioxx and get this implemented as part of TFC itself. I think it could look totally amazing when all the kinks are worked out.
  4. my .79 playtrough

    Hello there, Here are some pictures of my current .79 playtrough, I think it's starting to take on a nice shape so I decided to share it here on the forum. I edited the oreconfig for my game because in my last 2 playtroughs I got stuck in the bronze-age, unable to find any kaolinite, graphite or garnierite and since I dont have hours and hours to play each day and wanted to focus on building I decided to make them more common. Just now the situation is that I havent been able to find any iron ore so far on the landmass I'm on but that should be only a question of doing more exploring. Here come the pics: laying out the ground floor fast forward some time, built up the tower some more, it's my first winter. The first details, got the basic shape of the entrance worked out Started laying out the shape of the top floor which will be my main living/forge area Sorry for the small size of the pictures, but the connection I'm working from doesn't allow me to make imgur albums right now. I will try to see what i can do about them. Feel free to comment and make suggestions
  5. my .79 playtrough

    If anyone has a good design for a revolving starcase btw, I'm in the market for one. I have been trying in creative the past week but haven't been able to come up with a nice design. I have room for a 5x5 footprint and the floors in the tower are 6 blocks high. So if you have one to share, please do.