Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by OneWolfe

  1. Some cool new spreads have been added to the Carpenters Bed for the TFC Tuesdays Crew, thanks to FireRedLily New updates live on the FTB launcher. Look for them inversion 1.0.98.
  2. WIP TFCTech Addon

    I was finally able to manage. Oh and someone added Cryolite to the game. I am not sure if it was from your addon or originally in TFC. Now I just have to see if I can crush and powderize it for use in the ARC furnace. Also thank you very much for giving the metal dust a variable option for units, this will really help out a ton when I get to crushing and grinding up ores.
  3. These biomes are looking pretty amazing How far along is the research and crafting portions? Alot of people have been asking me to add Thaumcraft or even Bloodmagic to my pack but the conversions look like they could be an incredibly daunting task. Tho ModTweaker does provide TC and BM support rewriting the aspects and research alone could take months, especially if I try to add every block and item in my pack. Keep up the great work and hope to see more soon
  4. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Just as a friend courtesy I would like to inform you that I will be adding your addon to the next update of my Public Mod pack called TerraFirmaPunk which can be found in the Third Party area on the FTB launcher. Thanks for all the awesome work and for helping me with the initial integration
  5. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Thank you I should be able to easily implement the Metal Press feature through ModTweaker. Also, is there a way to disable the Aluminum smelting? I would like to force the players to use the ARC furnace instead if possible. My other choice would be to try to make the forged and smelted Aluminum useless by removing it from the ore dictionary but that wont stop players from trying to craft up a bunch of ingots. I will see if I can find work arounds for this.
  6. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Ok it is working for me now Quick question, What are the plates and dense plates for?
  7. WIP TFCTech Addon

    OH! I must have missed it last night, I am totally blind some times. Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience. I will work on changing out all the quests, drops, and recipes to use your pipes and gears instead. Thank you very much
  8. WIP TFCTech Addon

    I completely understand the issues with putting bad items in chests. I am just asking that the BC items not be HIDDEN from NEI, or at least have the option to hide them. TFC is already unfriendly enough ...
  9. WIP TFCTech Addon

    There in lies the problem. My pack is already public and players will have already started using the default buildcraft pipes and gears so removing them will break their worlds. If your custom pipes cannot work with BC pipes at all then that is a serious problem. But if it simply neater to just hide the old ones in NEI then I think that mod pack developers should be given a choice not forced to go one way or the other. There is a lot of great stuff in your mod that I really like and would love to include, but if it comes with this kind of restriction I don't know anyone who would want to use it. For me, its just too late in the game. I also notice that you intend to include Logistic Pipes support at some point in the future, which I assume means that your pipes do not already support LP and thus are completely unusable for anyone who has LP in their pack
  10. WIP TFCTech Addon

    So I finally sat down and gave this mod a test run. Sadly its is just too incompatible with my pack in its current state. The key issue is that the mod Overwrites alot of the buildcraft recipes and would take me hours and even days to go through and clean up everything. For now the cost/benefit ratio is just too high.
  11. Tainted biomes are going to be amazing! Great job so far!
  12. Cross-Mod Weapon/Armor Compatability

    There is no need to change the damages for the firearms in FSP. The config file has a few lines where you can change the damage values for each of the weapons individually. I have the pistol around 350 and the blunderbuss at about 1200 with the rifle somewhere in between. This of course dose not change any of the other weapon damages, armor values or allow for the steam tools to work properly in TFC.
  13. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Thank you for your thoughts I remember looking at another mod that added several levels of ore processing and at one step it added something called a Slurry, so adding more steps sounds like more fun in my opinion I recently changed the IE process for making steel into three steps by running it through the blast furnace 3 times. Maybe I should mix it up with a coke oven too? I have not looked at the config file yet, still at the office for another hour, but I will certainly do that once I am able to get back on the project again. Thanks again
  14. [0.79.28+] TerraFirmaStuff

    TheFOR loops can be pretty useful but don't always work in every situation. Itend tospending alot of time on the MT wiki these days, going through their advanced tutorials looking for new and interesting ways to repurpose some of the "useless" items in various mods. [choke] ste*mc**ft2
  15. [0.79.28+] TerraFirmaStuff

    Yes, all my scripts are public, just not as a separate bundle from the rest of the modpack. If you need any more MT help feel free to ask me directly anytime and im sure Bunsan would be happy to help as well
  16. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Today I have been doing some more thinking on how I want IE to handle TFC ores, in regards to nuggets, units, alloys and such. As I have not yet implemented any systems yet the processes still require crucibles, forges and anvils to get the metals before they can be used by other mods. But since I do have these advanced smelting machines why don't I let them take out some of the manual labor in smelting the metals needed to make bigger and better machines. I certainly don't intend to let the machines make weapons and armor as this is an art best left to a more skilled hand. But more advanced machines require precise measurements and a lot of repetitive parts that are exactly the same, something you just cant do on a forge very well. So my first thought was to have these smelting machines produce nuggets, similar to the vanilla gold nuggets and railcraft's iron nuggets. Small and Poor qualityores would produce 1 nugget of their respective metal, while normal and rich would give two or three nuggets. Its very inexact measurements but close enough to be fair. But today I thought, "why not try dust instead of nuggets?" I see that your mod adds a lot of metal dusts which would help out a lot if I were to follow this course of action. So I am wondering if you are also thinking along the same lines? Are you planning to have IE able to smelt the metal ore dusts/powders and if so at what ratios? Having 1 ore produce 1-2 dust that can then make 1 ingot each is extremely over powered with respects to TFC. I do think that grinding the ores into dust first should provide some bonus to the end results. Maybe 10% to 50% at most but a small ore (10 units) should not be able to suddenly turn into a finished ingot (100 units) Do you think that 10 units per dust would be unreasonable? Or maybe 25 units so a machine like the crusher would require 2 small or poor ores to make 1 dust or 1 normal ore. For the poor and rich it would take 5 poor ore to make 3 dust and 5 rich would grind into 7 dust. Maybe tweak the numbers a bit to provide a small bonus or only require 3 dust per ingot? I am interested to hear your thoughts on this before I start adding these kinds of recipes in MineTweaker.
  17. Really looking forward to seeing this mod! And adding new biomes sounds amazing! I really hope you can pull it off GL with the new job too!
  18. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Cool, I will definitely give the mod a test drive this week and see how it will fit into my tech tree and let you know what I find
  19. 1) Don't live in or near a swamp, or mountains. If you do thenexpect to be constantly harassed by difficult mobs. 2) Mosquitos should be spawning in light levels 9 and below so they can still spawn under trees in the swamps. 3) Slime Beetles are ment to be a rare mob and difficult to farm, there are much more difficult and rare mobs that drop items required for progression. Try to learn their habits and figure out better ways to farm them. Thank you for the comments it really helps me with balancing the pack for all levels of play. I tend to get stuck focusing on the higher tiers and forget that early game features need tweeking too
  20. I have no plans to use this mod. There are always some visual bugs now and then, can you be more specific? There should be some other slimes spawning in the caves. But if your having a hard time with slime beetles I would suggest backing off a bit and complete some more quests or just farm mobs for life hearts and reward bags.
  21. WIP TFCTech Addon

    How is your current progress on Aluminum processing? It looks like the Immersive Engineering's Arc Furnace is very close to the modern process, however it lacks one crucial component. What I believe is missing from the IE Arc Furnace in order to have any kind of Electrolysis is adissolvent, or some kind of acid. Modern Aluminum processing uses Cryolite to dissolve the Bauxite ore but I believe it was originally discovered in the 1800's using Flourite or even potassium to break down the Bauxite first. I think the Arc Furnace is must have for Aluminum processing, but in order to be more realistic and "believable" I really think some kind of dissolvent needs to be added to the machine. From what I have been told this dissolvent is never actually used up or burnt off, but I would leave it up to you to decide if its actually consumed in the process or not.
  22. WIP TFCTech Addon

    I will certainly keep and eye out for the next build, and am very excited to see what you come up with for Immersive Engineering
  23. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Can your pipes pull ingots or filled ingot molds out of the Crucibles? That would be a huge step towards alloy automation, especial with something like Logistic Pipes
  24. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Even with all of the super awesome features included in this mod I am still somewhat hesitant to actually include it in my pack at this time. Most of the reasons are balance related and the time involved to crosscheck alot of the recipes I have already changed in Buildcraft and Immersive Engineering. However there are a couple of features that would make me immediately jump on the band wagon. I am not sure if these features already exist but I noticed that your Buildcraft status is up to 85% so I thought I would ask first. The two Buildcraft features that I am most interested in looking out for are if Buildcraft Item Transport and Liquid Pipes can interface with TFC "machine" blocks, specifically the Barrels and Crucibles. Of course all the work you have done on this mod so far is pretty amazing especially the recent addition of latex farming But I have been kind of holding out for more of the Immersive Engineering integration since I have already scripted alot of Buildcraft using MineTweaker. However if you already have a way to get the pipes (or even IE conveyor belts) to place and remove liquids and items from barrels and crucibles I would immediately plug this mod into my pack. I am considering adding more crafting automation and integration to the endgame portions of the pack, so being able to automate things like alloy smelting is going to be a huge selling point for me in the future. Thanks for all the awesome work on this mod so for and I really look forward to what is comming in the future
  25. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Flaxbeard's really dosnt need alot of tweaking to make it work in TFC. Just adjust a few recipes in with MineTweaker and your golden er Brass I mean!