Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by OneWolfe

  1. 19 hours ago, TaeoG said:

    no worries. send me a message with map seed, coords, and any other information you think might be helpful. I'll check it out in the morning

    EDIT: A list of mods would be a good idea too.

    Ok here is what I have been able to come up with so far.


    SEED: -8174463199097737111

    I have removed Fastcraft and Farseek which were both listed in the previous crash report but am still getting a crash when generating a new world or new chunks.

    I tried 10 different world seeds with no change so I dont think looking at the specific seed will help.

    I tried generating a new world with all the other mods installed, including Thaumcraft, but removed terrathaumcraft and the world generates correctly. So it is clear to me that the problem exists in the terrathaumcraft.jar file.

    I have a complete list of all the other mods in my pack on my FTB thread you can find here: TerraFirmaPunk


    Thank you very much for all the work you have done, and I am really looking forward to getting this mod working soon :D



  2. On 8/7/2016 at 3:24 PM, Shurgent said:

    TFCTech updated to version 0.2.7-A12


    • Fixed missing anvil recipes in SMP
    • Added Wire Draw Bench
    • Added Oil Can
    • Implemented Wire Draw Bench NEI integration
    • Modified IE Wire Coil recipes to use new TFCTech wires
    • Added Barrel recipes of Treated Sticks and Planks

    Cheers, Will be giving this a test run next week :D

    Thanks again for all the great work so far!


  3. 10 minutes ago, TaeoG said:

    ok, we'll see what we can find. The code that error points to doesn't throw that error, so I don't really have enough information yet to track down the issue. That code creates the aura nodes, which so far has been working fine. I'm worried that fastcraft is the culprit, as it sticks its fingers into a lot of stuff. We'll see.

    Yes, I could try without Fastcraft. But will have to wait till the Admin is home again since I am currently unable to FTP into the server today :(


  4. 14 minutes ago, TaeoG said:

    this fixed a crash I found on my own, and the others you've mentioned so far have already been fixed.

    This one that you've just posted, however, is new. Can you recreate it or was it a one time thing?

    Yes, but not until the server admin gets off of work. It is happening when we explore new chunks or try to generate a new world.


  5. 2 minutes ago, TaeoG said:

    well, I've fixed the issue with some hacky work-arounds. Not impressed that mojang and/or the forge guys decided to remove one of the World constructor classes on the server side, makes it much harder for me to get Thaumcraft world generation working.

    Either way, back to working on the desync bug.

    Is this supposed to fix the crashes were still getting on the server? I didnt want to post anything until I could get the crashes confirmed but here is the last crash log I have. Crash


  6. 4 minutes ago, TaeoG said:

    oh, you're referring to the ingot stack container. Yes, that would be different as its a completely different item. Logs and coal will act the same, they're all just fancy chests, really. Not a big deal as you typically can't actually put those blocks into a cauldron, but they will eventually have some sort of aspect assigned to them for research points


    Right now they give 1 terra. Just like everything else in TFC. Which I thought was kind of a nice joke :D


  7. 1 hour ago, TaeoG said:

    I'm not sure what you mean about items having a different ID in hand than on the ground, that shouldn't be possible.

    Oh, its definitely very possible. An ingot (item) held in hand is very different than ingots placed in a stack (block) on the ground. And the same goes for logs and I think other multi-block structures behave the same way. Entities thrown on the ground are always the same as what was in hand of course. 


  8. 1 hour ago, TaeoG said:

    just keep the bug reports coming

    I can certainly do that! :D

    So my next step is to go through and check that the correct aspects are getting picked up. I have noticed that almost all the TFC blocks and items are set to Terra by default. That is an interesting choice :D

    Minetweaker does allow me to add and change aspects for almost everything in my pack, however some items are different when placed on the ground. One example is with any metal ingot when placed in a stack on the ground has a different ID than a stack held in the players hand. Its not a huge deal at the moment since players will just have to remember to hit 'Q' and throw the items on the floor to be scanned first.

    I can understand that going through every single block and item in TFC can be a very daunting task. Trust me, I do it almost every time I add a new mod to my pack :P but if anyone knew a way I can identify items placed in the world it would be greatly appreciated :D


    PS: I also just noticed that most of the TFC weapons have a tremendous amount of Telum. A little knife has over 99 points, these seems a bit extreme. :P They do have larger amounts based on the tier of metal tho :D


  9. So everything was running just fine and dandy with a0.4.5 until I decided to test out some of the new world gen and ran into another fatal error :(

    Since I am still testing in single player I reverted back to a0.4 and the new worlds are loading just fine so it definitely seems to only be an issue with a0.4.5.

    Here is the error message I am seeing in the Launcher 


    at com.bioxx.tfc.WorldGen.Generators.WorldGenLooseRocks.getCoreSample( ~[WorldGenLooseRocks.class:?]

    If you would like a more detailed crash report I will see if I can generate one in the morning, for now its very late and I am about ready to fall over :P 

    Thank you,


    PS: Ok same problem on the server side. a0.4.5 runs fine on a pre-existing map but wont generate a new one :( 


  10. 3 hours ago, TaeoG said:

    lol, I knew it was bound to happen.


    Anyways, here's a small update as I continue working towards giving players a way to acquire all the nether-based stuff. This time around, nether wart! A great source of praecantatio, and a requirement for every single potion, its been sorely missed.

    • Soulsand is produced alchemically by mixing any sand with mortuus and spiritus (provided you have the new research that stems off of alchemy manufacturing)
    • nether wart seeds can be produced by mixing praecantatio with any seeds. again from that same research
    • a thaumium hoe is required to till the soulsand to make it suitable for planting nether wart seeds
    • Netherwart requires no sunlight, but it does have to be in a warm climate, similar to that of sugar cane (although I may bump it up higher than that)

    The best way to get praecantatio for making nether wart seeds will be greatwood, but as I haven't finished the aspects it currently doesn't have any! 

    Also, the bug that Mr Wolf mentioned has been fixed. A server should boot now, although I don't know what kinds of bugs you may run into (maybe none!). The only bug I'm aware of with multiplayer is if you log out of a server and back in, or into a new one, without exiting the game. You will end up with duplicate anvil recipes that will cause a crash if you click on them. Good luck!



    What to look for in the next update: fire rods, ghast tears and the nether star. Also a working Lamp of fertility.

    TerraThaumcraft a0.4.5 Download

    Thank you very much for getting this out so quickly! Now we might even be able to make to some live testing on Tuesday :D


  11. That table looks, and sounds, absolutely amazing! :wub: I did notice there wasnt a sound when the table was placed tho. 

    A while back you mentioned the possibility of an Electric, or Powered Crucible. Has there been any progress or design ideas for this item? Adding a better automated smelting system is one of the main requests I get these days. Currently everything I have it pretty late game.

    Everything you have added to this mod has been super amazing and I just cant wait to see what comes out next :D 


  12. On 7/30/2016 at 8:58 AM, TaeoG said:

    there is a link to the very first alpha build a page or two ago in one of my posts, and there likely will be a newer release later today :^)
    I would recommend strongly against running it on an established server, the release is just a teaser more than anything, 


    I know that you said not to try running your mod on a server, but I had to give it a try anyways. Unfortunately it is the only way I can give this crossover any serious testing. Most of the people I know playing my pack are also running servers too. The pack, and TFC, is really ment for the multi-player experience.

    So long story short, the TFC Tuesday crew and I tried installing TerraThaumcraft-a0.4 alongside Thaumcraft on our creative test server but kept getting a fatal "method not found" error. Here is a link to a more detailed crash report CRASH.

    For the single player side of things it does seem to be working quite well :D and everything I have run into so far has not been anything major that cant be adjusted easily in minetweaker.

    Keep up the great work, and I really believe this mod could be a great success :D B)


  13. I was also wondering if this was a thing. My guess is that when the miner is scanning for ores it looks at specific block IDs and not any special meta data of those blocks. So the only thing I can think of to make the miner work is to tell it to mine all of the surround rock as well. Even then I dont know if it will pick up and of the dropped items.


    As a side Note. TechNodeFirmaCraft has included Mekanism in their pack and may have already found a solution to this problem ...


  14. I would like to start testing Thaumcraft in my mod along with your TFC crossover, but I am not seeing any way to download the addon on the first page. Is there a stable version that you are willing to let me test out? My mod pack is called TerraFirmaPunk and many of the players are asking for Thaumcraft to be included. But I really dont want to jump into a huge conversion project with out something like your crossover mod installed. :D 
