Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bishamonten

  1. Mods that Compliment TerraFirmaCraft

    That's a shame it's not working with the ship mod. My appeal with Smart Moving is that, for one, difficulty of the mod can be set, and two, reminds me of older, pc games like daggerfall, where ironic enough, an old rpg game allows you to climb walls.In any case, does the game just crash when you try to load up both at the same time? Or is there just strange behavior?The RenderPlayerAPI makes for compatibility doesn't it? Even then, it also comes with an extended version of itself, for even more compatibility.
  2. Mods that Compliment TerraFirmaCraft

    Also, is it Zan's Minimap or Voxelmap? In any case, the one that lets you set waypoints, etc.I would love the features of this mod, I never tried it myself, so any of these points are probably already in the mod itself, just that:-waypoints are not gigantic light beams to see off in the distance, just little tiny ones like in dragon age inquisition if anybody's played that.-This map only starts functioning once you made your own map, and the range of it only extends as far as how much you built your map-Enable the admin to disable or enable some of the features, like teleporting or coordinates.Like I said, any of these could already be part of the mod itself, but if they aren't, I'd totally like these features made for a game like tfc so as to not make the mod too op, but instead, extending the features of the map.
  3. Mods that Compliment TerraFirmaCraft

    Whoa, Mo Creatures works with TFC??Then again, it has been working with Biomes o Plenty, without my usual tinkering and downloading config files from other users... Just like that.I am also a huge fan of Smart Moving, and I think you can use the config to make Smart Moving more of a game feature and less of a cheat. But I did also hear that compatibility can be an issue at times. Although, some mods that have been reported as an issue with Smart Moving, turns out, it doesn't, or no longer has it, like with Mine & Gear 2.Ah, that's another mod I think I'm liking is Mine & Gear 2, although, I'm not sure how well it works with TFC. Last time I got a crash trying to use it with TFC I think, last I remember had something to do with the gui. I can post a crash report if you guys are interested.
  4. No other dimensions?

    Oh sorry I meant "was worked on". As the way I saw it, the TFC team have a lot on their plate as it is.
  5. No other dimensions?

    Ah, I actually have some ideas myself. Yes of course, we should not forget that TFC itself is a mod, and has it's own plans :PAs for the dimension thing, that is a bit sad to hear, but I'm happy to find out that it's getting worked on.
  6. No other dimensions?

    Wait, magic and dimensions are an issue with tfc?That's not what I interpreted here: thought the goal isn't realism, like real life, but believability... TFC has the end user handling a lot of stuff that doesn't want to hold your hand in any way whatsoever, and you can implement magic and dimensions to serve that purpose, oh very much so.Magic and dimensions does not have to automatically mean you get free stuff, that's a false dichotomy. In the elder scrolls games, not everyone is a magic user.The way I think of magic is being a researcher, a scholar, an engineer even, but never a cheater, no not that kind of magic.