Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Watsisname

  1. Copper is indeed smeltable in a firepit, but you have to use the highest-temperature wood, which is hickory, and it has to be done at very high altitude, with a bellows. It takes a long time and you have to keep the temp at max by using the bellows almost constantly, but it's possible.

    Your best bet though is to find tin, zinc, or bismuth for the first-tier tools and make a bloomery.


  2. Another prospecting tip that might not be immediately obvious -- after you have found and mined out a vein, CHECK AGAIN! Often times there will be extra material that was not connected to the main vein. (I see this happen with native gold rather frequently).

    I've also once had my ore-finding strategy thrown totally amuck because there were TWO veins of the same ore (hematite) about 20 meters apart. Made the readings very confusing to interpret, but once I found and mined out one vein, the other was much easier to find.


  3. Agreed, it would be nice to be able to recycle the old anvils. Even if you only get half of the metals back, that'd be better than just leaving them sitting there obsolete.


  4. I'm not entirely sure, but I think for most updates it will be okay to just pop the new stuff in over the old. I won't swear to that though.

    Personally I always just backup all the old files and do a completely fresh installation for the update to be on the safe side. That way I know there's no conflicts from older files, and if I want to revert to an older version I can do so fairly easily.


  5. I have been watching this thread for a while, and now feel that I should say something.

    Did everyone read Bioxx's two posts in the now-locked thread? I think he made it very clear why he does not approve of the idea of an unnoficial wiki, and honestly if the creator of the mod that we all happily use says that he prefers to keep to a single official wiki editted by a few entrusted people and not just everyone, then I believe that request should be honored.

    I sympathize completely with the belief that wikis should be freely editable by everyone, but as Bioxx mentioned there are reasons against going about it that way. He also said the current wiki is whitelisted, so if you do wish to contribute and help make it more complete then you can apply for edditing permissions.


  6. I like this idea. :) Methinks the rings (wristbands, too?) ought to be craftable with gold and silver (and platinum! :D) as well, and have the differences in recipes be acounted for by new plans. Alternatively, maybe rings be crafted via combining liquid metal with ceramic ring moulds? That'd actually be pretty realistic.

    I'm all for an enchantment system or just basic benefits from various jewellery, too.


  7. Great idea, mate! I believe the combination of collecting rainwater, melting snow, boiling freshwater, and the ability to get a small amount of water from cacti in deserts, should allow for a balanced water and thirst system across all biomes.


  8. I think RogueHydra hit the nail on the head. One of the perks of Minecraft over Dwarf Fortress is that you are the character, fully immersed in this enormous 3D voxel world which you view in first-person. And you feel frustrated when you can't find the materials you need, and happy when you do find them. You get frantic when you start taking hunger damage from lack of eating, and cringe in sympathetic pain if you fall from too high or nearly get blown up by a creeper. You feel afraid when there are dangerous mobs nearby, and so on.

    I think mood-meters would only detract from this immersion rather than add to it, especially with the number and extent of meters you're suggesting. The addition of a thirst meter would probably be as far as I'd care to go to be honest. Cold damage from frozen biomes might be interesting but would need to be carefully balanced for gameplay.


  9. Howdy folks, just wondering if anyone knows if either the functionality of armor pieces hasn't been implemented yet, or if there's some bug that is preventing it. By functionality, I mean reducing the amount of damage taken while wearing them. (At least that's what I expect armor to do, like in Vanilla Minecraft?)

    I noticed this when I accidentally fell too far while wearing a full suit of copper armor in SMP (pre16) and thought I took a few more hearts of damage than I'd expected. Decided I should test it out under controlled conditions and so made a new creative server and compared the amount of damage taken from falling a given number of blocks with and without wearing various full sets of armor -- this includes copper, steel, black steel, and blue steel. No difference in fall damage was ever observed. Now I have not tested with damage dealt from other sources, like mobs, but I assume the source shouldn't matter. Nor do I know if this is the same in singleplayer, since I don't yet have any SSP pre16 worlds with workable metals at my disposal.

    Thanks in advance for any info on the matter, much appreciated. :)

    edit: Also noticed that for high-tier armors, not all four pieces are needed to fill the 10 points of armor rating.


  10. Lol, I was thinking that, too -- might be an interesting way to balance it a bit. Especially if you get surprised by a creep in a mine/cavern, shooting it might not be the best idea at point blank range. Nor would you want to shoot one very close to your home!


  11. This is somewhat suggestions-thread material in nature, but since I don't have an actual explicit suggestion at the moment, I thought it would be better to post this in the discussion section.

    So lately I have been wondering about all this unshaped lead I've been accumulating through my efforts to smelt galena for silver. AFAIK lead cannot be used for tool-making (for good reason -- it's not only toxic but a rather soft metal, too), nor are there any alloys that use lead. Does anyone know if there are planned uses for lead ingots later on? Or does anyone have any good ideas for how it could be used? Maybe there are some interesting ones that had not occurred to me. :)

    I did look on wikipedia to see if there were any significant alloys of lead, and there are a few:

    Solder and Terne (Terne is used for inhibiting steel corrosion) are both alloys of lead and tin, and then there's an alloy of lead and copper with the cool name of "Molybdochalkos". Haven't been able to find any reputable or informative sources on that one though, but apparently Greek Alchemists knew about it? *shrug*

    Of those alloys I'd guess that Terne is probably the closest thing to applicable in TFC, but even then there's no realistic need to protect any of our steel tools from rust in that manner. For example, a steel sword does not get coated with terne in real life, it's just polished and oiled when needed.

    Anyway, that's all I have to go on for now. What are your all's thoughts?


  12. All of those ideas sound great to me. :)

    I also hope there's some kind of enchantment system that gems can be used for. No idea how the details of that would work out though. Maybe certain gems can be placed in weapons/armor for some kind of benefit -- e.g adding a ruby to an armor piece will add fire resistance or some such.


  13. I feel for ya mate, Cassiterite does indeed seem very finicky in its generation. =S

    I have played several single player worlds since b2pre5 and searched for hours, in creative mode, without ever finding a trace of it. In one world I had to wander for hours before even finding a surface granite layer. (That was the worst... lol). Then a couple days ago I started a pre16 server with a friend and managed to find Cassiterite within 'just' an hour's search. Compared to previous efforts that's fast, so I was happy. Still, (insert curse words here).

    Anyway, I hope you manage to find some soon! Would be a shame to have to hack it in via creative. =/


  14. Hehe, the joys of prospecting. ;) When using the ProPick I find it's best to use it on several blocks in one spot to get an 'average' reading. As you note, it sometimes will say 'nothing found' even if a huge vein is right next to it. Also, if there are multiple types of ore nearby it will only show one of them per use (or none!), so don't make your decisions off of just one reading -- do a bunch!

    With that noted, I should say your method of finding the ore is pretty good -- mine until the readings go cold, then turn around and repeat. Find the midpoint of these, then dig along the remaining 2D axis until both of those ends goes cold. Find the midpoint again. Then the vein (if you have not found it yet) should be either directly above or below you. Basically it's just trigonometry but with cubes. :V


  15. I'm not really sure what the point of a sundial would be, to be honest. Any place a sundial would work is also a place where I could just look at the sun itself and immediately know the time of day by where it is in the sky and which direction it is moving. Things like stonehenge are interesting, but we'd need to have a year-cycle in place first, rather than just the day/night cycle as it is now.

    As for the advanced telescopes -- what would they do for you? Their real-life purpose is to gain information about other planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, etc, all things that are not very relevant to the minecraft/TFC world. I'm not sure what information you'd gain from them that would be useful for hunting or farming. That said, a small 'Galilean' stye tube refractor that you could carry with you might be both fun and practical, allowing you to see things more clearly at a distance. If you've used optifine you might be familiar with the zoom-in key. I'd love to have a small handheld telescope that does that. :)

    I do like the water clock idea. Perhaps even some small device analogous to the vanilla MC clock that you can carry on your person and allows you to know what time it is, even when underground. It's nice knowing if it is safe to return to the surface without having to actually look outside first.


  16. I'm glad you posted this, as I was getting confused/annoyed by my recent cave explorations. From what I have experienced so far, all surface caves seem to suddenly terminate with a perfectly smooth floor at y=140, almost as if the caves actually generated properly and continued deeper, but then got filled in with rock to that height (I guess that's the next rock layer spawning, since the rock type changes.)

    Edit: Ravines do this, too, so I'd guess it's something with the rock layer generation than just the caves.
