Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by bhalucard

  1. There are 2 Discussion's about how do you get the different stones. This will be a how to post on how to get all the different stone's.

    From now on stone will be called Raw Stone. Stone Brick's will be called Brick. Smooth Stone will be called Smooth. Cobblestone will be called Cobble.


    To get Cobble just mine Raw Stone.

    Raw Stone:

    To get Raw Stone mine out the Raw Stone adjacent to the target Raw Stone.


    To get Brick place 1 Cobble and your Chisel in a crafting block (Shapeless Recipe).


    To get Smooth with your chisel in hand click once on a Raw Stone, Then mine out targeted Raw Stone.

    Hope this post cleared out all the confusion and good luck.


  2. understand that there are a lot of different Biome's that generate different world's. if your looking for a flat place to work you have 3 choices. search VERY far for a flat place (you will find one eventually), make your own (it's what we do in real life), or start a supper flat world. please don't take this post the wrong way, I'm just trying to help. there isn't just one forest biome there are several plus the seed generator makes for a VARY unique map.


  3. i was testing out the new armor system and when i got to working on trying to get 2x sheet i found that i couldn't heat the sheet and i couldn't weld them ether. am i missing something or is this a bug.


  4. How about bone handles? Do the use of bones replacing the sticks affect durability too? or are the bone handled ones there just for the pimp factor?

    my understanding is it increases durability but not by much


  5. Hi,

    Just wondering if anyone knows if sluice boxes have been deleted? I cannot find them on the wiki anymore. Would love to try creating and using one.


    I dont Know if you got this answered but as of B2Pr16 Sluice Boxes are still in the game, a little buggy but there.


  6. Well, as I see it, is not much of a problem but the normal course of events...

    • Learning those numbers by yourself: practice and research.
    • Getting someone to tell you the numbers: learning.
    • Remembering that numbers by heart to the point of making piece of cake to use an anvil: mastery.
    See? Just the same as in real life... so I wouldn't worry too much.

    There's encyclopedias in the real world, too, and we don't go arround calling those a cheat, do we?



  7. In teh anvil -.- but i can do it now i doesnt understand teh rules anymore xD

    the rules haven't changed they just got harder and with the new arrow cushion system brought it back down again.

  8. heres the math for anvils.


    If you don't want to make working on the Anvil child's play and brainless DON'T OPEN THE SPOILER.

    Edit by Bioxx: I don't approve of raw data being spread, to me it's akin to the IC2 secret recpies. That said, I won't remove this because these numbers aren't even correct :blink:. If this is purposeful and they are some sort of abstracted numbers, while I still don't like TFC becoming a numbers game, I'm fine with that. Just please don't decompile and spread numbers from the raw code.

    Light Hit: 1

    Heavy Hit: 3

    Draw: 5

    Punch: 2/3

    Bend: 2 1/3

    Upset: 4 1/3

    Shrink: 5 1/3

    if you line up the arrows and do the math for what hits you need equal out both sides you can get it everytime.

    to bioxx and admin:

    I'm sorry if i crossed some line posting this. My intent wasn't to anger you guys but to help people out. I looked arround before posting and found nothing saying don't. if i crossed some line some were please just let me know and I'll make sure that I don't do it again.


  9. I have Search high and low to try and get this question answered.

    As I was doing research on this mod and trying things out I saw in N.E.I. that there are 4 different versions of each stone tool, and there are 4 different versions of the same stone tool with a bone handle.

    With that said my question is:

    "What is the difference between all the different types of stone tools?"

    Anyone who can answer will be appreciated, but if you can show me where I can look for a more complete wiki that will be best. Thanks again everyone.
