Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Arnkel666

  1. A Bug Request

    I'd really like to see bugs added to minecraft, primarily as a food source. I even have a few ideas on how this could be implemented. Beetles & Grub Farming: You find a beetle in overworld and catch it by right clicking it. You can also kill it like any other animal mob, and eat it raw if you'd like, but if you place the captured beetle on a log(or possibly log pile), it changes the log(s) over time into "grub infested wood" allowing you to gather the infested wood and use the knife on the log to harvest maybe 1-2 oz of grubs per log.Termite Mounds: Hit the mound with a stick, get termites! It could function a lot like unmovable berry bushes.Bees: I know you guys have more for brewing planned. So I humbly request some method of gathering honey. Additionally, wax could be an alternative, renewable source of something like clay. If you're looking for suggestions on how to implement them, prior to discovering TFC, one of my favorite mods for Minecraft was Pam's Harvestcraft. It would actually put all those flowers to additional use since you'd have to plant them around the apiaries.Butterflies/Moths/Caterpillars: Because they're pretty!Spiders: Yes, they already exist in the game. I'm tired of letting all that meat go to waste. Have you ever had fried tarantula? It's delicious!
  2. A Bug Request

    Yes actually. I know a couple of people like that. It's sorta like the vegans/vegetarians who wont eat meat in video games. I'll let them know you want to talk with them and see if I can get them to join the forum.
  3. A Bug Request

    Not arguing the point on how americans see bugs any further, but for the record, bugs were consumed as food in europe during the middle ages. I can provide sources if anyone doubts that. As to the swimming in food comment, not everyone will go for the meat that exists(don't want to hurt the cows, or wont touch the pigs for religious reasons), and soy beans aren't present on some seeds. This idea would provide an extra protein(or possibly dairy option if you consider the amount of calcium) for those servers.
  4. A Bug Request

    My bad, I didn't realize the dietary habits of myself and most of the non-western world were "disgusting".
  5. Rename Protein to Meat

    Yeah, but some of the non-meats also give protein, like soybeans for instance.
  6. Torch Poll

    I like this mechanic a lot. It's one of the things that got me to start out with the mod yesterday. I didn't like the 2 days bit, especially when they can be relit, so I've shortened it to 12 hours; long enough for the torches to last the night, but not long enough to last until the next night.