Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Lenaco

  1. Having a video like that would be very helpful to new players.


    In regards to the numbers, we all enjoy TFC in different ways, everyone in its own way.

    For some it is just because of the math behind the game, and I feel it is not fair to deprive those players to share the way they enjoy the game.


    Putting it behind a different sub forum is a way to protect people who do not want to see this, and still allow the people who do not think the same way to still have a place on the forum.


  2. Kitty, we are so grateful for all the work you do, but you can not do everything.


    For us, as a community, it is actually useful to know exactly which add-ons work and which do not.

    It is also a reminder to the mod-developer that their mod doesn't work and that people are still actively using the mod.


    As you clearly stated in your mod, you don't know which mods still work and which mods are broken.

    Having someone test this for us, specially someone with a pretty active server, is actually great!


  3. Please add a configuration switch to choose how ores respond to a cave-in.


    Having ore destroyed due to a cave-in would not be very realistic or believable in my opinion, and would also lead to a faster ore scarcity on well populated multiplayer servers.


    I assume (one of) the reason is to encourage the use of support beams but in my humble opinion it drives people more towards pit mining than anything else.


    Maybe use the following options/actions:

    - Ore block is destroyed.

    - Ore block falls down like cobble does without destroying it.

    - Have the ore block destroyed but drop the ore as an entity, just like raw stone drops with a cave-in.

    - Not affected by cave-ins, like in 0.79.15.


  4. For me, as a builder, the way cave-ins work is actually a blessing.

    I use it to get cobble and therefor get a higher yield when mining for rocks, also exposing ore deposits from below is much easier.


    I have stopped using supports altogether I must admit.


  5. We are a small group of active (and less active) players and we are looking for an active, up to date server where we can start our own town around the 6500/7000 line.


    We have 3 players who are active daily, a few who log in 3 or 4 times a week and a few who are online less.

    All between the age of 25/35, most of us have experience with TFC, all of us have been playing a form of MC for years and some of us have experience running (private) servers.


    We are looking for a server that runs a map mod (Dynmap or similar) and Towny, for the rest we are flexible.




  6. Is there any clue about when we will be progressing to version 0.80?


    I ask this because I am interested to join a public server and I like to build, I hate to spend a lot of time building a small town and end up losing it due to a map reset just when I hit the sweet spot.


    I am aware that it is hard to give a specific date, and I am not asking for one, but if anyone could give an estimation.

    Will it be weeks, months, half a year...?



    0.77.0 - 20130819 (ran for 8 months with 22 revisions)

    0.78.0 - 20140410 (ran for 6 months with 17 revisions)

    0.79.0 - 20141006 (so far it runs for 2 months with 13 revisions)


    I'm not entirely sure about the start date for 0.79, I cant find the date in the change logs but the first bug report I can find on the forums is from the 6th of October, so I can be a day off.





  7. Is there any update on this issue?

    On our server we run into the same problem.

    FTC, no additional mods, year length 240.

    All crops planted on freshly tilted grass and properly hydrated.


    As far as I am able to see the crops deplete the available nutrients with a static amount, the same for each day/cycle. By increasing the year length I increase the amount of time my crops have to grow without any available nutrients and are therefor seriously hampered in their development. Adding fertilizer helps as it adds to the available nutrients (tested in creative, still have not found sylvite).


    I do not know the code or how best to approach this, but perhaps make the nutrient usage of the crops or the amount of nutrients in the dirt tied to the year length, so this goes up as you increase the duration of a year.


    If you need any more additional information, please do not hesitate to ask!
