Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

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About Lenaco

  • Rank
    Stone Miner
  • Birthday 09/19/1980

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  • Gender Male
  • Location European Union

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  1. Dear EternityTFC subscribers, both current and former. Motherwyvern and I would like to thank you for having chosen our server to play on. We have been quite pleased with the support that you have given us in doing something that was a bit of a dream for both of us. We would like to inform you of some changes that we are going to make to the server. As neither I nor Motherwyvern have the time to devote to it at this time we will be changing to a white listed private server. Anyone who has purchased a subscription at any time the server was active will be on the white list and there will no longer be a subscription fee. All current subscriptions will be cancelled. Donations will still be welcome but not required to play. We will not be actively seeking new members at this time. We will still offer support, but due to the lack of time it may not be as prompt as it was in the past. The rules will stay the same and for now the website will remain for anyone who would like to utilize it. If you find you are not on the white list and were a paid member at one time please contact us and we will add you as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and thank you again for having joined us!
  2. The city of Illian

    Hi Carol, This is a virtual city, as such we don't really have much need for actual shingles...
  3. Looking for 79.29 vanilla-ish TFC server

    My apologies for my late reply, due to the vacation period I am swamped at work. Unfortunately I am not able to wave the fee, this would not be fair to any other member, or us owners, who have to carry the bulk of the upkeep of the server ourselves.
  4. Looking for 79.29 vanilla-ish TFC server

    Not sure if you are still looking for a server, but we would be happy to accommodate you., we don't have any of the mentioned addons though. Why dont you check out our server thread.
  5. Looking for small TFC server

    You are always welcome on our server, we have no restrictions on animals, fruit trees or the likes. Check out our server thread.
  6. The city of Illian

  7. We have spruced up the harbour, come and check it out! We will post some more pictures in the City of Illian thread in the next few days.
  8. Terrafirmacraft with no other mods

    The thread is very old, but just to add some more options: Both Happy Diggers and EternityTFC offer the Vanilla experience. You can find the threads in the Servers forum.
  9. The thread is very old, but just to add some more options: Both Happy Diggers and EternityTFC offer the Vanilla experience. You can find the threads in the Servers forum.
  10. Looking for TFC almost whit out addons

    The thread is very old, but just to add some more options: Both Happy Diggers and EternityTFC offer the Vanilla experience. You can find the threads in the Servers forum.
  11. Home of TFC 1

    I would not be surprised if TFC1 will keep a loyal fan base, would it not be possible to have a wiki for TFC2 and a separate one for TFC1? Also because they most likely will have some very different game mechanics.
  12. The city of Illian

    Yesterday we were finally able to finish the outside of our cathedral, its our biggest building so far (and most likely it will stay our biggest building ).
  13. [Solved] Questions about gravity

    Besides it not always handling TFC blocks and entities well I also had maps go corrupt after editing TFC maps. I did not have these issues with vanilla MC or FTB maps. Obviously just because I had these issues in the past doesn't mean you will have them now, just make sure you always make a backup copy of your map just in case.
  14. [Solved] Questions about gravity

    The TFC blocks have a different ID than the MC blocks, so MCEdit schematics do not change to TFC blocks. Also, MCEdit and TFC do not get along very well, and I have ruined many a map trying to get them to work. I have switched to Schematica together with WorldEdit.