Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Vexia

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Share your livestock knowledge

    I will list what has worked for me, my responses will be in purple. animals trying to escape by fence gates. - Dig one or more blocks down. Place a ladder under a gate and you can climb out leaving the animals inside.animalsgettingstuckinmy walls. - If you dig one deep place additional fencing inside the pen. I used to do this, but lately I've not encountered any issues.identify aa full growthfor roosterfor slaughter. - Unable to suggest anything.slaughter a chicken amid many. - Unable to really suggest anything. You could always leash the chicken or rooster away from the rest and then kill it.getwoolwithoutiron forscissors. - A stone knife works perfectly fine, no need for shears. Once you gain enough familiarity you will be able gather wool with a knife.know the best effective way to slaughter. - I have always fished or killed octopus to build up my butchery skill. I am under the impression that building your butchery increases slaughter output.
  2. Do wolves/dogs eat their young?

    Thanks for finding out Kitty. Any thoughts on what may have caused the one, both my friend and I saw, disappear? We've logged for the night and my new pup was leashed, I am hoping it's there tomorrow. Thanks again.
  3. Do wolves/dogs eat their young?

    Bare with me this might be slightly lengthy... I've successfully brought three wolves back to my base, two females and one male. I've raised familiarity for all so that I could bred. Originally I had brought back just one female and the male. The female was successfully pregnant. At a later time I went to pet both of them and noticed it said female and nothing about being pregnant. (Side note: sometime after the female was successfully pregnant the person I play with decided to be funny and threw a snowball at me. It's just the two of us on his server and not sure why he set to allow pvp, but that action then made the male dog who was following me attack him. lol Good dog! I managed to get the dog leashed and away from my friend.) For almost two days the male dog sat leashed with glaring red eyes growling. I tried several times to bred both the male and female to no avail. I decided maybe one or both were bugged, so I ventured out and brought back another female. I managed to successfully breed her and moved her to a separate pen we built. One night following gestation a pup appeared. Just one. I thought I had read that there should be three to seven pups. After I squealed with some delight for having a pup I went about some other stuff I was working on around our base. The next "day" I went back to check on the pup and it was gone. So then I got to thinking, maybe the other female had a pup and it disappeared too, hence my question do wolves eat their young? I've been driving my friend crazy because I keep asking him why this is happening. He is more the Terrafirmacraft expert than I am. He's played it far longer. I finally was able to breed the original female the other day and this evening she gave birth to just one pup. My friend suggested leashing the pup since we've had trouble with the other one, which I did. I've never had issue in the past with breeding. I've successfully bred the cows, pigs and sheep we have, so I am unsure what is the problem. So two questions to ponder and advise if you can: Do the wolves/dogs eat their young? Why only one pup, when there should be three to seven? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. Name tag/renaming

    Thank you for the responses. I can fully understand the reasoning behind it for those who play on multiplayer servers. It's just me and my friend that play on his own server created at his end. I highly doubt he'd want to face my wrath if he changed my animal names. lol I do like Palisight's suggestion I primarily deal with the animals and have raised familiarity levels with them accordingly. So maybe that is a feature that can be reconsidered. Thanks again.
  5. Name tag/renaming

    Hi coming out from lurking to ask a question about name tags. I am currently playing the most current version of the mod. I finally made some name tags today. I accidently named the wrong animal, my horse that recently became familiar with. I was wondering if it is possible to rename? I've tried to put a new tag on horse after naming her incorrectly when I tried to right click on her with the new tag she bucked and didn't like it. Now she is stuck with the wrong name. Could I possibly be doing it incorrectly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!