Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by FiGi

  1. I wanted to use clay vessel as a transpot, when i sealed it and then broke it, i thought i lost all my contents. Cause of this is why i didnt had any encumbrance penalty like u do when u pick a wooden barrel. The thing is, large clay vessel unlike barrel, it automatically sets on ur back slot and i didnt notice. Thats why i thought it was a bug. 


    The sea travel one was fixed when i restarted the game. When i traveled at sea it was going slow, chunks load far with freezes here and there, then suddenly i was inside a land. I thought it was a bug, but when i restarted the game i was at sea again. Game does some weird lag when travelling by boat.


  2. So i was gathering my stuff to start to settle to a new place, put items in pots, pots in a clay vessel and then i sealed it. When i removed the pot all of my items were gone, i dont remember what i lost. All good beginner stuff. That pissed me off ...


  3. Staying trough the night and doing nothing is boring. They should look into it, at least they need to make the straw and hide bed to be able to sleep trough the night but if u remove it, it gets destroyed or something.


  4. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): YesAnswering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.So my idea is to make the burlap cloth to have the ability to make a sleeping bed. Waiting the night to pass is really boring thing, you can easily protect yourself from mobs until morning. Why to make the burlap cloth to be able to craft a bed? Cause sheep is also hard to find. 


  5. The problem is, you won't find primates in every climate around the world, or any other animal for that matter.I'm sure the devs have thought about that, and this may be one of the reasons for them seeming so reluctant to finally replace the fantasy mobs with real life ones ...

    what about a wild tribe instead of apes, they can use spears and arrows too...


  6. Make sure the email you have assigned to your account is correct, and I would strongly recommend that you check your spam folder, and add [email protected] to your contacts.


    i just cheked the forum options and saw that there was a notification tab, all notifications were cheked to be send to mail and not in forum. but for some reason there is no mail from the mail above, not even in spam ... i configured the notifications now, they should work. thx ;)


  7. My notifications on this forum don't work. Even when i subscribe to a post i don't get any. I thought when i replied to a post or started a new one, if someone answered after me i should get a notification. What's the problem?


  8. well, i dont consider smart moving to be cheating, it gives u some edge in the game, cause in real life u can climb and crawl ... the map thing yeah, its kind of cheating ... then they should implement something to make maps from and the ability to put poi's on it. 


    p.s. i also have optifine and fastcraft


  9. i saw a guy on yt that used to smooth the stones above his head, cause they r not effected by gravitythat way u wont need supports ... this is a bug obviously, it needs to be fixed cause it like cheating this way 


  10. I think the realism of the game makes it that it doesnt need the fantasy type of mobs. It would be more cool if there were animals that are predators in real life as enemy mobs (lions, tigers etc.) than zombies and skeletons. :)


  11. I'm a new player of this mod, and i gotta say that i don't like grinding and hard games. But this mod made mincraft so much more realistic and not to the point where it ruins the fun of it. Very awesome mod. Keep up the good work. :)
