Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by CBro

  1. That image, wow! That is amazing, thanks a ton for that. This will be the new imagine in the QB with next release (tomorrow). IF that's cool with you, love it! The animal husbandry has been worked on for the next update as well, TFC came out with a few fixes which hopefully fixes this very issue. Lantern mod shall also be included in tomorrows release, I like it and it fits well. Good call. EDIT: I'll look into the armor quests and figure out why those aren't working right for the release too.
  2. Hmmm, that's interesting, and it's the final product not the stage one that you have right?
  3. Ah yes, this is a very valid point. I'll see if I can mess around with the configs a bit to fix this, I'm sure there is something to fix this. Yeah this has something to do with how TFC changes the way you speak when drunk to slur it up, the bug has been reported by several servers on this forum here so they are aware of it. Hopefully it's fixed, I'm curious about the slurred words! Hope you had/have a good morning with a lot of viewers!
  4. We do have it intended that you start with 20hp and have to work your nutrition up from there. The error is the first start of 1k hp in the beginning unfortunately and that kind of throws off the expectation from the get go. The heatstroke is avoidable by drinking fresh water or hopping in water. If you spawned into the world on a beach in a high temp biome I would definitely suggest loading a new world, of course if this is on my server, let me know and I'll tp you back to spawn for a fresh start. Also on the server there is a /kit questbook you can utilize at any time. As far as SP the only way I can think is by spawning it in. I think I'll add a super easy recipe for SP in the next release to help that out.
  5. There is a plugin in the server called "SimpleClans", feel free to create a clan and with that you can /clan sethome and anyone in the clan can use /clan home to tp to that point. Anyone joining the server new that wants to be in your clan can also tp to that /clan home as well.
  6. It is a PvP server, but so far it's been a community event to advance due to difficulty. No one at all is advanced enough to get into that side of things, everyone is just enjoying learning TFC with the QB and are just about to open up the doors to the other mods. There are MANY hours of playtime before even thinking about PvP Spent a few hours last night solving this issue. It was a java error that wasn't throwing any crash reports. I did notice you were located in the area of the issue. I did solve it though, and you are good to log in now.
  7. Updated your QB, because all stone tools have the 4 IDs it doesn't record it. Sorry about that.
  8. Hmmm, that's odd I am able to hop on. It's only ever down for maintenance which is significantly less and less. It should be good, it's very stable on server side.Single Player configs are a little unstable, which is the #1 priority for the next update which should be out within the next couple days.
  9. If this is on the server, we had to remove all of them due to a block updating error It's a sad day to see the beautiful jungles deforestized like that but it was necessary as there was no other option to fix the crashes.
  10. Oh yeah, Java 7 is definitely the recommended one The Tek launcher should have the RAM already upped to the necessary amount, I'm sorry sir, might be about the time to update your pc
  11. Yeah sure thing, I understand that. You can grab the mods and configs there, as well as the appropriate .jar, the SP configs won't match the server though and isn't supported just yet but shouldn't be too hard to get started if you prefer single player. Would love to see you on the server! The MyM Launcher is lite, simple and easy to use though, unlike technic, I would suggest that, but again, understand if you'd rather not. DocOlds, sorry to hear that! It is a very light modpack compared to some of them out there, have you increased your java max memory? It should run just fine with only 1G to be honest.