Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Quantum computers

    I know I will. Although it won't happen for quite some time, because I'm young and my limbs' limit in speed and precision is far from that of artifiicial parts. And I will be no less human then than people who lost their leg or two and are using artificial means of transport.
  2. Quantum computers

    This is the problem. We don't know how our brain stores and accesses information.
  3. Quantum computers

    Quantum computer aint gonna think instead of you. In fact, they are no closer to thinking than normal computers. Human doesn't know how can he think, and we can't emulate we-don't-know-what.
  4. What kinds of items? There might be a size restriction involved.
  5. TFC translation

    Great. I will look into this after my exams pass themselves. Or maybe someone else will before me.
  6. Food Degradation and Preservation- Canning, Pickling, and Jerky

    Why would I ever want to stack fresh food with rotten food then?
  7. TFC translation

    Is this official?
  8. Early Game Overhaul

    Northern deer, you say? Have you considered adding in several types of deer with different models then? I reckon moose can be here too.

    Because there's nothing more exciting than to sit in the chair for couple of minutes doing nothing, right?
  10. Torches & lighting

    Torches will remain vanilla behaviour as long as vanilla monsters are there at nights. Because even current spawn protection mechanics does not defend against a skeleton spawning in some corner and then waiting for you in your basement. This is annoying, and as soon as those things are where they are supposed to be - in their graves and tombs - our whole community doesn't mind for torches burning out. But I probably shouldn't speak for everyone, although I've seen many things there.
  11. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    Oh i remember that one, back in Alpha. I managed to figure out how to make a crafting table and some sticks and then ran around trying to figure out how do I make campfires or any form of fire at all. I thought it should be campfire first, then stick wrapped in fiber/wool into the fire to light it up. I was wrong. Luckily, I was on a server, and they teached me survival. Some time later I was teaching them redstone, but it's a whole another story. Actually, I behave like an old man, telling stories of "good ol' days". Funny. Couple years later TFC came around, where it's almost exactly like I initially thought it is. That's the point - I decided to make me a cook book from the very announcement of meal system, not even aware of randomness it has. Not only that - I started making smithing books as well, though I never finished, and probably never will, making one.From the other side, meal's filling seem to somewhat depend on filling of its ingredients. So full meat meal can or cannot give you a buff, but it will always be a nice filling meal. I haven't researched if it's still a bit random though. Iron is actually the most common of all metals, between 3 of its ores in significant (in probability theory sense) number of chunks it takes up at least as many, if not more, blocks than iron in vanilla. FYI.You know, there's a thing. Searching for ore in TFC is always a lot of mining. Easiest way to go about involves a little less mining, but a lot nonetheless, although it's a bit more dangerous and can result in sudden death. "Finding iron is tough? Wait 'till you will look for nickel, har-har", - and all that. There's a lot of people who will appreciate finding this way themselves. Myself once figured a way to find a surface deposit with point accuracy without a use of propick (I can just dig down and will end up standing on top of the ore block) - you have no idea how smart I felt, it didn't quite gone even after I've been told that it's a known method in some parts. In fact, discovery is better than sex (I know, most things are, but still). It doesn't quite work with iron, although "easiest way" has similar bits to it. And yes, I understand my rant isn't what you're looking for. I apologise for that.

    Not untill you work out an ability to make cheap way to quench it. Because as it is, it's just adding downtime to the game.
  13. Animal Breeding?

    Actually, I'd like to discuss one issue that we have in TFC right now. I call it dwarf cows. I don't remember how many calves they birth, but what do you think if we ask developers to greatly buff cows in size and meat yield, while making them birth only one baby, with pregnancy lasting about 9-10 months (which is about right with cows).
  14. TooManyItems

    TFC by no means has too many items. If anything, I would like there to be more items in TFC that I can use to my survival advantage or just for the looks.
  15. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    What the hell you're even talking about. Do you not know how to make stone tools in TFC?
  16. Early power systems

    Generally speaking, crushed ore heats up faster. Because of the way stuff melts, it doesn't really start to melt before all bulk of it reached melting temperature. Heat transfer goes, obviously, through the surface, and smaller pieces usually have "more surface per volume unit" than bigger ones.Now, there's no emulation of real-life melting mechanics in TFC - stuff melts when it reaches certain temperature, without requirement of additional energy to actually melt it, and there's, obviously, no simulation of the fact that hot piece of something can be either cooler or hotter inside. But "dust heats up faster" is easy to apply, I think. What am I even talking about.
  17. Introduction...

    Or this. Choose wisely.
  18. Terraria

    I'm 23, so I guess I'm fine. I'll edit this info in.
  19. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    It's in the OP. You knap arrowheads with stones using the pattern from the arrowhead plan found on recipe page, each knapped stone nets you two stone arrowheads.
  20. Fishing

    This I didn't know. Okay then.
  21. Early power systems

    Actually, that was about using metalhead pistons to push blocks while you totally can use woodenheads and net the same result. I'd rather we don't have that. Crushing ore results in ore "dust" that can be smelted more easily, saving time and fuel. Actual metal gain advantage I can't possibly see to go any higher than 10-15%, and even that doesn't make much sense.Also, if we aren't afraid of breeding items, let's say that in another structure/machine you can filter crushed dust into refined dust, that smelts even better, saving even more fuel, while getting some flux as a byproduct, maybe in the form of limewater if that filter machine involves water. The main idea is just that we don't have a crusher machine block or whatever, but an actual crusher multiblock structure where you can see moving parts. And possibly fall in and get crushed yourself as a bonus.
  22. Animal Breeding?

    They are moving. Just when you're not looking.Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck.
  23. Launcher.

    Can't you just use .lnk file and assingn whatever the hell icon you want for it?
  24. Early power systems

    Now, thanks to abculatter_2, I have a concept of multiblock crusher that runs on steam power and built using one or two metalhead pistons (which is a tier-up from "default" vanilla woodenhead piston, and can be used to push blocks around as well, but why would you?).
  25. Fishing

    Hooks and strings are more technologically advanced means of fishing. Middling ground between harpoons and fishing nets are, actually, these. Fishing rods most of the time require metal hooks or something that resembles it, like bent nail.