Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    Yes, that whole part where you heat up your meals in campfire using wooden bowls is a bit awkward.
  2. New Developments

    Just out of curiosity — what will bioxx do in the time? Is there some new projects he wants to work on or is he just took a break from developing to do real life stuff?
  3. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    A guy who's sole purpose on a server will be to reduce the blocks of stone in size? Right, that is the most interesting profession I have heard of there, everyone will want to do that!
  4. Cobble, Brick, Surface rocks

    Because this 75 % resource loss will totally make the game harder.
  5. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Well, I did. It was fairly big, about 20 blocks. But it was very long back, before most of ore generation changes.As for kimberlite, I keep finding it fairly frequently, and bid deposits too. Athough it drops 0-1 TFC diamonds of random quality, so there's not that high of a gain.
  6. FREE comic/anime/gamer webzine....

    I'd say its Mushishi. Calm and harmonious thing with well-thought-out world.
  7. So.... What is My Gender?

    I mean it. Couple of years back there was only one of those, but you know how people are.
  8. So.... What is My Gender?

    There's already couple of hundreds of people that do not have any gender hormones. JFYI.
  9. Farming Simulator 2013

    I got that too, and played about twenty hours total in singleplayer. I kind of like this game, but feel like it's very shallow for what it is, and is too stretched out for its own good. I mean, there's much more to farming than driving around in tractors. But some of side quests are hilarious.
  10. Ores blending in?

    I'm not completely understand what are you asking. Let me just say this: I don't see the problems with how ores look like now and so I don't have a reason to ask for change. I'm also agree that this should be a texture pack feature, not gameplay feature.I'm also thinking that if we force something like moody brightness, we might as well replace all Menoch's tunes with J.Bieber howling - that'll be the challenge for real though men.
  11. Ores blending in?

    That was about half of things in death penalty thread though.
  12. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Can new ores be plugged in TFC generation? Does aluminium in Greg's using stupid smelting mechanics or is it require electricity? Mind that all furnaces should implement TFC version of cooking, not conventional progress bar. Other than that, I have no problem with systems, they just will require some tweaking to work as in - how much time it takes. As for Forestry peat bogs, remember, they use wheat or whatever to work. Hay doesn't come that easy in TFC, all I can see autofarming machines do is keeping nutrient levels as high as possible, that's about it. That way grain still grows good couple on months. Or were you asking about something else?
  13. New way of powering

    This sounds fine, but, to be fair, we don't know if there will be an automation like this ever in the mod. And power genuenly gets transferred via axles and belts, gear on the other hand used to change rpm and direction of the power transfer.
  14. Improved wood

    And how do you get rid of them later then?
  15. Star navigations

    Star navigation won't do anything to help out during rainstorms. What it can do is making naval navigations to not tie up to essentially four straight lines (even those can be tricky, as having diversion of 0○15' or so can make you miss your destination in the long run).Cobblestone pillars are always the way out, of course, it's about the most efficient means of navigation since Minecraft Survival Test.
  16. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    Peat is found only in swamps, that shouldn't be difficult at all considering how much water is there. Also, I don't think that peat can leave traces outside of its bog, so that should technically work only when you're looking exactly at peat block.
  17. Star navigations

    Cat. I do. It's a nightmare to travel by ocean diagonally. And if by resources you mean vanilla maps (which aren't craftable via mod resources far as I can tell, and if they do, finding redstone itself usually requires either traveling or extensive mine digging) , mods and coordinates, I disagree with you. Mind though that I'm talking about naval navigations, where landmarks are almost irrelevant, if you don't place them yourself on ocean floors.
  18. Ores blending in?

    This is not a bug, this is intended. We actually had some suggestions about making ore blocks have even less distinction than they have now (coupled with slightly different mining and prospecting technics).
  19. [b75] TFCraft don't work

    So, that part where it says "Place TFCraft_Universal into your Minecraft mods folder" you read as "Extract TFCraft_Universal into your Minecraft mods folder"? Remember - anything that goes in mods folder SHOULD NOT be extracted. What's even making you guys to think otherwise. Edit: Ninja'd
  20. [b75] TFCraft don't work

    Oh hello there Why did you do this again?
  21. Animal Husbandry (B72)

    I have done a little bit of investigation a while back, maybe this can be useful. http://terrafirmacra...nimal-breeding/
  22. Let's just talk Kelvin, shall we? All we, worldwide. Much easier, y'know.
  23. Villagers

    They go dormant - there goes all this fancy reputation, resource gathering and village growing stuff. To make it work you need to track it even for unloaded villages - and that's variables to keep track of. The more you travel, the more village develops - the more variables to track there is, even in semi-dormant state. Not to mention scouts and traders you spoke of, where those aren't come from thick air.
  24. Villagers

    That's A LOT of variables tracking you guys are speaking about here. Are you sure we have that much horsepower at hand?
  25. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    From what I can tell, in TFC, lava completely covering bedrock with at least two or so blocks deep layer, so there's actually definitely some lava underneath.