Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Poisons topic

    This is what I do when I cook and search for efficient smithing patterns. I like this idea is a whole.But the thing with plants is that they can't help but looking alike with some plant from wikipedia. And when they do so, person who knows about plants, starts to imply. I actually think that when player go to see what an encyclopaedia says about thing he encountered, it is a good thing. In the end, I learned a significant starting chunk of my English dictionary this way.
  2. Dirt Block Names/Stacking

    When it comes to blocks, there is as many types of dirt as there are types of stone. Same applied to sand. But I still believe that some of the dirt types don't drop normally at the moment for the sake of slightly easier inventory management.
  3. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    My sarcasm was referring to blue steel plate push-ups.There is indeed a great mystery on the far south, and because of it all players are only spawning north. It may involve dragons, it may not involve dragons, with dragons being separate thing entirely.
  4. Incense

    Well, it's not like burning fires, felling trees and all that stuff doesn't scare away animals, so protection can be moved to affect them instead. But I can tell that this suggestion can be exploited quite easily, which our devs don't want, I guess. With that said, exploiting will take a lot of time and resources, and added benefits are exceeding damage from exploits, I think.
  5. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    Apparently, there's a big mystery on the far south. So, you can see to that stuff while mining for red steel plate buttocks push-ups.
  6. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Oouh dam. How did I missed that? Sounds lovely, actually.But you will need to fix some of the issues with non-halfslab-equivalent block, as they are quite twitchy at the moment - as you go up from 2/10 block to 3/10 of 4/10 block, character twitches to about halfblock height and immediately jumps back to appropriate height. This can be fine with carts, but it will make pedestrians very annoyed.
  7. Animals!

    Nah, I'm fine. I've seen things far more racist towards Russians than that from Russians themselves.
  8. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    But all vanilla stuff works completely fine, so it actually comes down to the "creators" reason. It's just that TFC is not a popular mod and not many people will install it for the purpose of playing an adventure map. Unless map is amazing, which actually can be a good marketing idea, but even then.
  9. Dirt Block Names/Stacking

    Under specific conditions, yes.
  10. Dirt Block Names/Stacking

    The thing is - in the game you can't get all this types of dirt as they round up to about three or four types.
  11. Dirt Block Names/Stacking

    You mean, only one kind of dirt or what?
  12. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    I'm playing TFC because this mod have its theme and in said theme you can build quite nice stuff. Besides, there's almost all things I wanted to make it into minecraft since i started playing survival in its beta 1.5.1 or what was it. I'm not saying that boss idea dumb in itself - it's the enderdragon idea is dumb. This poor guy didn't do anything to deserve to get killed, you don't get anything valuable by killing him, there's literally no reason to murder this derpy creature.
  13. Poisons topic

    But not with 100% chance, except when you're going through the thicket. And wearing any armour should reduce the chance, with full suit providing full protection, unless you're trying to harvest the plant. I.e. you will need to wear leather gloves to harvest the plant, or special tool at least.
  14. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    I just build stuff. I don't care about boss, because he's somewhere far away and don't bother me in any way except for his existence. Unlike those damn endermen that got into the habit of stealing the blocks my redstone wires are placed on.
  15. My personal review. +Hi

    Some parts of OP got slapped, but it is someone's opinion. He's not going to change opinion if you just beat it into the ground, you must give something in return. Or else it will arise again, but this time it will be immune to you.
  16. Poisons topic

    Pretty much, yes. I'm not going to halt ongoing discussion because of that, but it's nice to have at least some awareness what's happening and what are those people suddenly talking about.
  17. Poisons topic

    I have no problem with changing OP and adding to it as long as there's message about it in the thread. Fixing something that slipped unnoticed can go without it.
  18. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    If it's not for defeating then coloured steels are your endgame. Packed with long-awaited ability to move fluids around.
  19. My personal review. +Hi

    Because ice isn't bendable like metals, to my knowledge anyway, and has quite solid structure across the board whereas metals have several types of crystalline structure along with amorphic type, all of which have different bonding forces between atoms. And metals tend to go from one type of structure to another when heated, being smithed, bended, that kind of stuff.To be fair, ice too has several types of crystals, as well as some exotic stances, but for the most part difference in ice structure comes from impurities.
  20. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    You can't see. The whole point in demons' existence is that you don't fight them, you avoiding them at all cost. And devil is often referred to as part of Creator, so to defeat him you need to defeat the Creation as a whole.
  21. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    You can't defeat or kill the devil. In fact, you can't defeat even the smallest demon, that's the whole purpose of exercise. Actually, the only time I've fought the enderdragon is when hammers could 1337-pwn every mob, so I've traveled to the End to see how things will go. As it turned out, you could squash dragon with good smack of stone hammer, like a ladybug. Which is nicely translates to comparison between vanilla and TFC even in beta1.
  22. Animals!

    Like this guy
  23. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    Enderdragon is the dumbest idea I could imagine to get in Minecraft. There's no need to have this kind of end game, I was fine when building completely automated mobtrap from ground to the sky up with switch that could turn off the trap and another one allowed to just get rid of spiders (which turned out unnecessary as we actually ended up farming spiders for wool and I's better to turn off other mobs).And when I finished the trap, I started to build fastest cobble generator that could keep up with unenchanted diamond pick. Really? What will it be?
  24. My personal review. +Hi

    To be completely fair, metal heated to the temperature where it is about to melt, becomes quite squishy, so you could work it with bare hands on your kneecaps or someone's back, assuming you can withstand what comes with putting heated metal on people. So what? There's multiple igneous near-surface layers around the world, assuming you don't have this dumb world size restrictions.
  25. Coffee Snobs

    I like coffee, but I can't really tell if it's good or really good or normal. Unless it's Nescafe, in which case it is atrocious and better resembles burned oat seeds than coffee. That said, the main reason I drink coffee is the fact that it's warm. So I'll equally happily drink tea, hot homemade stewed foxberries and stuff like that. Or even mix some of those up. So much for snobbing, I guess.