Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. you've been killed by a bear?

    This makes me happy. They're finally achieving their potential :)

    I actually got brutally murdered by a bear when they were just added. He wandered in our starting village and I tried to chop him out of curiosity. Good thing they couldn't nick meat at the time or this could end badly for us as I was the current butcher.


    As for "Killed by" thing, this is happening for quite some time already with all custom TFC mobs.


  2. I actually wonder why we have metal axes, but meh, let's let them be.

    You can chop someone with it more effectively than with the stone one. And you don't blow two ingots on sword, which is not a big deal by any stretch of imagination, but still.

  3. Sapling pops out because it can't "normally" sit not on grass. If you plant sapling in dirt and then update it by placing anything near, like another sapling, the one on the dirt will pop out. It was like that for the long time now.

    So growing thee probably changes block underneath it to dirt and simultaniously updates the sapling so it pops out. Probably growth algorythm work so it wants to replace sapling block with log but since sapling is popped out it can't and just leaves as it is.

    Or maybe I am overcomplicating again.


  4. Just find a high-lying source of water, dig into it, and create an aqueduct. Sure, it'll be a serious pain to fully complete, but imagine how awesome it could end up looking...

    But are they even spawn at the moment? I saw quite a lot of mountains of different size and shape, but not a single mountain lake.

  5. The primary problem with this is that acorns are from oaks and pretty much nothing else. It might be better to use a mixture of "seed" methods. Acorns for oaks, pinecones fore conifers and, I guess sapling or whatever for the deciduous trees.

    Acorns, pinecones, nuts, catkins, whirlybirds, seed capsules, aments, pods, achenes, fruits even. Names is not so difficult to do. The point was in regards to obtaining saplings and storing them as an item in chests.

    you do realize that if we add acorns, we will have to add squirrels too....

    Maybe. They will come eventually, I think.

  6. Some of those bugs might be caused by your Forge version. use build 354+ as stated in the downloads page, the recomended link is outdated

    Looks like this helped with ghost animals - they are no longer spawn in or fall in the blocks. But newborns are still spawning after a year, in mature state and starving to death.

  7. What I actually though of now is that you don't get saplings from trees at all. What you can get is acorns and such. Those can be stored in chest without problem, but to actually grow into a tree they should pass sapling stage.

    I.E. you punch leaves, you get <acorns>, you store them in chest. When you want to plant them you can either plant acorns and they will evetually grow into saplings and then in trees, or you can grow them in appropriate pottery first and then plant grown saplings at will.

    I also do believe that some <acorns> are edible/can be used in brewery and cooking.


  8. Babies for sure weren't removed because I commonly see wild peaceful mobs that are much smaller than vanilla counterparts.

    Those are mature mobs varying in size.

    Look around b48. I remember that small animals existed.

    I remember that babies existed. They are not anymore, it seems, and I can't find statement about their removal in change log. That is why it's an issue.

  9. If I remember correctly, child state was deleted because it was super bugged.

    I don't remember anything of the sort stated in change log.

    Could the 'Ghost mobs/mobs in blocks' and the 'Skipping the child state' both be explained by the children being invisible, and 'It takes a year to spawn instead of half a year'? Or does 'Invincibility' ruin it?

    Babies aren't invisible, there's no actual babies. Animals being in blocks making sounds and can be found and seen under certain circumstances.

  10. Actually, just heating meat without adding anything makes said meat more suitable environment for bacteria as long as there is still water in it, if I understand how rotting works. Adding salt and other spice, removing water, letting mold fungus to grow on it - that makes it less suitable, although mold fungi itself is not very pleasant thing to have in your food.


  11. I like the idea of this, but I'm not so keen on fish yielding redstone, nuggets, blaze rods and nether warts. Organic matter like slime and ink is fine to me, and glowing substance of some sorts can be there, as long as you can't make blocks out of it. Maybe you can make lamps, but the whole block that glows by itself and giving light brighter than torch? Don't think so.

    Does this mean that you made a lot of work for nothing?

    No, code can be copied in actual entity class if needed.

  12. I had something similar with Sphalerite back in 52e. The vein spidered all over the place and I couldn't find it anywhere. Turned out it was a combination of bad luck and near-invisibility (I think it was in limestone? -something yellowish white). It was a huge vein though.... hundreds of blocks and never more than a couple wide at any point.

    So sphalerite can spawn in string-shaped veins then. This makes it easier to understand how am I missing it, as well as a huge pain to mine. Oh well.

  13. So, I've done some testing in regards of animal breeding both on b60 and b64.

    First of, animal AI doesn't show any interest in grains except for wheet grain, although they can be bred with any grain type. This might be intentional.

    Posted Image

    Second, animals seem to spawn already mature, skipping child state completely. Spawning happens after a year after breeding done, not half a year as intended.

    Third, which emerges from second issue, animals always spawn hungry and immediately begin to starve. This can be solved by itself, however. I don't know if it has something to do with my testing scheme (I add slightly less than a half of a year to the time using chat commands. That way birth happens "naturally".), but since animals always spawn after a year, I doubt it.

    Fourth, animals sometimes spawn in ground or any blocks underneath the parent. If parent was in water (both vanilla and finite) while giving birth, chance for animals to get spawned in blocks seems to be lowered, but still not eliminated. Animals in blocks are not visible and seems to be invincible for attacks, although they still can starve. Bugged animals can eat grass and stop starve. They also can appear to become "ghost animals" as showed on pictures:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    "Ghosts" don't appear to have a hitbox, so they can't be killed by player attacks. I didn't test natural hazards. "Ghosts" can starve.

    Above-listed is not only bad for your household, but can be very annoying as you can't kill starving ghosts and bound to be haunted by their outcries until they they decide to leave.

    Forge version

    Player API version 1.1


  14. On the subject of tricky veins, I seem to somehow missing very large sphalerite sample located at about 80 height, which means it should be somewhere nearby of a thousand blocks. I've already found lignite vein in search for it. I'm not complaining or anything, it's just that I am little bit surprised how the hell I managed to do this.


  15. I... think most people here are over complicating this. Just make crafting things take some seconds depending on the size and weight of the materials and result and that's it, we don't need to make 2 new blocks just for this.

    But this isn't something I can call good. Because this adds more time when you more of "waiting something instead of doing things" than you might think. There are times when we craft items in stacks and if it will take even a single second we already sitting here for about half a minute doing nothing. And that's when I could've... I dunno, circling around my chicken pen.

  16. I would imagine that if you should cut down a tree in TFC then the leaves would drop saplings and sticks at a LOWERED PERCENTILE. Guaranteed one sapling at least for practical reasons.

    But as of now there's no guaranteed sapling even if you strip the whole thing manually.