Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. How do i get rid of the Preparation area?

    i destroyed the block under it and nothing.

    I even tried beating it and nothing....

    In creative mode or in MCEdit. I don't think there's another way around for now.


    You can destroy the "prep surface" by punching it for a while. A pickaxe destroys it fast but on my server caused a crash, client only.

    Basically can put cooked meats, cooked eggs, vegies, grains, fruits. In any combination, only one of each particular item up to 4. Combinations seem to have different results on different map seeds as indicated also by the changelog. So a combination that is bad will remain bad, and one that's good will remain good.

    Also as indicated in change log is that if you heat the meal to at least warm, ie warm when consumed, it gives double values.

    Oh. Well there is then. I think I shoud've tried to read the whole thread.

  2. Traits or skills can be used to increase the productivity with tools, firepits, Bloomeries, skinning animals, cooking, magic and alchemy, efficiency with weapons (maybe make aiming with a bow shakey for a noob and not only precise but zoom farther for a marksman..., etc)

    Yes, okay. But.

    and even effecting what you can and can not harvest.... yadda yadda yadda.

    Why am I suddenly not able to pick this flower? Where's the sense in that?

    If you kicked ass hunting and gathering xp orbs so you could reach a trait level that lets you work Black Steel

    How killing zombies helps me to smith steel picks? Or wearing this chestplate?

  3. I wasn't talking specificially about redstone, but all vanilla blocks in general; i mean, what use you could give to a vanilla emerald ore block in the mod?. I think the redstone wire placed in the world is a block you can't get. But yeah, normally it only takes up an item ID, and we have plenty of those.

    Actually, it's all blocks. Repeaters, wires, torches both lit and unlit. You can't get it through normal menus but you can get it by block id. Heck, even the piston head is taking a block id. But I don't think it's possible to replace this blocks with TFC blocks or any other really. At least not without base class editing.

  4. Well, they probably didn't had toilet paper in those times, so they had to use something else...

    The problem is - you have to leave peace of leather like this for several days and then come back and look what happened to it.

  5. To get back on track: if we focus on tree growth size and speed through gradual growth, would this still mean rewriting base code? Or would the main issue be having the trees start out like in the way fruit trees currently do? Does anyone know?

    I'd say truly growing tree should be handled like fruit trees do right now with trunk going through several stages before it's reached regular wood block (if that's a thing in new system).

  6. Well said. I can't quite understand where things are going after 1.0.0. I mean endermen are nice, they kept me scared of them for some time before I got used to them, but other stuff seems like separate bits from here and there rather than steps in some sort of plan.


  7. I figure it's still going to be the same thing of "point yourself in the correct direction and go straight until you reach the next piece of land (large or small)". Whether you use the stars or the sun / moon to actually point yourself shouldn't matter. Except it'd be easier to orient yourself with the stars, which would be nice I guess.

    Yes, it will. The main difference being that as of now there are only four lines along which you can travel safely - strait north straight west, etc. With the addition of stars you could be heading towards one star or another or between two stars.

  8. Yeah, but what i meant was some really cool feature unaccesable without either the mushroom or the plant. And you didn't said anything about the plant ._.

    But this means that player progress will be linear, which is not exactly what it's supposed to be in TFC.

    I actually can't think of feature that doesn't involve stuffing yourself, your cattle or your crops with the shrooms, but why it can't be this way?


  9. Like nature overhaul mod. Good, because it breaks all the existing tree farms and it makes everything natural. And tree farms are not a thing to do in TFC. Bad because the player is no longer required to make trees grow.

    Nature overhaul did this the hard way, I think. What can be done is mechanic similar to the growing grass, but with few restrictions in regards to sapling spawning conditions.


    This is what I meant when said that trees required to be rewritten from the ground. And as it seems to be the easy way (not programming-wise necessarily) to handle season changes, I'm all for that. The sad part is that trees overhaul could make it impossible to place log blocks. I quite like how support-ish they look like.

  10. I personally would rather see the effort put into making the compass better. It should be easier to craft (using starter metals maybe), and it should actually point north. Then we'd also be able to use vanilla maps.

    The whole idea was based on not needing to craft anything to navigate the world effectively. I am able to tell where north is without anything like compass just by looking at the sun. The thing is - when you traveling large distances, which I do very often, with maps you need to stop and craft a map, and hold on to quite a few of them. Or you could follow the star.

    iirc, the sky box is really simplistic, the stars only exist at night and the sun and moon are locked to it.

    Yes, they are, although I think moon itself is a sprite pinned to the celestial sphere. What can be done is make existing sphere transparent with exception of sun and moon and add a second celestial sphere, which would be somewhat static and hold stars on itself at night. I have no idea how minecraft works with this code-wise and if there any hooks for this in forge.


    Or just make so skybox doesn't move at all and it's the sun and moon who moves. Which could be doable as there're definitely some sort of coordinates for moon to be on and they can be changed dynamically.


  11. They are not black. They are both invisible for the human eye, except some aislated cases -there are some people who can actually see ultraviolet along with the normal colours, pretty much the opposite to daltonism-

    That's not true. Color resembles the lightwave lenght that particular object deflects. Other lenghtes are absorbed. White object deflects all lenghts, black object don't deflect a thing. And since ultraviolet egg does not send your eyes any laightwaves they can react to (if you're not that reverse-daltonic person), the object you see will be black. Now, this doesn't mean this egg will not emit light when heated to accordingly high temperature.