Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Rykaizer

  1. New to mod graphical issues?

    Hi I am having an issue with any of the current releases of TFC, where once I create a new world the part of the world almost blink or flashes it's a steady pace blink/flash that kind of reminds me of rave lights entire sections of chunks just go completely blank and at random intervals my entire screen will blink. It happens most when moving the camera to look around but steadily blinks when standing still. I have done all the basics suchs as uninstalled and reinstalled TFC I even tried TFC as the only mod downloaded with Forge I am using forge version 1240 the newest release of forge i believe. (correction I have now tried the newest release as well of forge 1258) I tried downgrading to the forge 1236 and the problem still persisted, and gave me major lag with the 1236 as mentioned in brackets I went back to my original mincraft (explained below). Basicaly long post cut short I have gone through and tested as much as I possibly can I have even gone through older versions of TFC from TFC 79.6 to 79.13 and all inbetween, I'm at a loss but really would love to find a way to make this work. Also the blinking is random clipping through the world. Its not just a simple lighting Comp specs areGPU Geforce Gtx 780CPU Intel® Core i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHzMemory 16.00 GB Ram (15.92 usable)Current Resolution 1920 x 1080 60HzDriver Version 344.75 (currently fully updated which will probably only last till a few days... cause ya'know Nvidia.... x.x)Operating System Win 8.1Harddrive space 3TB from 2 Hard drives, To keep all my tests to try and make this work I downloaded two versions of Minecraft and Modded one with nothing but MC Forge 1236 and TFC (I tried to download the Fastcraft mod and anytime it was put into the version on hardrive E which was basics of the above mentioned it would instantly crash, It never got past the mojang screen so I attempted it without fastcraft and the lag was ungodly.)My original hard drive C version has Optifine, Harvest craft, forge 1258(now x.x) CMS, Mo creat, millinaire, chicken shed, GSLS shader/Seus shader, treecapcitator, bettervillages, biblio, BC, chisel 2, CCC, Damage indicator, decocraft, dragon mount, fairy mod, flesh2leather, Forestry, Fossils and arch, itemphysics, lom, mca, meteors, mo'bends, neiaddons, nomorerecipeconflict, NEI, Oceancraft, PChan3, Radix, Rei's minimap, Shaders mod core, stuffed animals, wild caves, xtra recipes... Idk if any of these cause conflict or not My original intention was to add TFC to these or rather my main game on drive c. but since that did not work i tried to test with the basic on drive e.I hope this is all the info you might need, for the record I have yet to actually have a crash or crash log, its litterly just the blinking xD so thats something right? I have just now allocated 4gb memory to minecraft, Even put my graphic in game all the way to ultra as well as all the way to low and it remains uneffected, It doesnt seem to be graphical, nor inrelation to anything I have tested whether mod, graphics or ram related, I have even tried coding some changes into minecraft config files and put them back to original. I am truly at a loss of what could be causing this... My only hope is someone else has had thiss issue before and found a solution Lol.
  2. New to mod graphical issues?

    Thank you for your responses sorry it has taken me a bit to respond, A few notes:@Admin I never actually had a crash, my game has not crashed once except for with minecraft with forge, and fast craft (no added mods except forge and fastcraft I never got fast craft to work as the game will not load with it at all. Fastcraft is what caused the crash not forge.) That issue aside Minecraft never crashed I am just having this issue where parts of the world flash at me and or blink the chunks are there but they turn all white and flash, The game itself has never actually crashed. I did note that I had an incredable about of lag with 1236 However never crashed I found out that with 1236 people have experianced memory spikes that causes an incredable amount of lag but I since allocated my memory ram to 5gb so minecraft does not come up with errors about low memory and that helped the lag signifcantly. The blinking still exists. As for the other mods I had hopes to run some with the other mods but had no doubt there would be compatability issues so I tested which mods would work with TFC and which would cause compatability issues and removed the mods that caused issues and Terrafirmacraft runs smoothly and fine, except for the blinking... I am not sure where the flashing/blinking comes from.@terex I have two versions of minecraft so I could test between the two files from the two drives, I had minecraft basic the original downloaded version unmodded on my drive E that I use for testing purposes so if I download mods and something like this happens I can hop into the unmodded game to see if the problem is with minecraft itself or is a mod related issues, once determined to be a mod related issue I use that basic version on drive E for testing by downloading the mods I am using on my main version of the game on drive c as I download each mod and put it into the game one at a time on drive e i load up a game and run around and see if the problem I am currently having is still there that way I can determine out of the above list of mods if one of them is causing the issue I am having. this is also how I test compatability So I do not do any permenant damage to my main game on drive C, I test on drive E first.I dont have an issue with my minecraft on two drives nor think thats an issue I mentioned that above to in my previous post that I had done extensive testing and used an unmodded version on a seperate drive to test what steps had been done to cause the issue and see if I could recreate the issue on the test version on drive e (when I am done testing on my drive e I remove it and reinstall it as a basic unmodded when needed to test another issue.) So in my above mentioned I mentioned I had tested just the basics on drive E of Forge with TFC only to see if the problem would recreate ergo I downloaded the unmodded version from the mc website onto drive e went into my settings and made sure it formed a entirely new version and directory onto drive e instead of drive c so I had two versions of the game instead of one linked on two harddrives. Then i downloaded and installed Forge, Followed by Terrafirmacraft, only loaded that version of the game and ran around to see if the blinking and flashing would still happen or if caused by another mod mixed with terrafirmacraft sadly to say it still happened (note: TFC and forge only optifine was not in that version nor was any other shader or mod yet the blinking persisted outruling it to be caused by optifine or another mod.)As mentioned to the admin I allocated 5gbs The launcher worked for me it took a bit of doing but I got it to work.I hope this provided a bit more clarity to my above post sorry if I game some confusion?Conclusion: I removed terrafirmacraft from my minecraft uninstalled it and reinstalled it as well as some of my mods and started fresh I am still having the blinking without terrafirmacraft and with the very basics of the game the only thing I have installed atm is Forge, Fossils and Arch GSLS and SEUS the blinking was still happening I have now for the third time uninstalled it and am just going to play MC in the 1.7.10 version from the mc launcher on its own without forge without mods to determine if I can recreat it in that. This has turned out not to be directly caused by terrafirmacraft as far as I can tell, am not sure what is causing it on that note Admin I would greatly appreciate it if you could or would be willing to leave this thread open in hopes someone else who has had this issue might respond and tell me what could be causing it. It is very odd. My husband is even stumped LOL, That doesnt happen with these types of things. The only reason it even seem connected is I have not had any issue like this until right after i download Terrafirmacraft it seemed to only show up after so I am completely at a loss as to what could have cause this to behave so strangely. The only thing I did different was download TFC, only to find out its not caused by TFC so I dont know what causing it or why its happening, I know its not a graphics card issue, as My graphic card performs flawlessly in other areas, Hec I have Skyrim modded out the wazoo and have never had graphical corruption. So as stated am at a total loss and any help would be appreciated. I even googled it and it turned up with no results.