Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Higgins909

  1. Why does sluicing work that way?

    I've quickly became disapointed when my sluice boxes where all overworked... like 5 mins and they where done, only got 2 minerals or something. what I really want to ask, is why don't they work like this? some sort of gravel/sand tester for minerals/gems/ores (no idea if sand works like gravel) ... I've noticed different gravel types, different types should yield different stuff, and be located in different areas. You should be able to setup some epic sluice box base and never have to move it... just go places and find gravel/sand and run it though... one thing I didnt like was having to be right next to a water source, and it could be broken by a greifer or something? by replacing all the water source blocks with gravel/dirt... and you gotta move that whole setup to a new water source? gold panning should work in a similar way, possible even be able to test what gravel is there. ... is that the idea? constantly moving the sluice boxes? What are your thoughts? some other thoughts I don't think the kilm fire counts down when you log out, and maybe when you leave the area? logging out resets the sluice box gravel, and changing time glitches the water/gravel sluice changing time can also kill you, by removing your food and water, possibly heath too. I sat there for about 5 mins almost, trying to kill a skelly, I gave up. stone javalin did nothing... (what it felt like) I think thats the only weapon you can have in the start? Yes I was on a server.
  2. Why does sluicing work that way?

    Low effort? high output? Freebies?!?!? yeah right... going to mine gravel is just about as hard as mining copper... with sluice boxes I'm lucky if I can get 4 items b4 the chunk is useless... and thats where you filling em up emptying em finding more gravel, finding new chunks. Sorry but the chunk limit system its just silly. the output of the sluices could be nerfed. right now, ive been taking a break, as I found it silly hard to find copper. what is wrong with the idea of having to go get different types of gravel, bring it back to the sluice base, and process it? sounds pretty relistic/fun/right to me.
  3. Why does sluicing work that way?

    speaking of slucing, while using the box, its very hard to find copper? but I can pan right next to it and find copper fairly easy? i've found some other stuff like gems, but not copper :/ which I need.
  4. Why does sluicing work that way?

    That's a bit of a bumber about chaning time, I dont like the dark that much XD I didn't know that about weapons. I heard hammers where more dammage, but I didnt think a javelin would do nothing to it. If I had map writer, it would be easy to keep track of chunks that i've used/have prospected, but its only 1.7.2 :/ what do you do to keep track? I'm not sure I would care too much, if they made it a bit harder for gravel to have a chance of materials, if they made it work like that. but I bet a few here have been diving for gravel right? its not all that easy. I was wanting to Gold Rush it up (tv show), but found it don't work like that. I'm finding it hard to get enough copper yet, to leave the sluice boxes for mining.
  5. I read in the buglist and in the change log, talking about having slucing things added n tweeked... so I download it, get my server running it etc, and find out I cant make a bowl?.. to make a gold pan. [1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- is what my jar file says. I was able to spawn a gold pan in, and it seems to pickup stuff as long as its out of the water, like my last postish. but spawning stuff in isnt how I roll... Thanks, Higgins909
  6. [Solved] panning not working .78.17

    So I tried the latest a month or so ago, and panning was broken... so they mod was basically broken. (I tried looking around for copper bits and never found any... hours wasted) here I come again, and tried .78.17 both on SP and MP I made a gold pan by taking knife and log making sticks to 4 sticks in table = bowl, bowl in table = panning bowl thing. now the problem is that when I right click on gravel or dirt in the water, nothing happens... whats going on? Thanks, Higgins909
  7. [Solved] panning not working .78.17

    Where are these rules?... I've got that working, but now making a sluice box don't seem to work... E E stick E stick plank stick plank plank.. think I typed it right. in the latest, has sluiceing been fixed? how would you even play this mod without sluicing?