Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ElvanIV

  1. i wonder what bioxx would think about this?
  2. Log Pile Mechanics

    didnt see that thread O.O and thx for excusing it *^.^ it is exactly like mine, and for the same purpose, i was getting logs for my charcoal pit, and it was so tedious, just artificial difficulty lol, but yeah, your right, this is just a game, and a more realistic version of the base game, you see where im coming from?
  3. Smoothstone?

    that hammer, that one huge key component, the thing i was forgetting to put in my hotbar thanks, works now, and makes sense.
  4. Smoothstone?

    That method of getting smooth stone doesn't work in build 60, is there an alternative way to get smooth stone?
  5. TerraFirmaCraft install guide for 52e

    i followed every guide, and there are still people having problems, i already had a mods folder, but for some reason, when i didnt run between EVERY step, it would fail and crash, dont ask me why, it just did, and i HAD to run between steps, or it would crash.
  6. I had trouble installing 52e, if anyone else has a problem after reading below, message me, i'll help you. I spent 8 hours trouble shooting, and i finaly got it, install in this order first install Forge, delete meta inf from your minecraft.jar and then drop ALL the Forge files in your .jar you want to get its down the page a little bit. RUN YOUR CLIENT!!! once you close your client, player API currently 1.7 Again, drop all the files into your .jar RUN YOUR CLIENT!!! get the universal, click the adfly one, it supports the dev's Drop that .zip file into your mods folder in your .minecraft you're now good to play Any problems, feel free to respond to this thread, i'll help you the best i can. i'll only be watching this thread for a couple days tho, so a month from now, don't expect to get a reply.
  7. Black screen after Mojang

    i'll be setting up a server tomorrow, you're all welcome to come play if you don't already play on a server, and if you're not going to be a murderer or a thief.
  8. Black screen after Mojang no clue what went wrong.
  9. Black screen after Mojang

    FOUND A SOLUTION, used forge opened minecraft, and ran it to start menu, closed it installed Player API 1.7, ran it to start menu, closed it dropped zipped file (TFCraft universal core B2 Build52e) in mods folder, ran it, runs fine. WHY I HAD TO RUN IN BETWEEN EACH STEP IS BEYOND ME, its completely stupid, i have installed in that exact order several times previously, but it never got past the mojang screen until now, but it worked.
  10. Black screen after Mojang

    tried yet another tutorial: http-~~-// Error i got
  11. Black screen after Mojang

    i read to keep meta-inf before last post, so i reinstalled from a fresh jar, and it gets stuck at updating minecraft done loading screen, like when you install a normal mod and forget to delete meta-inf, so im at a loss.
  12. Black screen after Mojang

    so, following this video: i do not get a download for TFC_game or Guava anywhere, cant find a reliable install guide anywhere, even here on the forums. the only download is a universal download that doesnt have texture guava or game folder in it.......what do i do? the above doesnt have TFC_game or Guava or Texture.
  13. Black screen after Mojang

    i reinstalled following the instructions very carefuly, again, the problem only occured when i put TFC mod in the mods folder. i used multimc this time. EDIT: Found one of the problems, the link to forge i was using was old, but now that i have installed the proper version, it is getting stuck at updating minecraft, dont loading. yes i deleted meta-inf and i also tried without deleting meta-inf, really desperate to play.
  14. Black screen after Mojang

    zombe. but its not in the jar, i uninstalled it.
  15. Black screen after Mojang

    it is my first time installing TFC, but it runs fine until i put the mod into the mod folder... any indication what could be wrong? do i need to extract the zip to the mod folder or leave it zipped? i wasnt sure on that.