Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ElvanIV

  1. do you double click the server you're trying to join or click it and clock "join server"?

    i get this error when i double click, or when the connection times out, but usually when the connection times out it gives me an error.


  2. I really like this, but i dont understand the kiln part, do you mean an explosion like a creeper? or TNT? does that happens in real life?

    I think that clay could have more uses than the only one it has now.

    PS: PLZ PLZ PLZ!!! take bricks back, i miss my brick houses =(

    Does it literally mean Explode or do you mean the item gets destroyed?

    "The purpose of wedging is to remove all air pockets and holes which would cause a piece to explode in the firing; to eliminate foreign matter such as nails, cloth, and leaves; and to secure an even consistency. Never use un-wedged clay."

    and the way he explained it, there are consequences for failing (EDIT: not failing, but forgetting, or neglecting to wedge) to wedge your clay in game. In real life, the result is not so dramatic, but in game it would cause a real penalty, though i think it would be better to reduce the destruction to the 4 pieces touching the un-wedged.


  3. I've been playing without SM, but as i said before, i built my house on a mountain, but i guess until tfc 70 im going to have to use ladders.


  4. I'm using forge with pAPI 1.0 and Smart Moving, for modloader, 11.8

    together with TFC, build 69 ;)

    Has some other mods as well, but aren't important to your question.

    Edit: Forgot tfc version.

    thank you, waited all night for a response, can finally climb back up to my house which i put on a mountain.

    EDIT: didn't work.


    player API 1.0

    And build 69

    and tried 11.9 first, then 11.8, neither worked.


  5. Make sure you're running the proper version of forge.

    If TFC and SM aren't using the same version of Forge then you might not be able to use them together for now.

    That's what i feared, not sure which version SM is currently using, but it seems likely that that is the issue. Thank you guys for your time.

  6. the mod doesnt even show up in the mods section when i click the mods button in my minecraft, it should say i have 9 installed and active, it only has 8, smart moving doesnt even show up on the list of mods, but the zip file is there.


  7. Pretty sure this has been suggested plenty of times. Maybe not always in its own thread, but the idea has come up before.

    The big problem though for proposing this sort of thing, as has been pointed out many times, is that most of it is already decided upon. Tweaking terrain generation is one thing, but re-introducing hard-coded biomes is quite another.

    Ecosystem / biome... yes there are technical differences, but not necessarily differences that fit the model TFC has to work with. I'm not sure that this is different than asking for more biomes? If this is not the case though, I will happily rescind the comment.

    I still suspect we'll end up where this thread did after I railroaded it at 106.

    i believe he was more focused on the creatures living in that environment and how they interact, as opposed to the biomes themselves. "An ecosystem is a natural community organisms living together with nonliving components and elements essential for life" the environment is equally important as the organisms living in it, but i did look at that other thread you linked, and you had relevant points. if you still disagree after my explanation of what i think sda intended, i'd love to discuss it further with you.


    Right... but that is exactly what I proposed in the post that I linked to. A completely adaptive ecosystem, where plants and animals are constantly adapting to the local conditions and to each other. It was agreed the idea was more fitting for its own game, so I've been writing about the concept over here, however I do still intend to come up with a simplified version of it for TFC. I have been advised that it is very unlikely to be implemented though because most of this is already set.

    I was just reading through the game you linked, and it's pretty well thought out idea, the kind of game i have been looking for since i started playing games years ago, the kind i wanted to develop back in my younger years but have since lost the ambition.

  8. Since the bug report page is down, i guess i'll put it here. I don't know if its on any other build or on single player, or if its known already, but i was playing on my server and i noticed, if you dig the dirt from under a sapling such as sequoia or ash or white cedar, you get both that sapling and an oak sapling.
