Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by meganukecreeper

  1. Have you already been whitelisted on the server? Yes

    What role are you applying for? Butcher/miner

    What experience do have in this role? it's what i mostly do when i play FTC. It's wat i like the most, from TFC ore generation finding to slaughtering piggys

    How often can you be online? monday/wedensday/thursday 3/4 hours, tuesday about 1 hour, and can log from friday to sunday in rare ocasions


  2. i have both and i'm very interested. i'm a great miner, and i know a lot of the TFC farming way. But i have a suggestion: if you could make the server in a stable modpack Bbdoubs (youtuber) is about to release: Attack of the B-team sticks and stones. is basicaly optimized in fps rate and have a couple of mods wich doesnt add content such as nei, nei pluggins for TFC and smart moving, apart from adventurers map. Watever, if you play "vanilla" TFC or the B-team odpack, ill be glad to join you. :D


  3. One of my "dumbest" deaths wasone i had when i re-log in TFC after i did a break and stopped playing since 1.5. i just relog and created my new world, made my stone tools and took A LOT of streach to make myself a little bit of a base were rest at night and wait inside untill daytime. I didn't know nor realise now streach blocks were transparent and mobs could go through. I'm just going to say arrow storm on me+ boom


  4. To hector: ok, ok i can make mistakes to. i didn't think of lead melting temperature, but your idea to make it for water transport isn't bad at all. And by the way, it isn't a troll face, it's a LoL face

    to bunsen: for further suggestions ill follow the rules (i didn't know they did exist) and you were right to

    i put the example of lead as the material of the casting channels, but the main idea i wanted to show is the channel by itself, and if i could add a use for lead in the way, perfect.

    please, the further replys to this thread, ill be glad if they could be about ideas to complement my suggestion or materials it could be made of, and not saying why am i stupid and laughing about my suggestion


  5. yeah but if you put it in a barrel must decay, becouse even if it's closed it can decay and if you think about is a little OP and not reallistic. My family had a farm IRL and i know how difficult is to face milk's decay if it's not esterilitzed


  6. I've been arround the forum reading posts saying that we should make ranged weapon affect skeletons, but has no sense, becouse an arrow can't pierce a bone, but a mace can break it. So i have some ideas along this lines:


    ·7 jute fibers in a crucible pattern= 3 Fiber sack


    ·Fiber sack+ Sand= Filled Sack


    ·Filled sack+ Stick+ Feather/Leaf Fletching in an arrow patterm= 1 Contundent Arrow


    ·Flint/Arrow Head+ Stick+ Feather/Leaf Fletching in an arrow patterm= 1 Piercing Arrow


    ·Knife (at least wrough iron) + Sapling= 1 Leaf Fletching


    Contundent arrows will deal extra damage when dealing with Skeletons and Endermans, And pearcing arrows are the equibalent to regular Arrows. Empty Fiber sacks could be used to carry powders and light and small items, with only 3 abailible slots.


  7. Corpse is right, but i think it could be cool too to have like diferent tiers of fishing nets and traps, one for like afk SLOW PRODUCTION fish traps, and portable fishing nets to cath fish alive and put it in water buckets (at least iron) to move em arround, and make them breedable with seaweeds


  8. It could be cool to make like casting channels to move molten metal outputed from the blast furnace into a crucible, and usually there where lead pipes like 100 years ago.


  9. Minecraft user name:



    Your Age:



    Your Time Zone:

    GMT +1


    Location Country and State:

    Spain, Catalonia


    Tell us a bit about yourself:

    I like mining and building, i love greech-roman culture, i like playing TFC and minecraft vanilla and modded in general. I have been server admin for server of a friend of mine, and mod for a voltz (it's a modpack) server. I'm quite mature for my age, and i hate the people who plays minecraft to troll/make impossible other player's live. i've been playing minecraft since BETA 1.8, modded minecraft since 1.2 and finally Terrafirmacraft since 1.4. This server looks great, and i hope i could be accepted!


    (personal info) i'm a 14 years old boy who is quite mature for his age, and i hate the people who plays minecraft to troll/make impossible other player's live. I live in Sabadell, a 100k citzens city near Barcelona. I go to Escola Pia de Sabadell wich is a preschool/elementary school/midle/school/high school were now i'm making the equibalent to 9th grade. I also know a lot of english, so that wont be a problem.


    How can you help us:

    I'm a great builder, at least building medieval/roman/greech/rustic big and small buildings. I can build from a giant barn to a little shrine, going through defensive walls to town halls. I also could help modering, and helping all the people in troubles, as far as posible for my odds. I'm also a great chisel sculpter and i know a lot of TFC info, and i'm great at minng/scavenging/finding ores/exploring


    Contact skype: Nilwars5 (i also have teamspeak)


  10. Whitelisting Application Form (Please apply in the comments below.):


    Age: 14

    Minecraft Username: Meganukecreeper

    Why would you like to join?: I don't like playing minecraft by myself, and all the other TFC server where full of trolls who made my life impossible. I really love TFC, but playing in singleplayer is a bit messy, and ths server looks really great.

    What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: I've played TFC in 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6, and it's one of my fabourite mods to play arround without other mods or add-ons. i've started playing minecraft at 1.8 beta and modded minecraft in 1.2.5

    Any additional information that would help your case:

    Skype: Nilwars5

    i'm mature for my age :P and have team speak too.


  11. Minecraft user name:



    Your Age:



    Your Time Zone:

    GMT +1


    Location Country and State:

    Spain, Catalonia


    Ga me style:

    I like mining and building, i love greech-roman culture, i like playing TFC and minecraft vanilla and modded in general. I have been server admin for server of a friend of mine, and mod for a voltz (it's a modpack) server. I'm quite mature for my age, and i hate the people who plays minecraft to troll/make impossible other player's live. i've been playing minecraft since BETA 1.8, modded minecraft since 1.2 and finally Terrafirmacraft since 1.4. This server looks great, and i hope i could be accepted!


    (personal info) i'm a 14 years old boy who is quite mature for his age, and i hate the people who plays minecraft to troll/make impossible other player's live. I live in Sabadell, a 100k citzens city near Barcelona. I go to Escola Pia de Sabadell wich is a preschool/elementary school/midle/school/high school were now i'm making the equibalent to 9th grade. I also know a lot of english, so that wont be a problem.


    what can you contribute?

    I'm a great builder, at least building medieval/roman/greech/rustic big and small buildings. I can build from a giant barn to a little shrine, going through defensive walls to town halls. I also could help modering, and helping all the people in troubles, as far as posible for my odds. I'm also a great chisel sculpter and i know a lot of TFC info, and i'm great at minng/scavenging/finding ores/exploring


    Contact skype: Nilwars5 (i also have teamspeak)
