Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Mark88fan

  1. Etho`s terrafirmacraft series

    Yeah and he even coded in an item that he couldn't find, which made me stop watching it. This mod is not for his type.
  2. Just spent and hour making a bronze helmet and boots. Gave up on 3rd stage of the boots so as to not throw my monitor across the room. I get making things harder to do and really like it, but making tools and armor on the anvil is I'm sure a game breaker for many people. Just my 2 cents.
  3. What pages should be updated first?

    Looks great, thanks!
  4. Is there a death penalty?

    I actually wouldn't mind it, but then again I play a lot of vanilla hardcore MC.
  5. Is there a death penalty?

    I thought you lost your skills at death, but I just died from a bear and still have my agriculture levels.
  6. Crippling lag in world

    Well I remember a few weeks ago updating java and of course I installed 32 bit instead of 64 bit. I suspect things will run much better now. Good catch Kitty.
  7. Crippling lag in world

    To keep from making a new thread I'll post my lag issue here. If I'm exploring, even in areas I've been in before, I always start getting continuous lag spikes with about 4 seconds in between them. I end up just restarting the game and it's fine. If I travel by boat, I can usually get game crashing lag. Is this normal? Only other mod I have is fastcraft. Also turned down my render distance to 8 chunks. System specs... Digital Storm Cooler Master 942, Intel i5 Quad core, Asus Sabertooth Z77 motherboard, 2 - Nvidia GTX 560
  8. Can't plant seeds. [Solved]

    Will placed dirt blocks gain nutrients over time?
  9. Is there a death penalty?

    Oh...I thought xp was useless. Thanks.
  10. So I had 2 pigs in a fenced in area, one was pregnant. Went exploring and tamed a wolf and brought him back to base. Made some rope next day and tied wolf to a post, then noticed my pigs were gone. Could the wolf have went over fence and killed them? Do you have to feed pigs regularly or they die? I really need to figure out what could have happened so as to not repeat this. Thanks.
  11. My pigs are gone, did my wolf kill them?

    Ok thanks. Do wolves only eat meat?