Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ottomic

  1. TFC + Archimedes = Awesome!

    Let's be honest, Terrafirmacraft is a mod that makes you walk. A lot. Even being extremely lucky with your initial spawn location, you will probably have to hoof it a good bit to get up to the iron age or even to your first night of sleep; and while sure, you can ride animals, sometimes even they won't cut it, and at the end of the day you will be left thirstily running away from monsters in the middle of nowhere. Worry no more, Archimedes has got your back! Presenting: The Fafnir! Named in honor of the guy who posted the Minetweaker script that make them both work, this baby has been built with my very own voxeled hands, toiling away at gold, iron and wool. It might not look like much, but trust me, getting that much wool is no easy task. Interior is pretty basic, but it has enough space to allow for a bed and a coffer, basically turning it into a flying house that I'm now taking around the world in search of easy metal deposits in the side of mountains. Word of advice: bear in mind that Archimedes Ships have an annoying propensity to clip you through them when dismounting, so always make sure you're close to the ground when dismounting. Other than that, give it a try! I think it works rather beautifully with TFC.
  2. Hi everyone, I've been TFC for a while a couple years ago, and I'm super excited to be back! Lots of stuff to try out and mod's still developing steadily. Awesome job With my return to Minecraft I also noticed the Archimedes' Ships mod which I really, *really* like, but I haven't found a definite answer about wether it works in TFC. I have seen a couple servers that do include both mods, but it's also mentioned that the Improved NPC mod is needed in order to get Archimedes blocks. I'm aware that this has very probably been asked a lot of times somewhere else, but I can't manage to find a single thread specific to this compatibility that gives a clear answer. So I would like to ask you: Do both mods work together? (I assume since both show as loaded in Forge) And are Archimedes blocks attainable through crafting? Many thanks!
  3. -___- Thanks. It's working now.
  4. I'd like this. I dunno how difficult it would be to implement, but maybe we could get the equivalent of a Rich/Poor variation on mineral layers, but for gravel?
  5. Torch Poll

    I have played with default configs but I will turn it off until we have an alternative. I would like to suggest implementing a gas lighting system? We could ferment coal in a barrel and connect said barrel to pipe blocks that could feed wall lamps. That would make extinguishable torches that need to be refilled periodically, without the tedium of having to light them up one by one.I'll try whipping something up myself, but I'm really doubtful I'll be able to do something decent.
  6. Getting an error when launching the game, gets back to the launcher. Pastebin of the error log: happening with the latest TFC/NEI/NEI+TFC plugin. Nothing else.
  7. You, sir, are awesome. Many thanks, rest assured I will name my first zeppelin after you
  8. So far I've been trying with raw wool and wool cloth and neither of them seem to work for the Balloon recipe. Gonna tinker around with NEI, minetweaker and CustomNPCs and update further on.
  9. No so far, but I'm playing it fair so it's gonna take a couple more sessions until I can upgrade to get an Iron ingot for the helm piece. Gonna hunt a sheep or two today so I'll try with the Floaters and Balloons as soon as I'm able, though.
  10. Many thanks for the quick response. I'll tinker and update on it.
  11. Creating a stone anvil

    That, or you can just start right-clicking every natural stone you see until one eventually turns out to be igneous. It's pretty much like clay: you're bound to find it sooner or later.