Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by pasty2k2

  1. Hi Bioxx, wicked mod man - still not found copper but its driving me on! Just wanted to let you know, animals move in b-53 now which is great, but they dont seem to make any sounds when being hurt for me (all other sound is working fine), and sheep are invincible in this regard. they "hurt" and run around but have infi health. Cows die, so not sure whats happening here. Almost ignornable, but beds... Just thought I'd let you know, if you need a log of sorts I can provide, though not sure if this would be logged in it or not... Cheers dude, n1 for the quick build by the way for 1.4.2, you're the man! pasty2k2
  2. little quick fix for the weird food thing, get a chicken, cook its eggs, they seem to feed the old hunger bar. i cant even eat a "Meal" ive made from steak n pork. tooltips are back though on the bright side - showing me the nutritional value of said meal is bugger all! definitely harder in the first few days for sure. in the changelog it says food increased to last 4 days, so... i think thats about right.
  3. Animals make no sound/sheep invincible, build 53

    They still make no sound, but something tells me they are getting new sounds and hes removed the old ones? I think I've heard a few new sounds, can't pin what they were from though.
  4. Animals make no sound/sheep invincible, build 53

    2 hit with a rock knife for me.
  5. Crash when eating a cooked porkchop in build 53

    aye but as you say there is a new food system on its way. also to cure the crashbug on exiting, dont exit to title - close minecraft entirely, red X it, and it doesnt crash. still saves so no prob.
  6. Animals make no sound/sheep invincible, build 53

    holy cow.. 1 hour later, build 54, sheep now die! BioxxSPLOSION! you get some donate moneys sir!
  7. Crash when eating a cooked porkchop in build 53

    what what, build 54 now?! Blimey harry thats quick... trying now! I should really check the changelog first
  8. Animals make no sound/sheep invincible, build 53

    spose thats a way around for now, don't suppose you're aware of any changes in ore spawn at all are you? cant seem to ever find any copper! debating whether to put up with the small bugs in 53 for now or continue with 52e...
  9. Crash when eating a cooked porkchop in build 53

    I get the exact same crash as yourself when exiting an instance, need to kill java. Just tested campfires and same as yourself, no heat level displays. cooked a steak, but it can't be eaten at all, as if its not food.