Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by oliverrook

  1. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I think I prefer the old planks. The new planks look like they have sides with an indent in the middle.
  2. Ok. I just had a topic deleted for what I believe is a personal opinion of the moderator. The topic was about clay generation. After my last post, which explained why I didn't think i was a priority, a moderator, who had given me a very rude reply about how I supposedly thought they should drop everything, deleted the topic. I think this is unfair and rude. (*I know I sound like a total ASS Hat, but still.*)
  3. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I live near a source of 4 different colors of clay. I think the 2nd one looks more acurate. The first one just looks to jagged and embossed to be wet clay.
  4. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I love everything! This is litterally the first hd texture pack that's not 32x that I actually think fits in minecraft! It's amazing! I disagree on low quality, this is amazing!
  5. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    If it helps, my faulty computer also lags heavily when the sound stops, and then continues at normal speed afterward.
  6. [CLOSED] B64 no sound

    I find that the music stops when opening a gui, what ever the gui is, and also when something changes in the main gui.
  7. Block Heads [0.79]

    Yeah. I don't think things look right when you go over 32 either, BUT there are many exceptions to this rule, such as the stuff like the minecraft city featured on Gamechap's channel, and the kind of things the voxbox does. But again, you have to be really good as a builder to make it look right, and the way minecraft generates terrain, HD texture packs just don't look right.
  8. Ores not showing up... Anywhere

    Actually, you don't have to find all 6 different points to triangulate to a 3-dimensional cube's center. All you need is 4 points. One in each of the farthest corners, aka 4 of the corners of a cube. This will give you an exact location of the ore, even though some might argue it couldn't make a cube (though personally, I've made formulas that dicate how to render a cube with 2 farthest points on different planes.) Anyways, you could still find the center with only 4 points. EDIT: I mean the exact center. And also, I'm not saying your way (Vegas) is actually worse. Mine is a much more redundant way to do it.
  9. Bug - 56 (Graphical - Minor)

    When relighting a fire pit, its texture turns into a kind of grey striped black surface. (No screenshot yet.)
  10. Bug - 56 (Graphical - Minor)

    No, it's not when a chunk unloads. I just had it happen in front of me during a sprite update.
  11. I was just playing on the new version. My hunger bar hadn't even gone down a quarter, and I was already taking damage. It was also doing the vanilla amount of damage.
  12. Bug - 56 (Graphical - Minor)

    I can't reproduce it now either. Don't know what happened. Also, is terrafirmacraft having trouble with optifine?
  13. This is mostly moot now thanks to b56. Thanks Bioxx! *^_^*

    Currently he has fixed many of them, but he still hasn't fixed the vanilla hunger thing. I hope he fixes that too.
  14. Yes. I haven't eaten any, but as I said, it still hurts at vanilla damage and level.Here's an estimated ratio: 875/1000 (current hunger, max hunger)