Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Ditto8353

  1. Until we develop a practical method for forcing two particles to become entangled, quantum computing will accomplish relatively little. However, once quantum entanglement falls under our control it will enable us to effectively abuse the properties of two entangled particles and properly utilize quantum teleportation to some degree of consistency. At that point private organizations with the proper funding will be able to put quantum computing to good use, but even then it will take a considerable amount of time for quantum computing to reach a state where it is cost effective for consumers or even government use.

    Quantum computing isn't going to magically transport us to a world of hologram communicators and space-time manipulators. As I see it, quantum computing is simply an inevitable step in order for the connotations of Moore's Law to hold true. At the time when quantum computing becomes publicly available it will likely be no different than the progress in computing power which we have continued to make over the past 70 or so years. There will be about as much hype as a new iPhone release.


  2. Shh shh shh shh......

    It's ok...

    I totally understand what you're getting at here. FTB would be way more fun, and epic, if its progression was more like TFC's progression. Gregtech helps a bit, but it would take a lot of work on greg's end to overhaul the base mechanics of the FTB mods in order to achieve anything near as fun as TFC.


  3. I'm 19. I can confirm in a Skype call or via picture of my driver's license hehe

    Lol it doesn't need to go that far. Why do you think porn sites can get away with a "Yes, I'm 18" button? Woo! Legal system!

  4. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I would like new players to be at least 18 years old. My friends and I are not kid-friendly. By only allowing legal adults to join us, we avoid various legal issues. And yes, I actually do think about these things, it's not JUST because I can't stand children.


  5. I think there is much organization to be done in the wiki before creating that kind of page.

    As the wiki is close, it's hard to do anything to improve it. I would like to make some edits, but I can not.

    There is a special thread to request access to edit the wiki.


  6. Hehe, I actually just had a long conversation with my main Terraria friend last night, one of the topics being whether or not to start new characters. We ended up at the same conclusion that you did, so this is good news. We'll have to get everyone's word that they aren't sneaking over any gold or anything from a previous character. I had to delete 24 platinum that one of my other friends brought onto the server last night (that kid just doesn't think things through).

    Anyways, in terms of who gets to join, I would like to do this first-come-first-serve, good ol' FIFO, but there are a few things I am hoping for which might change this.

    • I want everyone to be able to play together and not just play on the same map. That means having free-time around the same time as everyone else. I'm not going to write down a schedule of when we are playing, I just want to be sure that I actually get a chance to play with everyone that's actually playing.
    • It would be nice to have everyone in Skype, Ventrilo, or Razer Comms while we play. Currently I would prefer Skype due to the higher audio quality, but Ventrilo is also appealing as it would not require a group call to be remade constantly.
    • I would prefer to play with people that I have, at the very least, heard of before. It is difficult to trust new people to not destroy the map.
    In terms of how we would be playing the game, it will be extremely communistic, and as the server host, I will be your dictator.
    • Everything will be shared, with the exception of coins.
    • If you collect someone's coins after their death, it would be courteous to give them back, but no one will force you to.
    • Crystal Hearts and Mana Stars will be distributed evenly amongst the players currently online, if they want them. (Some players might not care about mana.)

      • If a player falls behind in health we will give them all of the Crystal Hearts we find once they are online, until they catch up. I don't want someone to feel punished for having a lapse in free time.
    • I want everyone's tools and armor to progress at the same rate, similar to how we will deal with Crystal Hearts and Mana Stars. I don't want people gearing up with full gold armor while someone else is stuck in iron. If you find a lot of gold, make yourself something, but don't leave the others behind.
    • I have pretty bad OCD when it comes to storage and organization. It's not as bad with building, but it is still there a little bit. I ask that you try to be understanding of this, and know that if I lose it, and completely tear down and rebuild the storage room, it's nothing personal.
    If you would like to play with us (even if you aren't sure if you are able to) please provide the following information:

    Character Name: (The name you think you will use. No pressure.)

    Time Played: (0 is perfectly acceptable. I like new players.)

    Time Zone: (Please give your relation to GMT. I am currently GMT-5 due to daylight savings. Outside of daylight savings I would be GMT-6)

    Free Time: (Just give a rough estimate, and use your local time.)


    18+: (We aren't exactly child friendly.)


    Character Name: Ditto

    Time Played: 360 hours

    Time Zone: US Central GMT-5

    Free Time: After 5pm and weekends.

    Skype: bobby.plude.8353

    18+: Yes

    If you don't feel comfortable posting any of this information, you may send me a personal message.


  7. The TerraFirmaCraft mod...

    • Requires that the player take time to learn the game, or quietly accept their extreme lack of knowledge.
    • Focuses the game towards a more believable progression of tools and technology, based loosely on reality.
    • Requires direct involvement from the player in order to accomplish most, if not all, tasks.
    • Requires that more thought be given to the management and collection of resources.
    • Generally results in a slower progression to a state of "end game"
    • Has no wooden tools.
    • Begins with the collection of small stones and sticks.
    • Requires an axe to chop trees.
    • Requires intentional collection of saplings.
    • Contains different types of wood/stone, and all are not created equal.
    • Forces the player to take additional precautions, most notably whilst mining.

    This is all I can think of, with my limited knowledge on the current state of the mod. I hope this helps. <3


  8. Nice builds. Somewhat similar to my current style of building, though I plan to change styles with the new patch release.

    Don't worry about scheduling at the moment, because the patch doesn't have an official release date at this time. It is rumored to hit around the end of May, but it's just a rumor.

    Currently Terraria servers are limited to 8 players. 3-4 of those slots are reserved for myself, 2 friends, and my lady. This may change by the time the patch hits, but as it stands, I am looking at bringing in 4 additional players. I haven't decided if I want to start with a new character or use my current one.


  9. I got Terraria when it first came out. Several friends and I played the hell out of that game and I loved every minute of it. After a long break we have started playing again, and a massive update is in the works. The update is rumored to release near the end of May.

    I'm curious if anyone else still plays and enjoys Terraria. It couldn't hurt to have more people to play with, especially when it comes time for Hardmode bosses. It's also just fun to talk about.


  10. Good morning and afternoon everyone.

    I have recently invested a questionable amount of money into audio recording equipment. The final components should arrive on Friday at the latest, which means I should be set up to record on Friday evening.

    In order to celebrate my new setup, and to test it before I start recording for YouTube videos, I will be streaming Friday evening and possibly Saturday and Sunday as well. I will most likely go live on Friday at about 7:00pm CDT (Central Daylight Time, GMT-5). That is 12:00am GMT.

    What I would like from you, is suggestions and/or opinions on what you would like to see me stream. Please do not make any suggestions unless you plan to watch my stream.

    Current Options (in order of preference):

    • Title [votes]

      • Notes
    • Skyrim [0]

      • There will be an abundance of looting.
    • Planetside 2 [0]

      • Great game. Again, I am not very good.
    • League Of Legends [1]

      • I am not good, and I haven't played seriously in almost a year. I would be playing with 1 or more friend(s).
    • Minecraft (Vanilla, FTB, TFC) [1]

      • Please keep in mind that I have no idea how late-game FTB works, and I haven't played TFC in several months.
    • Kerbal Space Program [0]

      • I am not very good, and I haven't played in a month or so.
    • Path of Exile [0]

      • Currently in open beta. I would be playing with 1 or more friend(s).
    • Diablo 3 [0]

      • Deckard Cain plays Diablo.
    I do not have all of these games installed at the moment. If I get at least one vote for any of these games I will begin installing them ASAP. Feel free to suggest games which are not on this list. If I do not own the game I will consider purchasing it for the stream.

  11. Let me try to explain...

    When you take a double integral, you are working in 3-dimensional space. Picture a table sitting in a dining room. The floor is the standard 2-dimensional xy-coordinate system, and the vertical direction, extending up from the floor, is the z-direction. The floor is the xy-plane, but the table can be represented by the equation of a plane, perhaps z = 3, assuming that the table is perfectly level 3 feet above the floor. Lets also assume that the table is 4ft by 4ft, and that one leg of the table is located at the origin (0,0,0). If you wanted to find the volume below the table you could simply multiply the dimensions of the table to get 4 * 4 * 3 = 48, but a double integral does the same thing. You would integrate 3 (the equation of the table) from 0 to 4, and then integrate the result from 0 to 4 as well (the 4ft horizontal dimension of the table).

    If you can understand that explanation, then it's easy to understand that a triple integral gives the hypervolume of a 4-dimensional object.

    What do you like to do in your free time?


  12. what are the three funny lines with an E under, that ditto posted?

    It's a triple integral, over the region E. However, unlike single integrals which are above a line, and double integrals which are above a surface, a triple integral is above a 3-dimensional region, which makes them awkward as hell. An integral of a function from x1 to x2 gives the 2-dimensional area between the x-axis and the function, from x1 to x2. Double integrals give you a volume, triple integrals give you... stuff...

    Posted Image


  13. So a couple people were asking for this in IRC.

    I found this buried in the Feed The Beast forums. It is a more advanced way to launch the server .jar which also sets several settings in java in order to increase server performance.

    java -server -Xincgc -Xmx4096M -Xms2048M -Xmn1024M -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=1 -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=2048 -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xnoclassgc -oss4M -ss4M -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=90 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:UseSSE=4 -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -cp "minecraft_server.jar" -jar "minecraft_server.jar"

  14. Oh, hello there.

    I needed a break from forums in general, so I vanished for a while. I ended up taking a long break from Minecraft itself. But I missed you guys, and I missed Minecraft, and I missed TFC. Also I missed Dunk, he's a cutie.

    I hope to become reacquainted with you all soon and to meet any new members.


    The Squishy Purple Badass

